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Need Help Coat of Arms ?


Out of curiosity... ;
Has anyone found the file(s) related to the Coat of arms used for modifying your sails(trough the shipyard).

I've been scrolling trough all of the .tx, and I just can't find it, it can't be in the //models, can it ?
It's nothing more than a colored emblem after all...

It's time to give those sails some actual "Badassery" :pflag
Nice guess tho :p
But the //net folder doesn't exist

Double-checked //flag, //ships, //interface(it may sound weird, but it has more than I thought), still nothing.

They compiled the "majority" of their texture in the main folder, that's a pretty exhaustive list to go trough. *Sigh*
I'll dig trough it again later.

Any tips on the file name from COAS or POTC(I assume?) ? They probably renamed it... but who knows !
I will search in the game files and answer when I have the time.

That is, if someone doesn't find them before me.
Not flagall.tga.tx I suppose...? :unsure

//flags/flagall_ship_b.tga.tx contains only nationality flags :no

No, they are in: RESOURCE\Textures\Ships\Gerald

And they are separate files.

But on the other hand, @The Nameless Pirate, right on the spot, they were in the texture/ships/Gerald... what an odd name, sorry for the bother :oops:

Who would've thought, hiding coat of arms in a subfolder near all the hull texture...
Time to make some new Gerald !:pflag
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Strange place indeed to relocate it. I should be among the sails textures, but I guess they cramped those in with the ship textures as well. Anyhow, good that they're found. Thanks @The Nameless Pirate!

(I wish new developers would stop shifting the file structure of the game series around all the time. It would make everyone's job so much easier.)

"Gerald" is "herald" in either French or German, if I recall correctly -- that is to say coat of arms.
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I wish new developers would stop shifting the file structure of the game series around all the time. It would make everyone's job so much easier.
Oops. Today at work I swapped out one network folder name with another.
Already got one remark about it before I even left the office. :wp

Worst part is... I still think it was the right thing to do. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
But of course I wasn't changing it for the sake of changing it.
It was an important folder and I wanted it to stand out more compared to the semi-random stuff surrounding it.
It was an important folder and I wanted it to stand out more compared to the semi-random stuff surrounding it.
Good idea when you're the only person working with it, and before the file/folder structure is shared with everyone. Not a good idea if this is already a shared folder that other people are working from as well. You would need to send a polite notice to everyone that the location has been changed, with a reason why -- and even then some people would be affected and annoyed/upset that the change has been made.

Once a directory structure/system is shared, it should not be changed on anyone's whim, except by an official change for all. That means even if the current structure seems nonsensical.

(Don't worry, I've learned this the hard way, too.)
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Good idea when you're the only person working with it, and before the file/folder structure is shared with everyone. Not a good idea if this is already a shared folder that other people are working from as well. You would need to send a polite notice to everyone that the location has been changed, with a reason why -- and even then some people will be affected and annoyed/upset that the change has been made.

Once a directory structure/system is shared, it should not be changed by anyone's whim, except an official change for all.
Hehe; well, in this case, I've always been the main person working with it (and am even the person who set it up).
Slowly but surely other people have started using it too and I want that to continue, but to do that I really needed to do a cleanup and make it more non-Pieter friendly.
Which ended up suggesting a folder rename so in the future it can be more easily found.

I did make sure to also update the references on the, by now somewhat familiar Wiki page.
So at least people do have a chance at finding it.

And also... communication at work is so non-existent that getting complaints would actually be a plus.
In fact, with a bit of luck this will give me an indication of who actually make use of it.

Eventually I want to set up a proper mailing list and perhaps user group of sorts, but it's still very much in the developmental phase.
(In a company that does NOT seem to comprehend how efficient development works at all. :wp )