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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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The next update is now available from the usual location:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

Along with the on-going Russian translation by @Maximus, we now have a WIP Spanish translation started by @Homo eructus and continued by @Xianco.

Blacksmith door labels now refer to town name rather than nation, making them more accurate in places which change nation depending on period - the "Portuguese Gunsmith" isn't Portuguese when Hornblower visits him in the "Napoleonic" period, for example. (And several labels weren't included in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\interface_strings.txt", so they weren't translated. The new town-based location labels are included so when the translators have finished with the new material, the labels should show up correctly in other languages.)

Thanks to @DeathDaisy's work in making character textures obey alpha masks, the feathers in the hats of several characters now look more feathery. @The Nameless Pirate did a splendid job on Barbossa's feathers while I've done a bit of work on a few easier ones.

There's also a major addition to the "Ardent" storyline. When you've had the big battle with the Dauphin Royale and collected your rewards from Port Royale and Santiago, go and see the admiral in Havana. He has a new job for you...


  • fixes.txt
    12.8 KB · Views: 202
@Grey Roger, I got strange bugs now in WoodesRogers. It looks like my uploaded RESOURCE folder not was included in the latest zip.
Here it is again.


  • JRH files 4831 19-08-30 - kopia.7z
    524.5 KB · Views: 593
That folder is identical to the one which was included in post #1319.

First I did a WinMerge comparison between your "RESOURCE" folder and the one on my portable drive which holds the update. Then I re-downloaded the update, unzipped it, and ran a WinMerge comparison between that one and your folder, just in case something had somehow changed during upload or download. As far as WinMerge can tell, everything in your folder is also in the update. The only differences between your files and those in the update are "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c" (a new sword has been added) and "PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c" (some model face id's changed), all to do with "Ardent". Nothing related to "Woodes Rogers" should be any different to what you provided.

When you get those bugs, could you post "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists?
This excludes a lot of experimental work done over the past few months!
In other words: This is intended primarily to provide the best and most stable gameplay we can provide.

Build 14 Part 1: Installation Wizard Updated: 25th May 2018) by @Mad Jack Wolfe
Installation: Proper installer file, use in combination with the Build 14 Beta 4.0 Part 2: Contents Archive file (Updated: 31st March 2016)
Extra Fix Archive: Download from @Grey Roger (Updated: 2nd September 2019 - see attached "fixes.txt" for what is included)
Compatibility: New Game mandatory!

