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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

Great job so far! Could you also take a look at the graphical anomalies when breaking a mast? I think their already reduced from older patches, but still...
That code is sooooo complicated. And we never did figure out exactly why it happens. :facepalm

The only other thing you might look at if you have time is the tailor on Jamica. He is the only one who still often has missing lines of dialogue when he lists his wares.
I've got some code in place to NOT show character models at the tailor shop that don't have a description set.
If characters do show up at the tailors without descriptions, it is because of a mismatch between initModels.c and models_description.txt .
I already caught a couple of those for Spanish officer models myself. If you run into any others, please let me know which models they are so I can fix those too.

Are these present when running the sweeps by the way?
Nope. Wouldn't know how to do that either. :shrug
I just got another merchant mission to pirate settlement and it did not end well.
Confirmed and fixed. Extract attached to PROGRAM\Characters to be able to complete the quest.
Turns out the "pirate trade check" was taking preference over the "do you have a cargo quest" one. Not anymore.
Thanks for catching! :cheers


  • CharacterUtilite.zip
    33.6 KB · Views: 116
Need help!
Somethings is wrong whith Jack sparrows storyline.dialogs not right.It is in the side quest to. It seems like some random dialogs comes up where its not supose to do.
Need help!
Somethings is wrong whith Jack sparrows storyline.dialogs not right.It is in the side quest to. It seems like some random dialogs comes up where its not supose to do.
Indeed you're right. I missed an instance of the old "cursed ship" code. Easily fixed; will put it in an update today. :yes
There is no tailor shop on Antigua. That means that in Early Explorers there are no English tailor shops at all.

No Brothel either.
Opening Post Updated: New Fix Pack Posted

And another couple of fixes, most importantly one for the custom Profile Names.
So next time you start a new game, please try a name other than the default and see if the game manages to lose it still! :whipa

Full List:
Build 14 Beta 3 Updates:
- Bug Fixes:
  . Fix for custom profile names being lost by Pieter Boelen
  . Can complete trade quests to Pirate Settlement even on high reputation by Pieter Boelen
- Code Updates:
  . Use Quickload to load your latest savegame, even if it was not a Quicksave, by Pirate_KK
- Interface Updates:
  . Select Storyline Interface model selection updates by Pieter Boelen
  > Storyline period taken into account for model availability
    > "Land Officer" group added
    > Blank and "BROKEN" models not shown
- Storyline Updates:
  . Jack Sparrow storyline:
  > Crimson Blood related dialog error fixed by Pieter Boele
There is no tailor shop on Antigua. That means that in Early Explorers there are no English tailor shops at all.
True, that. No Dutch one either. And Portuguese in the later time periods.
I'm applying the "emissary" trick to them right now. :yes

No Brothel either.
Not all towns and not all nations have them. Don't care myself; apart from their storyline use, I don't think there's much to do there anyway. :shrug
In the main story line Barolomeu sidequest. Get the square no hangman appears to talk to. Nat is frozen waiting. I wonder if I missed a step to get there. Kill the guards on the beach, kill the guards at the gate run to the square tell Bart I am going to talk to the hangman?

And what is a land officer?
Last edited:
That storyline hangs there a lot. I learned to save just before entering that square with the hangman so that if it doesn't work I can just start over from just before.

And Bart O Port is not in the Early Explorers time period.
And what is a land officer?
You mean from the changelog above? It is just a group of the soldiers' officers.
I figured players might prefer the officer model over the soldier model, but there wasn't a selection option for them before.

And Bart O Port is not in the Early Explorers time period.
His sidequest is only in the Standard storyline. These are the sidequests that should be there in Devlin Opera:
  > Baldewyn Coffier & Arnaud Matton
  > Find Angelique Moulin’s Father
  > Find the missing son of the Spanish Admiral
  > Help the Boatswain
  > Help the Lady
  > Saga of the Blacque Family
  > Saving Toff's Daughter
  > Zaid Murro's Problems
  > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance
  > Escort Vigila Mendes Ship
  > Rys Bloom Quest
  > Sink the Pirate Corvette
  > Cargo for Thomas O'Reily
  > Contraband for Thomas O'Reily
  > A girl won in a card game
Any others haven't been ported yet and unfortunately I haven't seen Don Lasagnetti around for quite some time.
So unless anybody else wants to work on it, this is what it'll stay at for a while. :(
Ok, somehow I got it in my head that Bart O Port was in Devlin Opera too.

Man! After getting no CTDs for 4 days I got 3 CTDs so far this afternoon. I hope the latest fix isn't the reason.
wew..well im not taking any chances..hehehe.. i didn't get any CTDs also..thus far..I'll just wait for the next update..:cheeky
On the Bart side quest, I have tried to find the executioner 6 successive times without success. I would say based on that '' This quest is broken at that spot.
Man! After getting no CTDs for 4 days I got 3 CTDs so far this afternoon. I hope the latest fix isn't the reason.
I cannot see why. There are only some small changes in there. :shrug

On the Bart side quest, I have tried to find the executioner 6 successive times without success. I would say based on that '' This quest is broken at that spot.
I'll try to make it work.
On the Bart side quest, I have tried to find the executioner 6 successive times without success. I would say based on that '' This quest is broken at that spot.
Problem found: There are too many characters in the location. It doesn't even have "vcskip" set and the "land crewmembers mod" makes matters even worse.
Extract attached to your main game folder, then load that savegame you posted. Wait until after Bartolomeu talks to you and you get stuck.
Now press F12. You will be reloaded back to the town square. Go back through the gates to the location you just came from and it should work properly.

I also included a change for the "land crewmembers mod" to respect the "vcskip" attribute. That may help with other quest issues too. :yes


  • Bart_Fix.zip
    109 KB · Views: 110
Now THAT is what we want! :dance
I think it'll be a good idea to keep not requiring a new game to be started for some time now.
That'll allow us to get some proper feedback on how Beta 3 plays before the public release. :cheeky

Hiring officers seem more difficult (Standard Story). When I do find an officer he is usually way higher level, and cost than I am looking for.

The ship repairs pretty speedily even without any Planks or Sailcloth. Should be some limit.

DirectSail Encounters are all better. No more "0 Cwt ...." (what does Cwt stand for?)

Quicksaves working properly...

Melee combat is too difficult. But that's probably because I keep starting from the beginning and don't use any cheats, and never get to a higher level before restarting for another update.

I still can't get over how awesome the new map is.
What difficulty level are you playing on? Especially on the Standard storyline, use the tutorial to build up your fencing skill early.
We have done a LOT to make melee easier in Beta 2.5 and haven't touched it since.
I'm sure Hylie can give you some pointers there.

Ship repair at sea depends on your repair skill, I think?

Cwt = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredweight
Opening Post Updated: New Fix Pack Posted

Just a couple of fixes, this time. The appearance of the hangman in the Bartolomeu stories should be sorted properly at last.
Also addressed a slight error in the "landing at Petit Tabac" code and fixed a potential encounter for un-existing nation using DirectSail.
As before, no new game required; these are just some small changes. :shrug