• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Corsairs Ship Pack on Maelstrom Engine


Storm Modder
@Kenway1776: Quickest experiment of quick experiments:
           string sTownName = GetCurrentTownID();
           int TownGold = GetTownGold(sTownName);
           TraceAndLog(sTownName + ": Old Gold = " + TownGold);
           SetTownGold(sTownName, TownGold+100);
           TownGold = GetTownGold(sTownName);
           TraceAndLog(sTownName + ": New Gold = " + TownGold);
Make a backup of your PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Usurer_dialog.c file, then put attached file there instead.
Ideally use WinMerge to see what changes there are with your own copy.

Results can be seen in "compile.log" in the main game folder.
Every time you talk to the Loanshark, the town gets 100 more gold:

I heard you were interested in other foreign projects on the MaelStrom engine.
We have one project that might interest you - the Corsairs Ship Pack.
We are currently actively engaged in a major update to version 2.2.0.
If you are somehow interested in this, then let me know.
I got the latest version of this mod, but when playing with Peter Blood, there is a bug right at the beginning, in the part where you have to get the sword from the chest on the balcony, the character does not have access to the chest, it is just displayed on the screen that you do not need a key for the chest, but nothing happens, there is no way to get the sword.
I got the latest version of this mod, but when playing with Peter Blood, there is a bug right at the beginning, in the part where you have to get the sword from the chest on the balcony, the character does not have access to the chest, it is just displayed on the screen that you do not need a key for the chest, but nothing happens, there is no way to get the sword.
First, you need to get a key for the chest from a table downstairs.
Thank you very much for answering. Oh, there was a mistake in the translation of the game into English (I think that's what it must be) because the warning given on the chest is that it doesn't need any key, and the character who warns about getting the weapons in the chest doesn't say anything about the key, so I didn't even know there would be a key to get.