Change Log:
Build 14:
- New Features:
  . Receive a free soldier outfit after dealing with Soldier Reinforcements by Grey Roger
  . Storage chest added to the personal cabin on Cozumel by Jack Rackham
  . Improved Fast Travel by Jack Rackham
  . Cartagena Second Tavern sells Wine and Rum by Grey Roger
  . Store added to Bonaire Pirate Fort by ANSEL
  . Apothecary/Strange Plants sidequest fixed and finished by Jack Rackham
  . Skill Colour Coding added to Officer Transfer Interface by Pieter Boelen
  . New playable characters added: Teresa Moreno (Portuguese Freedom Fighter) and Bohdan Aleskeevich Voronov (Russian Cossack) by Grey Roger
  . Baker Rifle added by Jack Rackham and Tingyun
  . Loanshark added to Grand Turk by Jack Rackham
  . All female characters now support sitting by Grey Roger
  . Extra chests added to captain's cabins by Jack Rackham
  . Improvements to shipyard interface "acquired status" by pedwryth
  . New fast galleon models, English light galleon and battleship models by Grey Roger
  . New models by Grey Roger: "Jordano", "lady3", "LadyBarbara", "huber_spa6", "Monkey_D_Luffy (with pirateking), "Rochefort" (with Jack Rackham), "towngirl1_2"
  . New katana sword by Jack Rackham
  . Sweden available as playable nation and for ship encounters by Grey Roger and Jack Rackham
  . Random persuasion lines for soldiers to give you patrol times by DeathDaisy
  . Approximate time for having no clock by DeathDaisy
  . Optional persuasion success/fail dialog tags by DeathDaisy
  . Bridge to Martinique east island added by Grey Roger
  . Promotion dialog for pirate governors made more piratey by Grey Roger
  . Bridgetown citizens give directions to apothecary shop by Grey Roger
  . New jungle scene with criminal wanting to leave gang by Deathdaisy, Grey Roger
  . Loanshark in Santo Domingo, accessed by crossing bridge in building by Jack Rackham
  . Special double barrel pistol to be stolen from house in San Juan by Grey Roger
  . New location models for Buccaneers Camp and Buccaneers Camp exit by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . Improved reporting of crew healed/dead by Serge Grey
  . New EITC soldier models, used for Merchants' Guild ambushes, by GhostOfDeath91
  . Cartagena Second Tavern has barmaid, Havana Port has street trader by Grey Roger
  . Clint Eastwood has Collier flintlock revolver in "Napoleonic" period by Grey Roger
  . Monks added to Cartagena cloister by Jack Rackham
  . Trees, wagons, objects outside store and gallows in port of Santiago by Jack Rackham
  . Blacksmith, street trader and extra citizens in Santiago by Grey Roger, Jack Rackham
  . Marigot church opened with new priest by Levis
  . Russian translation by Maximus
- Gameplay/Balancing Updates:
  . Boarding skill decrease for surrendered captains disabled by Tingyun
  . Assigning of skill bonuses made nation-dependent by Levis
  . Governor Ship Hunting quests increase in difficulty for Privateers/Naval Officers by Pieter Boelen
  . Jungle rapists scene improved: can not refuse to help woman, woman joins in fight if player "Fencing" skill < 3, new dialogs by Deathdaisy, Grey Roger
  . "Duelling pistol" renamed back to "Long pistol" and made more different from "Flintlock pistol" by Grey Roger
  . Surrendered captains take their reputation and your ship size into account when deciding whether to duel you by Grey Roger
  . Unescorted merchants can't get huge loads of gold/silver, well-escorted merchants have better chance of valuable cargo by DeathDaisy and Grey Roger
  . Option to allow dumping of cursed coins/albatrosses by Grey Roger
  . Damage Control/Rigging/First Aid perks replace general Ship Defence perks by Levis
  . Stats for Polacca and CastelF rebalanced by Hylie Pistof
  . Dividing plunder now has option for full expedition including repair, restock and delay; or just divide the money with no delay - by Grey Roger
  . Satanist ships limited by period in FreePlay by Grey Roger
  . Attacking a lady in a bedroom causes loss of reputation, revenge attack and limited dialog with further ladies by Grey Roger
  . Musket fire depends on attacking crew size instead of defending crew size by Grey Roger
- Code Updates:
  . Limited number of soldiers in Merchant Guild attacks by Pieter Boelen
  . Reduced number of soldiers in Soldier Reinforcements by Pieter Boelen
  . Reduced strength for town guards by Pieter Boelen
  . Allow swapping ships as Naval Officer after reaching rank 7 by Pieter Boelen
  . Character transfer disabled between two companion ships by Pedrwyth
