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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Please take a look at the hill in front of the smugglers camp. You can see some black areas over the horizon.
I've looked at both Smugglers' Lair on La Grenade, and Buccaneers' Camp on Hispaniola. Though I didn't find any black areas on the horizon at either place, there was a problem at Buccaneers' Camp. On the left is how it looked in 2021, on the right is how it looks with the 1st January installer:
bc_exit_orig.jpg bc_exit_jan1.jpg
The problem is "RESOURCE\Textures\bump_city.tga.tx". I don't know why a jungle location is using a file called "bump_city", but that made me check the camp itself, which indeed shows the same problem:

So I put back the original version of "bump_city.tga.tx", which restored both the exit and the camp to their former glory:

@ANSEL: could you upload a screenshot, or for preference a savegame, showing the black areas on the horizon? It may be that they only appear at certain times of day, or I'm looking the wrong way. The problem is likely to be another of the new texture files and I'll need to track down which one it is.
Smugglers lair on Grenada. If you go to the top on the hill and look to the left, you will se the black areas.
I've been there, looked all round, and didn't see any black areas. That's why I asked for a screenshot or saved game - either you've found a viewing angle which I didn't, or the black areas only show up at a certain time of day and I wasn't there at the right time.
Fixed! Unzip this and put it into "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Smuggler Lair\Exit". It's the mountain range which you see in the background. No such black areas show up at the exit of Buccaneers' Camp on Hispaniola, so I had a look at both versions. The one at Smugglers' Lair exit is based at ground level, but the one at Buccaneers' Camp is based a little below. So I used TOOL to drop the Smugglers' Lair version.

What now seems amazing is that nobody spotted this before. That file hasn't changed since 2003, which means the problem has been in all versions of PoTC all the way back to the stock game!


  • plan_3.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 112
Press F2 to get the various interface screens, then click on "Colonies" to see what is import, export and contraband at various places. Buy goods where they're exported, sell them where they're imported. You'll also want to have high "Commerce" skill and for preference the "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" abilities, otherwise the storekeepers are going to fleece you thoroughly! You can also hire a quartermaster, whose "Commerce" skill will go up more quickly than yours, and give him the commerce abilities (if he doesn't already have them) when he gets free ability points.

Or you can ask the storekeeper for a job, in which case he may ask you to deliver a cargo to another port - here's the section on cargo quests from our Wiki:
Deliver a Cargo for a Store Owner
This is more likely to be profitable until you have high "Commerce" skill plus the abilities.
About the new green textures.

I think the palms look much better.

But the plants are too bright.

Where did all these stuff come from?
I did that and it was absolutely no difference. I didn't even get rid of the red flowers. Not sure what's wrong here.
The file grass.tga didn't exist in my game before I added @GreyRogers 2 changed file??? Huh? o_O
@Pieter Boelen replaced a whole load of textures with versions from "Corsairs-Harbour.ru", including the grass textures. Grass in the Caribbean can look quite bright - I did a Google Images search on "Caribbean wild grass" and would have put the old, dull grass textures back if the results of that search had not looked bright. The red flowers, however, should not be there, so I made a version of the new, bright, high resolution grass texture without them. So you'll find a zip file with the replaced grass texture in post 2132, and it will also go into the next update.

There's also a texture file "grass_flower.tga.tx" which wasn't replaced and so is still dull and low resolution, and as far as I can tell it's only used in Kralendijk port. It's basically "grass.tga.tx" with the various plants arranged differently. So I rearranged the new "grass.tga.tx" to match, and as this one is supposed to have flowers judging by its name, I left them in. So Kralendijk port will have grass similar to that picture of the grass with flowers, while everywhere else will be deflowered.

You should find "grass.tga.tx" in "RESOURCE\Textures\Grass", and that is where my deflowered version should go.
My bad I placed the grass file in the wrong folder. It's much better without the red flowers but I still think the moving plants are
a little too bright green.
Ok I made a quick test. Found the file grassshore.tga, copied it and used it as grass.tga. It gives a less bright green color
and in my opinion not so disturbing.
new grass.jpg grassshore.jpg

I took a fast walk to a jungle and a shore and this is what I will use in the future.
That "grassshore.tga" may be higher resolution but doesn't look any sharper than the original version. I've tried a dulled-down version of the deflowered new file as an experiment.

And I've set up a poll here:
Poll - New grass or old?

Anyone with any preference for the style of grass in the game, please vote. On the basis of that vote, I'll put the relevant texture file into the next update. If there's a tie then I'll add my vote to break the tie, otherwise I'll go with the majority choice.
is this mod still alive and maintained,id love to see updates such as sandokan flags and character,cheers
Yes, the mod is still active. If you want to add a Sandokan character, have a look at this:
Creating a new character model

The main snag with adding flags is the Pirate flags. There are no empty ones available. So any new Pirate flag must replace an existing one. And most of the existing flags are either historically significant, used by an existing game character, or both.
Perhaps Sandokan can be Personal?

I can think now of a whooole bunch of other flags I'd like to stick in there. :cheeky
There are only two Personal slots left. Once they're used, for any further Personal flag to be added, another must be removed. Since Sandokan is set in the wrong time (late 19th century, after our "Napoleonic") and on the other side of the planet, if it is added then it's also the first candidate to be replaced when something more appropriate to the game's time and location needs to be added. Other prime candidates for replacement would be the British flag (if you want to fly a British flag, fly an actual British flag and get the right one for your chosen period); the one which looks like a mutated British Union Jack and which is actually a Russian naval jack, meaning it would never be used as an ensign; and the Swedish one, if "Woodes Rogers" can be modified to use the flag for Sweden as a nation.
if "Woodes Rogers" can be modified to use the flag for Sweden as a nation.
Guess it can but would mean both the swedish land locations and ships and the changing of flags situation on top of Blackbeard´s tower. Hmm.
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