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Jack Rackham

ex train dispatcher
Quest Writer
Storm Modder
The Woodes Rogers quest really took too much of my time.
So I'm not sure if I'm going to continue/complete the story or not.

Anyway here are few very early screenshots of some new stuff. A godforgotten swedish colony and Blackbeard's tower...


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Possible burnout? I'm sure some players's ears have perked up at those screenies.
Looks very interesting to me! :onya
Don't burn yourself out though. :whipa

Still hoping to find some time to actually play your work myself. :facepalm
How many quests did you want to do to complete the storyline?
Your storyline is already pretty big so I think you don't need to do too much. A good solution would be to simplify what you'd like to finish. At least, these resources you made would not be lost.
Hello Bartolomeu, guess you're right: I have to simplify if I shall ever complete it.

The original very ambitious idea of what's to be in quest 2 is:

4 minor parts, each resulting in a map piece
1 part swedish colony/BB tower
1 part final alchemy

Each part should contain a puzzle and a scene from the real story of Blackbeard.
With the speed in which I'm able to produce a quest this would take about 2½ year.
2 years and half... In my opinion, it's toooooo long. :facepalm That's the better way to never finish your main quest. Try thinking about another solution but without loosing the resources you already made. Before November, I'll finish my both main quests you should finish your main quest this year too.
Yes I'll have to 'kill my darlings' :sad and finish it. :treas
Good luck with your main quests Bartolomeu!
By the way, about the last quest of the Bartolomeu' storyline, there is a secret passage between the Cartagena Town and the San Felipe fort. I was thinking a puzzle (but an easy one!! xD: ) could be interesting to find the key opening the passage. Seeing you're the master in this area, if you are interested in helping me (and time for that :? ) I can send you the missing locations of Cartagena + the story of this quest to give you an idea for the puzzle (as I said, it should be an easy one... We know the puzzles you made for your main quest took a lot of time...).
My quest took so much time that I didn't bother to play any other storylines or visit
all the locations in the archipelago. I'll be glad to help you if I can, but first I have to play the
Bartolomeu' storyline through to get the feeling... :nk
Are you sure you need to play all my main quest ?:facepalm I thought the story of the last quest + the missing locations could be enough... This quest is not still released of course in beta 2, I'm working on... The idea was to make a small puzzle to find a key for a secret passage.
Anyway, if you don't have time for making this small puzzle, no problem. The most important is to focus your work on your main quest first. :yes
Ok I try to jump right into the last locations. Could you please guide me/send what I need.

I'm looking forward to visit Stockholm Royal Castle. :d:
I'm also working, without any haste, on my new locations.
Thanks Jack :onya . In a few days, I'll send you all the files (missing locations + story of this quest + shortcut to start in Cartagena) . In order to understand better the storyline, you can check the wiki page...
There was an ambitious sounding newer member who expressed an interest in doing a Blackbeard storyline. Forget his name, but he started a thread over in "other". He had some pretty good ideas. Maybe if he's still onboard with his prospective project, he may have some use for Blackbeard's Tower. As for the Swedish colony, that would make a neat new and fresh quest for ToaSH. I could also potentially use the concept in my dream conquistador-filled storyline. I am always in search of new ideas.
As you seem to like my new locations I feel more and more for continuing...
The second part of WoodesRogers is about the story of Blackbeard. (very free)

Teach exchanged 6 mappieces for pistols. You have got 1 piece already.

Israel Hands got one but when he was shot in the knee by Teach, Stede Bonnet stole it.
Later Bonnet, Herriot and Pell ended up in prison. Bonnet bribed himself and Herriot out
using the mappiece. If you can find the prison and Ignatius Pell you'll get a clue..

Charles Eden got one but he's dead. You have to search he's plantation, then find out
(from Hands) that there is a secret passage from the shore to the main building.
Later you get to know the owner of the next plantation Tobias Knight bought Eden's.

Caesar got one just before the last battle. Where is that sloop now? Maybe Lieutenant Maynard
knows and where on the sloop did Caesar hid the mappiece?

Richards got one but got sick and gave it to his sister who is a nun in a monastary. You have to
find that location and persuade the abbess to give it away. How?

Johnson got one. Maybe you already figured that one out?


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There was an ambitious sounding newer member who expressed an interest in doing a Blackbeard storyline. Forget his name, but he started a thread over in "other". He had some pretty good ideas. Maybe if he's still onboard with his prospective project, he may have some use for Blackbeard's Tower. As for the Swedish colony, that would make a neat new and fresh quest for ToaSH. I could also potentially use the concept in my dream conquistador-filled storyline. I am always in search of new ideas.
That is JackSparrow1 - I am working with him on his quest right now.
There was an ambitious sounding newer member who expressed an interest in doing a Blackbeard storyline. Forget his name, but he started a thread over in "other". He had some pretty good ideas. Maybe if he's still onboard with his prospective project, he may have some use for Blackbeard's Tower. As for the Swedish colony, that would make a neat new and fresh quest for ToaSH. I could also potentially use the concept in my dream conquistador-filled storyline. I am always in search of new ideas.
That is JackSparrow1 - I am working with him on his quest right now.

Tell him that if he is interested, I could provide some creative support. Back in 2010 when I first started here, I outlined some quests for a Blackbeard storyline I was considering working on (but the Spanish concept got better critical reception)
Those are indeed some really cool screenshots again. I especially like the spyglass and the rope bridge leading to the tower. :woot