  . Allowed more variety in destinations for Cargo Quests by Pieter Boelen
  . Reduced cargo capacity for Gunboat by Pieter Boelen
  . Variables added for additional companions, officers and skill points by Mere Mortal
  . Rebalanced ship upgrade prices by Mere Mortal
  . Ship and fort memory takes into account player ship type by Grey Roger
  . Ship Speed and Turn Rate added to Ransack Interface by Mere Mortal
  . Keyboard controls for Save/Load Interface improved by Mere Mortal
  . Pirates are more forgiving of actions against them if you're a Pirate by Pieter Boelen
  . Opium Smuggling "Buyers List" code improved by Mere Mortal and Pieter Boelen
  . Characters in non-existent locations removed by Pieter Boelen
  . Various characters set as "quest characters" by Pieter Boelen
  . Ransack/Transfer Main Interface error fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Transfer Crew Interface error fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Quiver, Curare and Tar always enabled in the game by Pieter Boelen
  . Ship Deck Texture code cleaned up and simplified by Pieter Boelen
  . Error checking code added to GetPrettyLocationName function by Pieter Boelen
  . Error checking added to Passengers Interface and Face Lists by Pieter Boelen
  . Relation quest check simplified by Grey Roger
  . Ships Init mistakes corrected by Hotshot
  . Passengers Interface skill colour coding improved by Pieter Boelen
  . Antigua Port Admiral quests require English Letter of Marque by Grey Roger
  . Smuggling Coastal Guards never let you go free if you are hostile by Johanno
  . Rain and storm chances further reduced by ANSEL
  . Random name for new ship takes into account player's Served Nation by Pieter Boelen
  . Safe Port Leave restores your previous flag afterwards by Grey Roger
  . Possible to toss Indian items (arrows, quiver, curare, tar) by Pieter Boelen
  . Modified musket accuracy and armour statistics by Grey Roger
  . Sword Training with Crewmembers delay increased by Pieter Boelen
  . IsPlayerParty removed (replaced with bAllies) by Pieter Boelen
  . Period-dependent conditions for joining the Pirates by Grey Roger
  . Capture Colonies nation relation consequences brought in line with ships by Pieter Boelen
  . Additional support added for translations by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen
  . Rumour texts updated by Tingyun
  . Levelling performance improved by Levis
  . Skill "stack" code simplified and corrected by Levis, Jack Rackham and Pieter Boelen
  . Default heading for "setting sail" corrected for many islands by Hook
  . Quest item swap function added by Grey Roger
  . Support added for specific navy/merchant character flags by Grey Roger
  . Revised initial trade goods for Free Play by pedrwyth
  . Revised Spanish character and ship names by Homo Eructus
  . Swedish character and ship names by DeathDaisy
  . Skill books available for sale at Turks Island library by Levis
  . Officers show in "Passengers" interface whether or not they will fight in boardings by Levis
  . Music for Swedish and Personal towns by DeathDaisy
  . Holland now allowed Patrol ship encounters by Grey Roger
  . Playa de Sierra Maestra accessible to all characters in all storylines, leading to special Santiago outskirts in "Bartolomeu" and to standard outskirts in any other storyline, by Grey Roger and Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . Various strings relating to smuggling made translatable by Levis
- Bug Fixes:
  . Fix to prevent Merchant Guild attack when player group was not responsible by Pieter Boelen
  . Fix to allow larger Random Quest Ships by Pieter Boelen
  . Any town capture resets the memory for its fort by Pieter Boelen
  . Fix to ensure any passengers are not erased by Pieter Boelen
  . Fix to ensure best smuggling time matches between dialog and questbook by Pieter Boelen
  . Correction for Shipyard "Cannot Buy" text with Shipyard Ship Availability set to "Stock PotC" by Pieter Boelen
  . Crew transfer between companion ships re-enabled by Pedrwyth
  . Officer dialog restored after sending Smuggling Scout by Pieter Boelen
  . Looting of Blade Muskets fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Stuck while reloading during anchoring fix by Pedrwyth
  . Prevent ship stats of zero for Personal Design ships by Pieter Boelen
  . Fixed ship deck for Naval Ketch by Pieter Boelen
  . Hull upgrade increases maximum cannon calibre by Mere Mortal
  . HP Bonus code fixed and cleaned up by Pieter Boelen
  . Opium Smuggling Fast Travel effect fixed and simplified by Pieter Boelen
