any Chance we could put Pieter's new advanced options on a toggle?
The stuff removed you can get at in the usual files(Internalsettings.h etc) if you want to. I think the main aim was to remove confusion for new players coming to the game, we modders can always tinker behind the scenes for the fine tuning stuff, but 67 options, in an often non-logical order AND confusion over the interaction of some of the choices was why a strip down was decided upon i think. What options are you missing from the new menu? Wat do you need? I for example agree than maybe the blade mod is good to keep in as was? other than that it seems a big improvement.
[quote name='Pieter Boelen='1310874936' post='398865']
Thanks for your comments on the Advanced Options changes, Black Bart! I'm glad to hear you find it an improvement and we didn't lose too much.
Indeed that anchoring does sound a bit confused. The note on ransoming is because I decided to combine the two.
If you always automatically visit your ship deck, you use that for ransoming as well.
If you skip ship deck because of your settings, ransoming will be through the menu.
I thought that made some sense, though is up for debate of course.
Would you be willing to make your suggested text changes to \RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\SettingsDescribe.txt yourself and then post it?[/quote]
This is the text i get in-game in the new/current(patch 7) advanced options for anchoring:
1. When anchoring, you go to your ship's deck. From there you can go to shore
2. In the same way as in the tutorial
Prisoner ransom is done through the dialog in the cargo hold. You can hire captives as officers."
This makes it sound like option 1 is the one that allows you to go to the ships deck, but then so does option 2!
Looking in the \SettingsDescribe.txt you pointed me to, the text for this section is different from the in-game stuff i gave above, it is:
When anchoring, you go to shore. From port or bay you go to sea.
Prisoner ransom is done through the interface.
When anchoring, you go to your ship's deck. From there you can go to shore in the same way as in the tutorial.
Prisoner ransom is done through dialogue in the cargo hold. You can hire captives as officer.(edit typo: should be 'officers')
#when leaving land you'll also go to your ship's deck, unless you select 'Sea' command
That seems to be the old menu choice for anchoring not the new one(in which case where is my current advanced options getting that text for it's 'Anchoring' options?) and i would switch back to it to keep it clear on this option.
In general, I always go to deck before going to port(it seems 'unatural' not to!). And i got a wierd thing in my current game where by even if i select option 1 in the current Anchoring options, i go straight to port from anchoring and vice-versa. Even though the text description i get says i'll go to deck.
[quote name='Pieter Boelen='1310874936' post='398865']
I agreed with your suggestion on removing "Displaytime" when you first posted it and have removed it from my game version already.
Will be included in the next release.[/quote]
And that removal would cancel out the bringing back of either the seperate Ransom options or maybe more importantly the blade damage mod? Overall it's much neater, quicker to navigate and less confusing(bar the current anchoring thing).