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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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If you add this line

SetModel(PChar, "ShkiperM_UH_b", Pchar.model.animation, PChar.sex, stf(PChar.model.height), true);

before the switch( line in the beginning of console.c

you get the red uniform the player uses in Woodes Rogers quest with hat belt bag etc when pressing F12.
....or maybe you meant the outfit the character Woodes Rogers uses?
In that case it's

SetModel(PChar, "Woodes_Rogers", Pchar.model.animation, PChar.sex, stf(PChar.model.height), true);
I'll be releasing a new update by the end of this week at the latest. @Jack Rackham, if you have anything new for "Woodes Rogers" - or for that matter anything new that isn't for "Woodes Rogers" - could you make it available by then, please?
Update: the update has been updated. So has the first post of this thread.

The "Ardent" storyline is now complete.
Several dialogs, including any related to the "Strange Things Going On" sidequest, address you correctly if you're playing a female character.
The pirate who tries to buy Virginie d'Espivant from you in "Girl Won in a Card Game" now appears outside the tavern rather than trying to appear wherever you go next after you leave the tavern.
Rainbows should not now appear at night.
And the battleaxe should now be carried on your back.


  • Fixes.txt
    4.8 KB · Views: 211
Hello everyone,

I tried to download "Build 14 Beta 4.1 WIP Part 1: Installation Wizard" but the link is not working for me (DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN). Is this a problem on my side of the computer, or is the download in general not working? Or is this cloud not aviable for me?

Would download "Build 14 Beta 4.0 Part 1: Installation Wizard" if I don't get that working for me, but of course, I would prefer the actual version.

Furthermore, "Mirror 1" is not working for me. Do I need that? "Mirror 2" worked (edit: worked now).

Must admit that I'm not very 'competent' in this area^^ I don't want you to fix my incompetence, but to assure whether this is my fault or whether the link is wrong.

Thanks in advance -

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If one mirror does not work, try another.
The files are identical; those mirrors are intended specifically for if any of the servers don't want to work.
I think I have a new problem with the latest build the F2 interface is frozen. I can get there but I can't do anything on it. I also can't loot the dead or pick up items.
I am not on an opium quest. This was first noticed when I was looting corpses during boarding. Looting just stopped working so did the F2 buttons. I have had this once but four and selling off most my inventory seemed to fix it. This time that did not work.
@Jason: Could you try trading goods at a store or looking at the inventory for an item trader?
I have a vague memory of @Hylie Pistof saying he had the same issue and that fixed it for him at the time.
Hello, I've been browsing this forum for a while now but decided to make an account.

I have 2 questions, firstly. Is there any way to apply the seaweed skeleton textures to all of the Cursed Flying Dutchman crew, atleast in boarding scenes.
Secondly, is there a way to make Davy Jones immortal and also his crew harder to kill, aka giving them around 300-400 hp.

Sidenote: Is there any work being done on Salazar and Silent Mary? Seeing Silent Mary (Cursed mode) in the game would be awesome, especially with a type of ramming damage to simulate the attack in the PotC 5 movie.
Hello, I've been browsing this forum for a while now but decided to make an account.

I have 2 questions, firstly. Is there any way to apply the seaweed skeleton textures to all of the Cursed Flying Dutchman crew, atleast in boarding scenes.
Secondly, is there a way to make Davy Jones immortal and also his crew harder to kill, aka giving them around 300-400 hp.

Sidenote: Is there any work being done on Salazar and Silent Mary? Seeing Silent Mary (Cursed mode) in the game would be awesome, especially with a type of ramming damage to simulate the attack in the PotC 5 movie.
The only thing you can change I think, is in PROGRAM InternalSettings, BOARDERMODEL, and choose skeletons, I'm sorry I can not help you with the rest
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Try to take a look here, maybe there is what you are looking for.
Low Priority - The Curse of Davy Jones

I have already looked in there but it doesn't mention how to do it, I've found how to make the Curse of Cortez crew immortal but nothing regarding the chest of Davy Jones since that curse doesn't apply to the crew.