  . Hireable officers will not be on the random Opium List by Pieter Boelen
  . Using opium takes away only one item instead of two by Pieter Boelen
  . Fix for Boarding Looting Crashes by Mere Mortal (adapted by Pieter Boelen)
  . Fetch Quest amounts fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Apothecary Fetch Quest Ship's Log entry added by Talisman
  . Opium Smuggling Quest timer and quest closing fixed by Talisman
  . Ship calibre in Shipyard fixed by Mere Mortal
  . Martinique "No Save" monk appearance fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Potential CharacterFromID error fixed by Mere Mortal
  . Potential crash from Companion as Fort Commander fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Prevent captain of ship you are boarding being cleared by Pieter Boelen
  . Game crash from dialog with officers/soldiers on islands without smuggling patrols fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Cargo quests with multiple ships fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . IsPassenger old check depreciated to prevent errors by Pieter Boelen
  . Reputation change for officers fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Cartagena ladies greetings fixed by Grey Roger
  . Andre Juliao and Thierry Bosquet appearance fixed by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen
  . Effective skill updates correctly with Auto Skill System OFF by Pieter Boelen
  . Antigua Port Admiral ambush fixed by Grey Roger
  . Cargo quests fixed for Grand Turk and Hispaniola Buccaneer's Camp by Pieter Boelen
  . Ship Interface cannon numbers and Speed/TurnRate display fixed by MereMortal
  . Crewmember name nationalities during boarding fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Incorrect references to Opium Den removed by Pieter Boelen
  . Prevent losing Letter of Marque when gaining points by Pieter Boelen
  . Flag-related error log fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Potential error when gaining points for sinking/capturing ships fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Player Companion Mutinies fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Crash when putting enemy captain in cargo hold with Weaponsmod OFF fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Enforced false flag detection fixed by Grey Roger
  . Reload disable/enable code simplified and fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Officer skill contribution fixed for companion ships by Pieter Boelen
  . Telescope never auto-equips fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Prevented IsPassenger error log entry by Pieter Boelen
  . Game world is reset correctly when leaving the Pirates by Pieter Boelen
  . Blacksmiths fully disabled if Weaponsmod OFF by Pieter Boelen
  . Playing Cards for Smuggling does not mess up gambling afterwards by Pieter Boelen
  . Errors with Musket Bayonets fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Using Reinit while carrying the Opium List does not mess up Maps by Pieter Boelen
  . Getting stuck in Cartagena Town after killing item trader/soldier fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Random characters in Banks fixed by ANSEL
  . Relation quest condition fixed by Grey Roger
  . Potential anchoring issue when setting sail prevented by Pieter Boelen
  . Reputation discrepancy fixed by Grey Roger
  . Pricing for buying/selling ships with and without upgrades fixed by pedrwyth
  . Repeated "Relation Books" prevented by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen
  . Meaningless system.log entries for missing textures fixed by pedrwyth
  . Fast Travel to player ship fixed if companions are present by Levis
  . Ensure prisoners are removed when appropriate by Pieter Boelen
  . Potential CTD due to cargo overup fixed by Levis
  . Navy address title fixed for NPCs by Grey Roger
  . Perks assignment for player party officers fixed by Levis
  . Missing character nationalities added by Grey Roger
  . Missing Jamaica soldier restored by Grey Roger
  . Coastal Guards dialog corrected by Levis
  . Errors with saving fixed by Hook
  . Icon display size code corrected by Hook
  . Spyglass auto-equip in store code corrected by Pieter Boelen
  . Nation Relation interface "change flag" functionality corrected by Levis
  . Officer types and boarding crew types fixed by Levis
  . Cannon transfer interface between ships fixed by pedrwyth
  . Goods and Crew transfer interfaces fixed for companion ships by pedrwyth
  . Tomwhawk code corrected by Jack Rackham and Pieter Boelen
  . Opium code reversed and corrected by Levis
