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Corsair Chimera Project


Sailor Apprentice
Storm Modder
I have recently noticed the existence of this project about which there is not much information.
I will share with you the little I have found.

Dangetsu Kami-sama: "
I'm developing my own game about the golden era of piracy in the Caribbean using Unreal Engine"

Corsair Chimera Project:


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Great find, this should not be confused with Corsairs legacy, witch is basicly building the same game but this time in unity..
Its pretty insane, so many groups rebuilding the same game, if they now all would work together on one..

Anyway, great find. i do have to add that the youtube link seems to have a typo, this is the real link

maybe they changed it.
They seem Russian.
I hope one of these many many projects will one day be comeplete..
It is true. I just checked that the link was not correct. Thanks, I already composed it with the one you give us.

thanks for your comment. I also hope it will result in a good game.
This one looks good. I don't really like the effect of the foam when the boat breaks waves but :rolleyes: I have seen worse
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Grappling is quite impressive tho, no loading scenes, just nicely included into sailing mode.
It is true. It needs to be polished but it's already pretty good. They seem to have made up their minds. At some point they will need a translation, if they continue.

Since I first saw it I was struck by the fact that the port work is quite similar to the work that has been going on in the forum version.