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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing

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Uh ohh. Last night I posted a long post about some errors and a crash I had, and posted the logs. This morning it is not here. After I posted it, or so I thought, I played a bit more and went to bed.

The first error log had compile errors in it as well as a lot of other things. The one I have now does not have the compile errors, but here it is anyway.


  • compile.log
    42.5 KB · Views: 296
  • error.log
    4 KB · Views: 281
  • system.log
    8.6 KB · Views: 329
Uh ohh. Last night I posted a long post about some errors and a crash I had, and posted the logs. This morning it is not here.
That's weird! I'm pretty sure I never got to see that post. o_O

The first error log had compile errors in it as well as a lot of other things.
Nothing crash-worthy in there, but that error.log DOES have some stuff in there that I thought I fixed a while back:
Fixed - Invalid island index | PiratesAhoy!

It is related to doing stuff at the shipyard to your companion ships. Did you do any buy/sell/repair things there?

Also, if you can, please make the code change described in post #8 of that thread, then do the same thing again.
If it is indeed the same problem, you should then get an on-screen log message about it along with more complete details written to compile.log .
What I did was go to Cuba on a treasure quest. Did that and while sailing away on the world map saw a battle and joined in. It was French VS English close to Santiago, which is friendly to the English and hostile to the French. The English saw that they were outnumbered and fled towards the fort. I like that they did the logical thing just like I would in their situation. Anyway, a Heavy east Indiaman got her sails shot out and fell behind and I dove in and pummeled her into surrendering.
BTW her sails and hull stayed damaged after the battle!

So from there I sailed to Jamaica, changed flags to Portagee, and sailed into port. It was while wandering around town that it crashed with the "compile error" log that I thought I posted. So I started over at the docks and got the ships repaired and the heavy upgraded. I don't remember if it had any contraband or not but wouldn't be surprised. Then I bought some cargo and headed to Sao Jorge.

About post #8, where does that code go?
installing the latest zip and i'll try it in a few moments hope the stated bugs in the comments were fixed but anyway Alexander Putin need to start sailing after taking rest in an island ...haha!!!!!bring me My Black-Red painted Frigate Arggggg!!!
There was no contraband involved, it was only repairs and upgrades at the shipyard. It's too early in the morning and my eyes will not focus so can not change that code.
BTW her sails and hull stayed damaged after the battle!
Ah, that's good news that is! :woot

It was while wandering around town that it crashed with the "compile error" log that I thought I posted.
Surprising! Maybe something Levelling-related then? But I doubt that is easy to find out.
You could try enabling the Levelling debug toggles at the top of PROGRAM\Characters\Levelling.c .
But I suppose it seemed like a "random crash" that cannot easily be replicated, so I doubt it is worth the trouble.
Probably falls under the "save often" recommendation. :(

So I started over at the docks and got the ships repaired and the heavy upgraded. I don't remember if it had any contraband or not but wouldn't be surprised.
I think technically it wouldn't matter if you do or don't have contraband on board. The game is just trying to find out IF you do.

About post #8, where does that code go?
I think that function is in PROGRAM\smuggling.c .
ok so i tasted the latest zip and started many games to see i have to say false flag works perfectly now (YaY)but i noticed something in the first game i did well i was passing by(i'm a pirate cutthroat rank enemy with everyone ) a huge fight between France (1 first and 2 second with 2 frigates)against Portugal(1 second rate and 3 frigates) so i stopped and kept on watching them destroying each others the fight was intense (i didn't know Portugal commanders were that strong and smart in sea battles) France were destroyed its first rate surrendered and its 2-2 second rate and frigate tried running and the 2 second rate were destroyed while running and Portugal lost only 1 frigate and they started chasing the two left french frigates so i toke the chance and bordered the first rate i killed the captain and toke the ship and escaped to pirates settlement i had some fights with my crew because of moral but (yeah i noticed this as well not only in this battle i'm stuck in my ship no crew attack me and when i attack the officers who are supposed to attack me and kill them nothing happen and i'm stuck even though i can see go to see icon but anyway)i had to put a shit load of weapons more then 100 sword so that the crew that i take them with me to land will have weapons no 20-30 weapons work need more then 100 to work for me is it because the first rate had 1000 crew i don't know just wanted to say )
imado552, the weapons locker only needs enough to equip your boarding and/or shore parties so 10-20 would be sufficient - depends on how many you loose in fights (decks). Early in one game I lost most of my boarding party on each deck when taking a ship and by the end my crew only had cutlasses. Not sure what is happening with your morale but it seems your own crew morale must be very low - not had this happen to me before.

Hope this helps.
imado552, the weapons locker only needs enough to equip your boarding and/or shore parties so 10-20 would be sufficient - depends on how many you loose in fights (decks). Early in one game I lost most of my boarding party on each deck when taking a ship and by the end my crew only had cutlasses. Not sure what is happening with your morale but it seems your own crew morale must be very low - not had this happen to me before.

Hope this helps.
thanks salonikasurf so when my crew are killed in boarding their weapons will be gone with them that explain why since i lost a lot of brave mens in boarding and for the moral i just figured out what was the cause i didn't divide the plunder for a long time after dividing the plunder their moral went back to heroic that explain why thanks again for your replay that helped
Okay. So I see the updated zip dated 27 March from last Sunday. I also have the archive and installer from earlier in February currently installed. Did I also read that there may be a new installer/archive on the way? It sounded like this was planned for Tuesday as a finalization/public debut of beta 4. I have been off gallivanting about the country but am settled and ready to ply my trade on El Carib. But I am wondering if I should wait until the public release. I imagine it will be just the updated archive and the installer, correct?
I'll upload the two brand new files either tonight or on Saturday.
Just for info: I have a lot of files again but they will have to wait to the next update.
Just for info: I have a lot of files again but they will have to wait to the next update.
Indeed that will have to be for the first post-Beta 4 update then. I've got no clue when that will be though.
There is a chance that I'll take it easy for a while after Beta 4.0 has been publicly released.

But whenever you want to post something new, you're always welcome to do so!
It is always good to have a backup somewhere because I wouldn't want you to lose all your hard work.
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