  . Quest ship swap function fixed by Grey Roger
  . Hoist Flag code potentially failing fixed by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen
  . Missing music in Personal towns fixed by Cassadar
  . Trade Quests to same island prevented by Pieter Boelen
  . Consistency fixed for store and shipyard cargo goods prices by pedrwyth
  . Transfer of crew from ship which will not be taken as prize fixed by pedrwyth
  . Failure to remove cannon and hull upgrades after laying up ship fixed by Grey Roger
  . Fetch quests expire after a time by Levis
  . Prevent crash during hiring of walkers by Levis
  . Stormy starts on Hispaniola put your ship into nearest port by Grey Roger
  . Stormy starts on Cayman put your ship at Cayman Kai and you at Eden Rock, or vice versa, by Grey Roger
  . Fix for possible crash if guns split too far apart in "initItems.c" by ChezJfrey
  . Various dialog texts corrected by Mad Jack Wolfe
  . Promoting crewmember to officer, starting salary corrected to not inflate by Pieter Boelen and Grey Roger
  . Sails repair fully to 100% by Serge Grey & PaterBrown
  . Surrendered captains hired as officers won't object to false flags by Grey Roger
  . Merchant for escort quest talks if you betray him and he surrenders, and uses correct dialog files for both hiring and surrendering, by Grey Roger
  . Opium smuggling quest disabled to prevent corruption of soldier AI groups by Grey Roger
  . Hired and executed prisoners properly cleared to release character slots for new enemy captains by Grey Roger
- Storyline Updates:
  . Sidequests:
    > A Girl Won in a Card Game, enabled also at Grenada by Pieter Boelen
    > Artois Voysey, potential quest lock fixed by Grey Roger
    > Church Protection, code cleaned up so it completes only once by Pieter Boelen
    > Edgar Attwood Adventures, potential error fixed by Grey Roger
    > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance, HP after being shot fixed by Pieter Boelen
    > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance, ship deck code fixed by Pieter Boelen
    > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance, boss ship always hostile by Grey Roger
    > Find Angelique Moulin's Father, Antoine Chamfort always present and soldiers do not attack him by Pieter Boelen
    > Hard Larbours of an Assassin, can be started again if initially refused by Pieter Boelen, fixed by Grey Roger
    > Help the Lady, potential quest error fixed by Grey Roger
    > Hire a Sailor, Rys Bloom sidequest extended by Grey Roger
    > Nigel Blythe, Ethilrede Claar ship corrected for periods mod by Grey Roger
    > Sabine Matton, fixed and improved by pedrwyth and Talisman
    > Search for Peter Blood's Ship, Txiki Pijuan immortal at start of quest to prevent errors by Pieter Boelen
    > Sinking the Vogelstruijs, code smoothed up by Pieter Boelen
    > Sinking the Vogelstruijs, Barend Hesselink more formidable enemy by Grey Roger
    > Sinking the Vogelstruijs, tie-in with Smuggling removed by Grey Roger
    > Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily clarified by Pieter Boelen
    > Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily smuggler cargo ship made period-dependent by Grey Roger
    > Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, Jaoquin de Masse gets regular officer dialog after being hired by Pieter Boelen
    > Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, ensure enemy ships are hostile by Pieter Boelen
    > Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, ending improved by Grey Roger
    > The French pirate in the tavern, no longer locks Barbados island by Pieter Boelen
    > The Kapitein of Kralendijk, new side quest by Grey Roger
    > Quest for the Crystal Skull, new side quest by Grey Roger
    > New quest for Horatio Hornblower, available to FreePlay or after storyline, by Grey Roger
    > A Smuggler's Life For Me split into separate tutorial, smuggling for governor and opium smuggling by Grey Roger
    > New sidequest "Quest for the Crystal Skull" by Grey Roger
    > New sidequest "A Family Story" for FreePlay character José Joaquím Almeida by Bartolomeu o Portugues
    > Rogue / Gambler start improved: period-correct soldier uniforms, bugs fixed, dialogs tailored to different character nationalities, bugs fixed: Grey Roger & DeathDaisy
    > Lucas da Saldhana uses new model "Lucas2", Joaquin da Saldhana uses new model "spa_adm_18_2" for "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" periods by Grey Roger
