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Need Help Build 14 Progess: Help Requested and Required

How much would you be willing to support further development on the PotC Build Mod in 2017?

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I have tested the current 7 jan mod and it is working well on standard storyline (about a third of the way through).
If you're playing the standard storyline, please take a look at this:
Unconfirmed Bug - "Tales of a Sea Hawk": problems with Anacleto | PiratesAhoy!

Also, have you reached the part in which you take Rabel Yverneau's ship to Port Royale, and must first get out of French-controlled Speightstown with the fort shooting at you? If so, have you been back to Speightstown since? There was a problem in an earlier version of the game whereby Speightstown fort commander remembered you as hostile, even after Speightstown had been recaptured by Britain, and would fire at you if you returned, but that should be fixed in the 7th January version. So I'd like to know if you can return safely to Speightstown after it has been retaken by Britain, but before Silehard turns Britain against you.
Hello guys... it has been a while since last time I log in... Sorry for not been too active here, but life is hard and now I'm finishing my degree in Business and I want to properly finish it with good marks. That's why I stopped working on the spanish translation thread. I simply don't have too much free time in which to work here. I couldn't even play a lot on this amazing mod these last months.

I hope you understand my reasons as why I can't help with this mod now, or even testing and reporting bugs of the game. I will sure return in July, with plenty of time to work here.

I voted the last option, and here I give my explanations. I hope you can have fun with this mod. Don't expect me to be very active here until July.

Cheers guys, and take care. :D:doff
oh man i'd love to help,but due to recent hardware problem plus too much work right now,i cannot !

i'm sorry that i can't help anything,but i might testing when i get a better computer
Thanks, @salonikasurf!

I can promise that if I have a say in it, changes will go in one by one.
"All at the same time" is not really a good approach.
So I definitely agree with you there.

Are you saying Saving works properly only after waiting a while once loaded in a location?
There was indeed a problem with that before, but I thought @Levis managed to fix that ages ago! :shock

Thanks Pieter
Saving is indeed my greatest problem - not sure if it is my laptop though - Win 10 - very high spec machine, as it works on both quick save and save sometimes even if I have just entered a location.

I do save a lot - current error file attached. :cheers


  • error.7z
    594 bytes · Views: 155
If you're playing the standard storyline, please take a look at this:
Unconfirmed Bug - "Tales of a Sea Hawk": problems with Anacleto | PiratesAhoy!

Also, have you reached the part in which you take Rabel Yverneau's ship to Port Royale, and must first get out of French-controlled Speightstown with the fort shooting at you? If so, have you been back to Speightstown since? There was a problem in an earlier version of the game whereby Speightstown fort commander remembered you as hostile, even after Speightstown had been recaptured by Britain, and would fire at you if you returned, but that should be fixed in the 7th January version. So I'd like to know if you can return safely to Speightstown after it has been retaken by Britain, but before Silehard turns Britain against you.

Hi Grey Roger
I have completed the Rabel ship capture - did take a fair bit of damage flying a French flag - think most of this came from the French ships - maybe not the fort. Have been back flying my personal flag - fort commander was OK. There is still the issue of the street traders - two in the port and one in town not coming back after Speightstown is British again.

Will test Anacleto issue shortly.

Just also want to say thanks for the significant input you and Hook have had in the last few months. :cheers
Hi, I'm willing to test stuff up and I also put modding in, I don't really have any experience modding PotC or the Storm Engine, but I do know a bit about programming. Anyhow just hit me up with stuff you guys need done... Cheers!!
Well, my first message here. I've been trying the mod today and it is really impressive.

Anyway, I know programming (C++ and python mostly) but I have zero experience with this in particular.
I can offer my help if needed, but I'd have some learning curve ahead of me.

If you have some "intro to modding pirates of the Caribbean" to read, let me know :p

If the language chains are all nicely placed in separate files such that they can be uploaded to, say, transifex, I could lend a hand in translating (on which you may not be particularly interested)
Ahoy there, @JuarezCause and @Walls and welcome to the forum! :cheers
Thanks very much for your kind willingness to support our modding efforts.
There is a lot to be done, ranging from fairly simple to rather complex.

While we have plenty of suggestions for you to do, I always prefer by asking what YOU would be interested in doing!
If you need any inspiration, you can have a look here (for known bugs to be fixed): Build Mod Bug Tracker | PiratesAhoy!
Or here for new features that we would like to implement some time: Build Beta and Brainstorming | PiratesAhoy!

There is a lot of information on how modding works, but I admit it is not quite comprehensive and sometimes a bit sporadic.
I reckon the best place to start is with the 6 points described here, which are true lifesavers as far as I'm concerned:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks | PiratesAhoy!

There is more information available here: Tools, Tutorials and Information | PiratesAhoy!
And also the "New Horizons Tutorials & History.pdf" file in the Documentation subfolder in your main game directory.
This is a bit outdated, but a lot of the basic concepts still hold true.

If there is anything that is unclear, you are always welcome to ask here on the forum.
Even if we don't know the answer immediately, usually we can give a fair clue on how to figure things out. :doff
There is a lot of information on how modding works, but I admit it is not quite comprehensive and sometimes a bit sporadic.
I reckon the best place to start is with the 6 points described here, which are true lifesavers as far as I'm concerned:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks | PiratesAhoy!

There is more information available here: Tools, Tutorials and Information | PiratesAhoy!
And also the "New Horizons Tutorials & History.pdf" file in the Documentation subfolder in your main game directory.
This is a bit outdated, but a lot of the basic concepts still hold true.

Thank you!
I'll have a look. The two links look quite complete.
If, big if, I get the time sometime (e.g. summer, not so far away...!) I'll try some simple modding and then build up from there. I'd be more inclined to try adding new features, I'm not a great novelist.