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Solved CoAS Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman walk (FIX)


Sanka Da Vinci
Storm Modder
If some of you noticed, The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman walk files are a lil bad, There is more work to do with them but here is a small fix version of the walk files
Goodspeed :pirates


  • Walk Files.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 325
Cool, thanks! Not playing CoAS myself, I'm not sure what was wrong with them, but better is always better! :onya
Thx, it was just the floating sailors on the pearl and sailor getting inside the hull on the dutchman
The boarding crashes have been eliminated with Amplificar's fixes. For me at least. Yesterday I went to Cozumel and boarded and captured the Man O' War Sovereign of the Seas and the Black Pearl with no issues. Well, outside of almost getting my silly self sunk........... :pirateraft
Which fixes are those again? They're the Corpsemode setting, right?
I never even SAW that thread! Well, I saw the thread title, but apparently never read it due to lack of time. :facepalm
Well guys, thx anyway, im goin to test that thread and i thought that the corpse thingy was nothing to do with it just bc my game crashes when the enemies npc gets closer.
I normally have 3 officers with me at all times. How big are the ships you are sailing? If all of your ships are tier 1, then you are more likely to have problems.
The Heavy East Indiaman is one of my favorite ships and I have no problems with boardings with it. I have successfully boarded a Man O' War with a 3rd rate battleship, both of which are larger ships.

One other thing. Do you have the American or European version of POTC?
The Heavy East Indiaman is one of my favorite ships and I have no problems with boardings with it. I have successfully boarded a Man O' War with a 3rd rate battleship, both of which are larger ships.

One other thing. Do you have the American or European version of POTC?
European. Its the spanish version
ya the file above did not work with when I start as Jack Sparrow and get the black pearl the sailors still float the version of GOF I am using is 2.0 with the two released patches
Then you are doing something wrong. I used that file on my GOF2 install and it works. That is why I stickied this thread.
start 2014-12-18 10-31-33-81.jpg
I think it is because I have a different version of the black pearl could you maybe send me your version and how to put it in the
got v2.0 please. I followed the instructions i put the two files in the sailor points and replaced the ones already in there. Could it have something to do with starting out with the black pearl instead of capturing it or buying it
question is it possible that because I deleted all GOF files for v 2.0 and then reinstalled it and then the two patches and then after that the walk files or no is there a better way to do it.
MyGOF2 install has 2 Black Pearls. They are named BlackPearl1 and TheBlackpearl1. I do not know what the differences are between the two but they are different, and they have their own sailorpoints files.

Here is my copy for TheBlackpearl1. It goes in the sailorpoints folder just like the others.

The way to install is to first install COAS and make sure it works, then install GOF2 and then the patches and then the sailorpoints files.

How did you get your Black Pearl? I captured mine from pirates.


  • TheBlackPearl1.ini
    1.9 KB · Views: 267