    > Artois Voysey sidequest closes if Artois dies before telling you about treasure by Grey Roger
    > "Nigel Blythe" sidequest debugged and checked to be playable by Grey Roger
    > Saving Toff's Daughter: reputation required for Toff to trust you raised to REPUTATION_GOOD by Grey Roger
    > "A Family Story" set to start at Eleuthera instead of Grenada by Bartolomeu o Portugues
    > Santiago cartographer's house interior improved and globe outside for "A Family Story" by Jack Rackham
  . Tutorial:
    > Stormy Start potentially permanently lost ship fixed by Jack Rackham
    > Locked Cabin Icon removed after tutorial completes by pedrwyth
  . Standard storyline:
    > Rheim's death potential quest break fixed by Pieter Boelen
    > Robert Christopher Silehard functions as regular governor by Grey Roger
    > Potential sidequest interference with Danielle avoided by Grey Roger
    > Virgile Boon does not trigger reinforcements during boarding by Pieter Boelen
    > Random characters interfering with tavern scene fixed by Grey Roger
    > Potential killing Ferro Cerezo exploit fixed by Pieter Boelen
    > Avoid accidental fight with Cursed Pirates by Grey Roger
    > Avoid skipping ahead using Fast Travel at Nevis Pirate Settlement by Pieter Boelen
    > Code improved by Grey Roger
    > Female player character meets Nathaniel Hawk instead of Danielle Greene by Grey Roger
    > Dialogs and questbook text to refer to Ewan Glover's ship as "naval light brig" instead of "sloop" by Serge Grey
    > Soldiers in Bridgetown revert to British uniforms by Grey Roger
    > Silehard can be handed over as prisoner for big cash reward by Grey Roger
    > After final battle, can go to Port Royale and Bridgetown lighthouse in any order by Grey Roger
    > Can now kill Sidonio Ogarrio by Grey Roger
    > Silehard checks that you have the correct ship at end of 2nd mission by Grey Roger
  . Ardent storyline:
    > Quest extension including wedding, convoy strike and aftermath added by Grey Roger
  . Assassin storyline:
    > Hitman quest ending restored by Pieter Boelen
    > Isla Mona attempted fix by Bartolomeu o Portugues
    > Isla Mona smuggling nation modified as per the story by Grey Roger
    > Spanish Captain character model fixed by Grey Roger
    > Hitman interference fixed by Grey Roger
    > Relations and flag hoisting fixed by Grey Roger
    > Sidequests restored and incompatibilities fixed by Grey Roger
    > French warship at Sao Jorge uses PRIVATEER_NATION to prevent fort attacking it if you are hostile to Portugal by Grey Roger
  . Bartolomeu o Portugues storyline:
    > Cargo Quests disabled for Hispaniola Buccaneer Camp by Pieter Boelen
    > Elting given his sword in "Cartagena Firework" to prevent him from stunning enemies in sniping scene by Grey Roger
  . Free Play storyline:
    > Tiny boat ship stats affected only for Castaway (instead of Swashbuckler difficulty) by Pieter Boelen
    > Jean Lafitte gets Opium at game start, other smugglers don't by Pieter Boelen
    > Naval Officer explanation added by Grey Roger
    > Relations set by date for various historical wars by Grey Roger, expanded by DeathDaisy
    > Choosing "Blaze" model, i.e. Nathaniel Hawk, gives you the same ship, flags and difficulty as if you were starting "standard" story
  . Hornblower storyline:
    > Lieutenant Bush custom model added by Grey Roger
    > Various potential errors fixed by Grey Roger
    > Upon promotion to Post Captain, new quest "The Natividad Incident" by Grey Roger (also works for Hornblower as FreePlay character)
  . Jack Sparrow storyline:
    > First Contact bugs fixed by Pieter Boelen
    > Various bugs fixed by Grey Roger
    > Tartane50 model uses pennant, Jack Sparrow has film-correct pennant texture by Grey Roger
  . Woodes Rogers storyline:
    > More new WIP content added by Jack Rackham
  . The Gold-Bug storyline:
    > Ending fixed by Jack Rackham
- Model and Texture Updates:
  . Swedish East Indiaman high-detail custom model added by Philipjn and Armada
  . Historically accurate British Navy Fleet paint scheme by Armada and Grey Roger
  . HMS Interceptor improved texture by Legendary Spider
  . Additional Interceptor texture variants by Grey Roger
  . Elizabeth Swann pirate outfit added by Grey Roger
  . Milady de Winter and Teresa Moreno custom character skins added by Grey Roger
  . Anamaria character model added by Jack Rackham and Grey Roger
  . brtadm3_18 character and El_Supremo character models added by Grey Roger
  . Brandenburg Personal Flag added by Grey Roger
