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Bug Can't write posts


Storm Modder
I can't write normally, the text field just doesn't react at all. I wrote this post on my mobile cause on computer I can't. I've already sent an email to official PA adress, but got no reply. Please, help me.
P.S. Titles, search and logging in work ok.
That's really weird. It's still working fine for me.

What happens if you press the "More Options" button instead of trying to use the text-box at the bottom of the threads?
That's really strange. I had (still have?) a problem with one thread in particular, where I could no longer post replies for no apparent reason.
Are you unable to post in specific threads or forums only, or does it affect the entire site?
I wished I had any clue on this issue, but I don't.

However, did anyone else notice the site not working at all for hours and hours yesterday?
I did notice the site was down yesterday. Presumably it was a random blip, otherwise Keith would have said something. :shrug
We don't know; that's the problem. For the moment, I'm not sure what we can do about it. :(
Yeah, I thought I had some connection problems but all other sites were good, just this..man, I thought I'm the only who experienced that damn thing. :facepalm
Yeah, I thought I had some connection problems but all other sites were good, just this..man, I thought I'm the only who experienced that damn thing. :facepalm
Have you exactly the same problem, well, now I know it's not my fault.
Yeah, I thought I had some connection problems but all other sites were good, just this..man, I thought I'm the only who experienced that damn thing. :facepalm
Are you referring to the site's outage, or being unable to post like Fjx?

Have you exactly the same problem, well, now I know it's not my fault.
Whatever happened, it most likely isn't you're fault anyway. Seems to be a random glitch.
I've had a thought, so let's try this: I've added you to the Storm Modders group to see if that allows you to post again. Let me know if it makes any difference.
Google noticed the site outage as well:


http://www.piratesahoy.net/: Increase in server errors
Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs we could not access. It is likely that your server had an internal error or was busy when attempting to process these requests.

Recommended action

  • Check the Crawl Errors page in Webmaster Tools.
  • Check your scripts and script permissions.
  • Examine the log files on the server for your site for scripts or pages that might be crashing.
  • Consider addressing the load on your server.
Learn more in our Help Center.

I got that by e-mail, because the PiratesAhoy! YouTube account is connected to the main website now, so Google is apparently checking on it now too.
Interesting. Have you forwarded that to Keith?
I have now. Actually, I was going to but then I thought I'd post it here first. :wp
G'day Y'all.
Sorry for arriving late, I'll have a look see and I'll probably make a forum update but I need to find out of it will break the skin.