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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved Cheat List

From Documentation\Default Key Assignments.txt:
 These only work if ENABLE_CHEATMODE is on
 at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h

Numpad 0 = Godmode
Numpad 1 = Officer 1 Fake Level-Up
Numpad 2 = Officer 2 Fake Level-Up
Numpad 3 = Officer 3 Fake Level-Up
Numpad 4 = Player Level-Up
Numpad 5 = Player Fake Level Up
Numpad 6 = + 100000 Gold and + 10000 Wealth
Numpad 7 = Cycle through reputations (increase/decrease reputation)
Numpad 9 = Trigger enemy attack (cheatmode not required)

For ship repair, open PROGRAM\console.c and remove the \\ in front of this line:
//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,pchar.ship.type,pchar.ship.name,-1,PIRATE,true,true);
Press F12 whenever you need your ship repaired or resupplied.

What character files do you want to edit?
All if possible..hehehe..pleeeaaasee?:cheeky teach me..
or jack sparrow and nathaniel hawk for now..
how to give specific characters items, ship, how to edit the items like weapons and guns so i can change the damage, reload time and number of bullets of the guns
You can do pretty much everything with the lines at the top of PROGRAM\console.c .

See our FAQ for specifics on how to get ships and character models; link in my signature. :doff
Is there a mod where there's not so many storylines or characters but with these new ships? Im very confused with this mod 14
there's no prerequisite with the mod 13? aye?
and does my Intel(R) HD Graphics card gonna mess it?

...maybe im not just ready for the mod14 yet..hehehe..
already downloading the mod13... .. .
can you give me codes 'bout the cheats of the mod13 sir? pls:p
and how to execute it....??

on the original version when im giving items, i just add the line like GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade18"); underneath
the ch.sex = "man"; line under the characters_init.c file.. i don't have any clue on how to and where to put and exicute them codes with this mod13

so, i wonder how to configure this mod 13..and please.. plus on how to give ships on me character. it ain't separate details or files with each characters w/c makes it more complicated now sir, aye? also if you may please..hehe:p suggest on how to edit ships to make it, hull and sail proof, with unlimited ammunition.. and how to edit the shipyard.. so i can can buy ships on me choice

with the original version, i edit the dialogs folder, learned it from other cheaters..hehehe
and is it the same like the original version when editing the Items?

p.s. how will i activate a god mode :cheeky

i do really need yer help sir! :yes
The cheats work the same in Build 13.

You can change the starting ship options in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .

You can put those GiveItem2Character lines in PROGRAM\console.c below:
void ExecuteConsole()
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
Replace the "ch" with "pchar" though. Load your savegame, press F12 and you'll get your stuff.
i'm confused, what will i change? should i put it below the "int i;" line?
and im confused with the internalsettings..pls help
void ExecuteConsole()
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
    ref ch;
    int i;
:ahoy just tried the b13 and it has the same prob with the b14 :(


  • system.log
    189 bytes · Views: 195
  • engine.ini
    665 bytes · Views: 209
  • BuildSettings.h
    13.9 KB · Views: 200
  • Build Info.txt
    66 bytes · Views: 206
You aren't going to get any cheats at all unless you get the game working first. Have you run all of the runme.bats?
yep..with the mod14, sir pieter boelen gave me a fix..and now i have the same problem with this mod13

I start a new game, loads, then exits..:(
I have Intel(R) HD Graphics card
at least 100GB Free space left
2 GB DDR3 Memory
also what exact code should i enter if i want to give items? and what do you mean by changing the ch to pchar? is it the "ref ch;" to "ref pchar;"?
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "item ID you want");
How do I edit my character's skill points, ability points and stats?:cheeky
Easiest: Just use the Level Up (or Fake Level Up) cheat, then assign your gained skill points in the game.

also, editing the items' max damage and min damage is very confusing compared to the original one. can you also teach me????:cheeky:cheeky:cheeky
Just change the values in the "Weapons-mod weapons definitions" table.