  . Speightstown Dungeon, Charlestown and Cartagena locators fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . New ships imported from AoP and CoAS:GoF by Grey Roger: RN_Galeon_L, Battleship4, Brig_20_Gun1_181, BrigQeen1, BrigSW1, Sloop4
  . New ship by Grey Roger: SP_Natividad
  . New historically accurate "HMS_Indefatigable", with FR_Indefatigable variant, by Martes. Original "HMS_Indefatigable" and "FR_Indefatigable" renamed to "RN_Razee" and "FR_Razee"
  . New fast galleon models, English light galleon and battleship models by Grey Roger
  . New variants of "Neptunus" sloop of war by Hylie Pistof and Grey Roger
  . New models by Grey Roger: "Jordano", "lady3", "LadyBarbara", "huber_spa6", "Monkey_D_Luffy (with pirateking), "Rochefort" (with Jack Rackham), "towngirl1_2"
  . New model "HildaPiratess" by DeathDaisy
  . New ship model "RN_Frigate" by Armada
  . New character model "SabineM2" for Sabine Matton when she becomes officer by Grey Roger
  . Head models for "Beatrice", "BeatriceA" and "Espinosa" by DeathDaisy
  . Revised rigging on "Caravel1", "NL_FWzP", "PO_CaravelR", "NeptunusE" variants, and all light pinnace variants by Hylie Pistof
  . New character model "CiriWitcher" with custom sword by DeathDaisy
  . New interface icons for perks by Jack Rackham
  . New texture for moon by DeathDaisy
  . New ship "Brig3" by Grey Roger
  . New texture for sun, plus code detects standard or wide screen by DeathDaisy
  . New character model "witchgirl" by DeathDaisy
  . New short pistols for first two periods by Grey Roger
  . Textures for stock pistols improved by Grey Roger
  . New "DuelPistol" duelling pistol by Grey Roger
  . New "Miquelet" pistol by Jack Rackham
  . New "Sword of the Earth" fantasy sword, hidden in Cayman dungeon by Grey Roger, or starting sword for "Witchgirl" by DeathDaisy
  . "Toledo Rapier" imported from CoAS:GoF by Grey Roger
  . New texture for Cursed Flying Dutchman imported from CoAS:GoF by Grey Roger
  . Tan sails for all ships, default tan sails for some small ships by Grey Roger
  . Armoured models for "Danielle" variants imported and modified from CoAS:GoF by Grey Roger
  . New character model "Rousselet" plus associated animation files imported from CoAS:GoF by Grey Roger
  . New models for swords of Cortes and Francis Drake by Grey Roger
  . New interiors for Santiago, Willemstad and Port au Prince townhalls by Grey Roger
  . Revised lighting for Havana / Cartagena taverns by Myth
  . Revised lighting for Santiago tavern by Grey Roger
  . Dutch version of "Superbe" by Grey Roger
  . New brigantine model for "Spanish Main" period by Grey Roger
  . Pennants lengthened on Heavy East Indiaman and Fast Galleon models by Grey Roger
  . Improved head for Captaine Chevalle by Jack Rackham
  . New armoured models for various characters by Athanasius and Grey Roger
  . New Swedish officer model by Jack Rackham
  . New version of fast war galleon by Grey Roger
  . New version of cursed Mariana by GhostOfDeath91
  . "Volage" ship models revised to sit higher in the water by Lrv
  . New fast war galleon variant "FastGalleon5" by Grey Roger
  . Various ships rigging fixed by Grey Roger
  . New character models "hub_spa5", "Montoya", "MariaAntonia", "hub_por2", "Louwman" by Grey Roger
  . US_Essex model revised, Satanist Essex retexture added as 'Mefisto' replacement in Napoleonic by Grey Roger
  . Thomas O'Reily uses 9S_Nav, Morys Biddulph (permanent resident in Port Royale tavern) uses Capitan1 by Bathtub Pirate
  . Satanist version of Kreyser class "PiratFrigateSat" by The Nameless Pirate
  . De-Satanised version of Kreyser class "PiratFrigateExSat" by The Nameless Pirate
  . De-Satanised versions of Satanist ships "FleutWarExSat", "Frigate_Ex_Sat", "UnSat_Essex" by Grey Roger
  . New character models "Lukreci", "gipsygirl" by Nita
  . Revised texture for Cursed Black Pearl, revised model with figurehead and revised texture for Wicked Wench by pieloverdud
  . Chimney smoke added to "Muelle_town_03", "Greenford_town" and "Town_Santiago" by Jack Rackham
  . New character models "towngirl1_3", "towngirl7_2" and "lady04_ab" by Grey Roger
  . New character model "devil" by Jack Rackham
  . Talking heads for skeletons, zombies, mummies and natives by Jack Rackham
  . New character model "FernandoSuarez" by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . New character model "Geralt" with custom loading screen by The Nameless Pirate
  . New sword "witcher_steel" based on flambard from GoF, carried on back when not equipped, by The Nameless Pirate & Jack Rackham
  . Possibility to revert to original black-and-yellow paint scheme for British ships