The only thing you can change I think, is in PROGRAM InternalSettings, BOARDERMODEL, and choose skeletons, I'm sorry I can not help you with the rest

As for this, I found BOARDERMODEL but I don't know the ID for the seaweed skeletons nor how to make them apply to only my crew, Im unexperienced in the modelling field.
I have already looked in there but it doesn't mention how to do it, I've found how to make the Curse of Cortez crew immortal but nothing regarding the chest of Davy Jones since that curse doesn't apply to the crew.

As for this, I found BOARDERMODEL but I don't know the ID for the seaweed skeletons nor how to make them apply to only my crew, Im unexperienced in the modelling field.

Ahh ok no I dont help whit thats, sorry
Is there any way to apply the seaweed skeleton textures to all of the Cursed Flying Dutchman crew, atleast in boarding scenes.
There is some boarder model code that you can probably tweak for that.
Have a look through PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .

Secondly, is there a way to make Davy Jones immortal and also his crew harder to kill, aka giving them around 300-400 hp.
For player and officers, you can use the cheat mode and enable immortality.
For the crew, the Cursed Coins code does something similar; that can probably be tweaked a bit.

Sidenote: Is there any work being done on Salazar and Silent Mary? Seeing Silent Mary (Cursed mode) in the game would be awesome, especially with a type of ramming damage to simulate the attack in the PotC 5 movie.
We have no modellers around at the moment.
Would be nice to have though, if only we could find someone to do the work.

As for this, I found BOARDERMODEL but I don't know the ID for the seaweed skeletons nor how to make them apply to only my crew, Im unexperienced in the modelling field.
If my memory is correct, the model IDs are "davy1" through "davy4".
Have a look at PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c .
There is some boarder model code that you can probably tweak for that.
Have a look through PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .
So I looked through that and found something to describe how to do it, I just don't know where to put the actual code.
// KK -->
// Models for Nathaniel's boarders.
// These are filenames from resource\models\characters but with extra character at the end describing whether they are
// men ("M"), ladies ("W") or skeletons ("S"). Empty string ("") gets stock default.

#define BOARDERMODEL "standard" // Outfit for your boarders, insert one of these groups (Don't change spelling or the "" !):
// "marine", "corsair", "masked", "skeleton", "girl", "soldier" (soldiers of current flag),
// "boarder" (Nathaniel's soldiers); default: "standard"

#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1 "33_Piratess10W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_2 "Skel3S"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_3 "towngirl1W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_4 "Will_2M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6 "towngirl7W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_7 "Corsair1_4M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_8 "50_IndiaW"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_9 "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10 "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_11 "black_corsairM"

#define BOARDER_INDEX -1 // INT - range= -1,100 , Select model for Nathaniel boarders.
// -1: random (generates different sets for every deck; works also for remaining groups),
// 0: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_5; works also for remaining groups),
// 1-99: one selected model for all boarders (works also for remaining groups in range from 1 to 99),
// 100: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10; for remaining groups identical to 0).
// <-- KK

For the crew, the Cursed Coins code does something similar; that can probably be tweaked a bit.
I looked at this but I don't know how to apply the Curse effect to the crew. Unlike the coins which are in the weapons locker, The Chest of Davy Jones is only on the person. Secondly I have no idea what IDs are being used for the Curse of Davy Jones.

If my memory is correct, the model IDs are "davy1" through "davy4".
Have a look at PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c .
I had a look and it was davy1 to davy5, sadly no help since I don't know where to apply it.

We have no modellers around at the moment.
Would be nice to have though, if only we could find someone to do the work.
That's too bad, perhaps in the future sometime.

EDIT: I have also noticed that when you start in Free Play as Davy Jones, a seaweed skeleton walks into ur cabin and talks to you, so it should already be applied somewhere.
EDIT2: I've also forgot to mention, Im playing with Beta 4, not 4.1. I don't know how much difference there is in the code in that update.
PS: Thanks for the quick responses and help guys, means the world. :onya
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