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Solved Capt Chevalle

Just North of Grenada.
I'm pretty sure it is marked on the worldmap now.
and instead, you can increase your reputation with england? Because I'm doing the quests of ammand: help the church and not the reputation Father Bernard does not tell me his problems. How do possibilime improve the reputation?
This is your reputation:

That is unrelated to any nationalities.

Or are you talking about your Nation Relations with England? I don't think the Church Help sidequests cares about your nation relations, does it?
If it does, buy Amnesty from an English governor.
Reputation is nothing to do with nations. And indeed, the "Help the Church" side quest (and the "Ammand" variant in "Jack Sparrow") doesn't take account of nation relations. The relevant condition in "Father Bernard_dialog.c" is
if (makeint(pchar.reputation) >=60)
which should pass if you're still "Matey". In fact, it should pass even if you're not quite "Matey" because the minimum for "Matey" is 65.
Before my report was matey, now I had to redo the Save Davy jones when he shot, otherwise I had the HP 1. Now my reputation is: (see attacked)


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Easiest thing to do:

These only work if ENABLE_CHEATMODE is on
at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h

Numpad 0 = Character: God Mode
Numpad 1 = Scroll Characters LEFT
Numpad 2 = Select Main Character
Numpad 3 = Scroll Characters RIGHT
Numpad 4 = Character: Level-Up
Numpad 5 = Character: Fake Level Up
Numpad 6 = Player: + 100000 Gold and + 10000 Wealth
Numpad 7 = Character: Cycle through reputations (increase/decrease reputation)
Numpad 8 = Disable worldmap storms and ships chasing you
Numpad 9 = Trigger enemy attack (cheatmode OFF) / Promotion (cheatmode ON)
TAB = Shotgun Mode: If you have a shotgun equipped in Fight Mode
ok. In part to "Cheat Mode" I replaced the 0 with 1 and so should go. But as soon as I press the numpad 7, nothing happens.
That would explain it. Your reputation is now Neutral, certainly not good enough for Father Bernard to trust you. You need to build it back up again.

There are several ways to earn reputation. Talk to people in the street. Some of them will ask for 20 gold in return for telling people how nice you are (+1 reputation); some of them will give some random tip and then drop their purse, then you tell them to be more careful (+1 reputation); but some of them will pick your pocket. Watch carefully; if you see a screen message that you feel enlightened then you're OK, but if it says you feel lightened then you've just been robbed. Talk to the person again - sometimes you can ask for your stuff back but offer them some gold to get started on an honest life (+2 reputation). (And then whack the robber over the head with a sandbag, then steal all your gold back as well as everything else he was carrying. If you're unlucky you're caught and lose reputation, but if you're not caught then you got the +2 reputation boost plus all his stuff. :rpirate) Note that these only boost your reputation to a certain level - you won't become Dashing or Hero by doing lots of little nice things like this. They'll certainly get you up to Matey, though.

Another good way to gain both reputation and melee experience is to go into someone's house, talk to the owner, scroll down to an answer line which is normally hidden, and tell them you're an expert swordsman. You can then guard the house for the night. Sometimes you'll have to fight burglars. Repeatedly. But eventually you're offered a reward, and declining the reward gets you +2 reputation. Also, if the house is a mansion (there's one in Speightstown and one in Bridgetown, for a start) then find the bedroom and talk to the lady there. Talk to her, say something nice and gain another +1 reputation. And then leave, because talking again won't get you more reputation!

Or you can venture into the jungle. If you're lucky you meet a woman being chased by three men wanting to have their evil way with her. If you're even luckier, after you dealt with the three men you get a reputation boost. (If you're not lucky you get some gold instead, which is nice but doesn't help you to become Matey.)
If Numpad doesn't work, make sure you do have NumLock en enabled on your keyboard.