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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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If you mean the "Family Story" quest, the cartographer will certainly be involved. To start the quest, you need to be at least level 10, then go to the town hall in Governor's Harbor, Eleuthera. (You start as a privateer working for America, so you should be visiting Eleuthera to collect your promotions.)
Hostage officer and other officers that Im accompanied with were all recruited in a tavern and those are not quest officers.
I repeated that fight around 10 times and none of my officers die during. Crash occurs after killing last Carib when message "quest updated" shows up in the left top corner.
All my officers are renamed and have their image changed.
Try this - download it and put it in "PROGRAM\QUESTS". I tested the quest using your savegame. With the old version of "quests_side.c", it does indeed crash after the last Carib dies. With this version, it does not crash. (The warrior who joined you was in officer slot 1, but the hostage must originally have been in slot 3 and returns there, displacing the officer who is currently in slot 3. That officer then leaves your party and wanders around aimlessly, and can easily be put back in your party through the usual "Passengers" interface.)

You're also doing the "Kapitein of Kralendijk" sidequest. I'd be interested to know how you get on with that, too.


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So Im loosing hope of ever finishing this game. Its very, very glitchy.
Upon entering Kralendijk to do "Kapitein of Kralendijk" sidequest Im being attacked by some of the soldiers and game goes into combat mode. After killing all soldiers game remains in combat mode and Im unable to enter any buildings or exit area. I got the idea to fast travel from Kralendijk port to tailor but just before arresting governor I have to enter main city and once again "combat mode". The only thing I can do is load saved game. I decided to skip this quest due to this bug and finish other quest "Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance". Guess what? The same thing happens. I enter Antigua. Game goes into combat mode and again Im unable to enter buildings or leave area. I believe some soldiers spawn inside the buildings or in some inaccesable areas and therefore its impossible to see them and kill them, ending combat mode. Btw in both cases I have friendly relations with those countries and am having their flag waving on my ship. I tested few other cities and most of the time Im not being attacked in other cities. It happens whether I have companions with me or not. Im basically unable to continue playing any further.
Here are few other things that I have found:

In Bridgetown fast travel doesnt work in port as it always says that something is going to happen even tho Indians were gone long time ago.

When I give opium to my officers to consume it increases my stats and not theirs.
Opium is a super easy way to cheat and maximize all your abilities and your life in just few minutes.

When I enter Cartagena hotel Im unable to move or do anything except quick save / quick load.

It didnt say anywhere that Help Turks Island settlement quest has time limit. I run out of time and couldn't accomplish that mission.

Apothecary doesnt talk to me after failing to deliver opium on time to Indians and therefore Im unable to get rid of Dead Albatross.

Since my luck went up from 0 to 9 I became practically immortal. Swords do only 1 point of damage to me and I have 600 life. Pistols are the only weapons that can harm me but it still requires around 4-6 shots to kill me and if I use potions during gun fight I remain immortal :p Game is very unbalanced(easy af) this way as everyone can just max their stats at the very beginning with opium and other items.
Yes, please report bugs separately in Bug Tracker, then they can be dealt with in detail.

What difficulty level are you playing? I did notice when playing your "Crystal Skull" savegame that it was easy to rescue the hostage. By contrast, when I play on "Sea Dog" difficulty, I have to quickly attack the Indian by the hostage, otherwise the Indian kills the hostage; and while I'm doing that, I'm lucky if I don't lose one of the other officers.
It is my first game so Im playin on Mariner difficulty setting. Guess what? :D I loaded savegame with Crystal Skull. Talked to my officer. Told him to change difficulty setting to Swashbuckler. Told Caribs that they are not getting Skull back. Killed them all. It was as easy as before. Me and my officers being almost immortal still on highest difficulty setting and for the first time game didnt crash after killing last Carib :rofl I got my officer back but he went back to his previous form (being male and having normal orginal name). I didnt apply that file you have posted earlier yet:rofl I ve tried fighting with soldiers in other locations on Shwashbuckler difficulty but I remain immortal.
About the soldiers:
All characters are assigned to various AI groups - think of these like teams. Fights can be arranged by setting one AI group against another. So the first thing I tried was to force the AI group for the soldiers to be non-hostile to your group. No effect - when I left the tailor's shop, soldiers still attacked. Oddly, not all attacked - and the ones which didn't attack also didn't talk, and were even easier to kill than the attackers because these ones didn't even fight back when I hit them.

