Also, I manage to create a quest at random, any shipyard you enter, the npchar appear there so they can talk to the player for the quest. I would like to be able to teleport the pchar back to the pier next to the row boat in town but the problem is that I don't know where the player will trigger the quest. Is it possible to do a check to see in witch town the pchar is, so it can be teleport at the pier?
I manage to fix this one with this coding:
Code: = GetCurrentTown() + "_town";
DoReloadCharacterToLocation(, "reload", "reload1_back");
bDisableFastReload = true;
I guess it will work for now, I wanted to force the player to leave town, that's the reason why I want to reload him at the cabin. I Manage to disable the fastreload, so the player doesn't teleport back to that area but he still can walk to the place. I know there's a command that close all the doors for the store, shipyard, tavern, usurer ect... But I don't remember witch one it is, you guys know this code?