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Not a Bug Captured Captains shown 0 salary but in fact cost money

Where does it show that? Is it possible to repeat this?
And do you pay upon hiring or does it just add to the monthly crew payment?
The hiring fee and the monthly salary are fairly independent, if I recall.
You might be able to haggle down the price upon initial hiring, but as I remember it the monthly payment is level or skill based for each officer.
I think the F2>Character menu shows monthly salaries for each officer.

Where is the zero salary shown? Probably in his dialog, I imagine?
That would be either "Cabinfight_dialog.c" or "Prisoned_dialog.c" in the PROGRAM\DIALOGS folder depending on whether you hired him straight away or captured him first and hired him later.
Do you have a savegame?

Do you refer to captured captains (eg. prisoners in your hold and passengers in your interface) or ones that you actually hired as officers afterwards?
please give a savegame so we can check :).
here it is, i have quite a lot of hired-off captains.


  • -=Player=- Jamaica.7z
    609.4 KB · Views: 133
Just curious, you hire them as officer right so shouldn't they get paid also? Wont be able to look at it untill later tonight, also want to check out what kind of perks they have, when you hire them do you need to set them on a specific position or not? If not its possible what I was planning to add is actually added already and captains on ships have more perks avaible then normal officers already.
The captains get an officer type added to them when you hire them. Not sure what this is based on, though.

They obviously get skills generated when they are brought into existence, which is before you ever get into the fight.
I do not know if those skills get regenerated when you get to hire them, the "most appropriate officer type" is selected or they just get a random officer type assigned.
its one of the things I want to look into later. When they still are captain they should have the offic type for captain of a merchant vessel or navy or pirate, they all have diffrent perks assigned to them which they should be able to use also. But I also wonder what happens when you actually hire them. it would be nice if they keep the offic type they where before because it would make capturing captains more rewarding cause they can do more stuff :p.
Except that you cannot assign them TO that officer type. So if you ever change their assignment, you can never undo it.
Personally I figure that player officers should always simply be one of the normal types.
An NPC ship captain MUST multi-task for gameplay purposes because they don't HAVE officers.
But when you hire the captain, he doesn't need to remain "several officers in one", I think.
I think its reassigned already but dont know for sure.
The captain types are setup in a multitask way indeed, they know skills from all groups but often dont have the higher skills, only the first rank skills.
When I have some time I can actually look what happens, it just came at me today it might actually give you some nice officers :p.
So this is no bug cause it works like it suppost to.
So if I understand correctly: When you talk to the prisoned captain, he claims 0 salary. However, after hiring he DOES require salary.
This is NOT the same as immediately hiring the captain before prisoning him, because there he does mention salary right at the start.

If that is the case, I reckon it would be reasonable to have also a salary mentioned right away when you talk to the prisoner in your cargo hold.
Otherwise you can save some money by first prisoning the captain, the hiring him immediately after. Bit strange, no?