So the AI groups were obviously messed up. Next trick: force all soldiers in Kralendijk into the normal AI group for Dutch soldiers. That worked - I could then leave the shop and not be attacked.

Then I finally wrote some code to first make every soldier in Kralendijk report what AI group he was in, then set him to the AI group for Dutch soldiers, and then put him into "Guardian" mode, which is the normal mode for soldiers - it makes them stand still unless one of them is attacked, and they can talk to you. For good measure, since you reported that Antigua was also giving trouble, I did the same for the Antigua soldiers (except that they went into the AI group for British soldiers, of course).

Some of the soldiers in both Kralendijk and Antigua reported being in a group set by the opium quest, while others were in a group for corpses! Evidently the opium quest is failing to tidy up after itself when it sets the ambushes for you when you're carrying the stuff.

Meanwhile, here's a savegame with the Kralendijk and Antigua soldiers all set to their proper AI group and back in "guardian" mode, and with you standing outside the tailor's shop not being attacked. You should now be able to continue the "Kapitein of Kralendijk" and "Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance" sidequests. I'd advise not trying to continue the opium smuggling quest, and I'll disable that quest entirely in the next update.


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Odd. After zipping up my savegame, I was unable to upload file "-=Riply=- Bonaire.zip" to the forum. After I renamed it to "savegame.zip", the same file uploaded without any trouble.

@Paul: next time you want to upload a savegame, try the same thing - rename the zip file and then see if you can upload it.
They certainly acted that way. xD I didn't check their mode settings, only their AI groups in an attempt to find out what had made them misbehave.
Got it - thanks!

In "PROGRAM\ITEMS\items.h", MAX_ITEMS and MAX_RANDITEMS are increased. Will this work with existing savegames or should I force a new game by changing the version number?
Confirmed: a new game is required. If you continue an existing game, then try to save game again, it crashes and results in a "Bad Save". So the next update will have a new version number to enforce a new game.

I expect to upload the new update by the end of the week. Changes include:
  • The "Family Story" quest has a major extension from @Bartolomeu o Portugues.
  • Marigot church is open and has a new priest, thanks to @Levis.
  • Due to messing up soldier AI groups, the opium smuggling quest is disabled. You can still get the stuff, though.
  • The Jolly Mon, the dinghy which Jack Sparrow "borrows" from Anamaria in "Hoist the Colours", now shows the same pennant as you see in the film when he arrives at Port Royale.
The new update is now available in the usual place:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

As stated above, this won't work with an existing savegame because it would prevent you from saving again after making any progress in the game. So it has a new version number, which means it will refuse to load savegames from before the update.

Therefore, if you have a game in progress, please complete it (get to the end of the storyline, complete sidequests, do whatever else you want to do in this game) before installing this update.

The attached file shows a full list of what's in the update that is not in the basic installer, including the latest changes.


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About the soldiers:

Some of the soldiers in both Kralendijk and Antigua reported being in a group set by the opium quest, while others were in a group for corpses! Evidently the opium quest is failing to tidy up after itself when it sets the ambushes for you when you're carrying the stuff.

Found the problem. When making it I assumed when you fought the guards they would either die or you would die, I didn't consider the option of escaping. Also I'm not sure if the guards respawn if you kill them. So probably a questcheck needs to be added when you exit the location to put back the guards.
Found the problem. When making it I assumed when you fought the guards they would either die or you would die, I didn't consider the option of escaping. Also I'm not sure if the guards respawn if you kill them. So probably a questcheck needs to be added when you exit the location to put back the guards.
You could also lock the location until the fight is over.
I've done that with some guard fights before.
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