Likewise.No idea.
It looks like erroneous code to me.
I propose the attached instead.
Huh? That's BIZARRE!Actually, it can. For reasons unknown, those reload locators show up briefly in the correct language and then switch to English. Fine if you're playing in English, not so fine if you're playing in Spanish or Russian.
@Jack Rackham, do you have strong objections to this being removed...?
I'd assume so, yes.Presumably it's needed for the same reason as the similar line to make smugglers fight against coastguards.
Might be it's needed in Maelstrom; and doesn't do harm in Storm 2.0 .
In that case, I'd suggest adding it to the main mod.
The more similar we keep the versions, the less headache it'll be.
Honestly, I'm not sure about that Philippe section.What is that supposed to do, and what are the other changes supposed to do?
@Mirsaneli, do you have any clues?
At first glance, I'd say it cannot hurt to have that code; because it only runs when a character has that attribute.
On the other hand, if I see correctly, that attribute is only set by this function:
// =================================================================================================
// Character Relation
// =================================================================================================
void SetCharacterRelationAsOtherCharacter(int iCharacterIndex1, int iCharacterIndex2)
Characters[iCharacterIndex1].relation.UseOtherCharacter = iCharacterIndex2;
So I don't know where this one came from; or why.

The other changes are clearer though:
1. Prevent masts taking damage for immortal characters
2. Prevent grapeshots from demasting ships
3. This section is up for debate:
// if(iRealismMode>0)
// {
// int MinSailCrew = GetCharacterShipHP(rCharacter)/100; // crew needed for sailing, intentionally not using mininum crew here
// if (MinSailCrew >= 100000/100) MinSailCrew = 100; // Cursed ships are a special case
// CrewQuantity -= MinSailCrew;
// }
4. These lines are your own changes that you seem to have lost, but I restored in my files for you:
// if(!IsMainCharacter(rOurCharacter)) return; // PB: Collision damage for player ship only, GR: let NPC ships take damage
float fRotate = 0.0;
if(CheckAttribute(arCharShip, "Impulse"))