Do we need to put the extra fix document into the game directory or just change indivual items? thank you

Hello all!

I have been playing again and the game started crashing recently, I am attaching the logs so any help would be appreciated


Edit: save games attached


  • error.log
    2 KB · Views: 195
  • system.log
    2 KB · Views: 184
  • Hornblower.rar
    6.4 MB · Views: 549
A quick question...
I am an English user. So do I need to copy-paste all the Russian & Spanish language items??
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At a guess, probably not. The system looks for "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\<insert language name>" when deciding which languages are supported, so if you leave out "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH", it won't allow you to choose those languages from the interface options.
No compile.log?

Sorry mate, I will get new files as soon as the issue continues (loaded a previous save game and game has not crashed at the moment)

Edit: Called victory waaaay to early, crashed again, attached files and no error log this time :(


  • system.log
    582 bytes · Views: 187
  • compile.log
    12 KB · Views: 182
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For all translators:
@Homo eructus, @Jacob, @konradk, @Maximus, @Xianco and anyone else working on translating PoTC into Polish, Russian, Spanish or anything else:

Here's a zip file containing the most up to date versions of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH", "PROGRAM\Storyline\<all storylines>\DIALOGS\ENGLISH" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH". That should be all the text files which depend on language. Included are some files which have changed, which will be going into the next update, but which aren't online just yet, including all the revised storekeeper dialogs.

Anything you want to translate and upload, I'll also include in the next update. And thanks for your work so far!

(Edit: file updated to include latest work from @Jack Rackham.)


  • translation.zip
    2.7 MB · Views: 592
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Yes, upload them please. If there are any new dialog or other text files, I'll then need to update that translation zip so that translators have a chance to do their work on them before I produce the next whole update.
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