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Solved CoAS Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman walk (FIX)

So it looks like you file sailor points is different then the one give above so Ill try yours i am currently reinstalling Coas then Gof 2 and the patchs and will see if it works.
Unfortunately i uninstalled everything then re installed coas and did everything in the order you said and still no luck i went in the sailorpoints and replaced the cursed dutchman and black pearl and still the sailors float. Was there anything else you did to get it to work or no?

I captured the Black Pearl and noticed the floating sailors, came here and got the fix, installed it and it worked.

Here is the sailorpoints file right out of my folder.


  • BlackPearl1.ini
    2.1 KB · Views: 253
still no does it have something to do with starting out as jack sparrow maybe like with the fact when you do that the black pearl replaces the ship you start with
No, it has nothing to do with the storyline. This is about changing files in the ship model.

Either you have a different Black Pearl model than I do, or the sailorpoint files are not getting into the sailorpoints folder properly.
Ok when i reinstalled gof i did the online version so it should be the same one as you. ill try again but maybe would you be willing to upload your coas files because maybe the ones I have were messed up or the online ones I downloaded. Thanks for your help so far.
You already have the sailorpoints files and the BP is too big to upload here and my Dropbox is still down because it gets too much traffic. It is the one in GOF2 anyway.
I figured it out I redownloaded everything completely even gof 2 and it worked somehow when I downloaded it before I was missing files I guess so now it works. Thanks. If I have any further issues or questions ill let you know but again thanks for all the help.