Just tested Emergency Repairs and it does show up. But ONLY if your HP or SP is less than 10%. That is what it is coded as.
And Light Repairs also works fine. As long as you've got planks and sailcloth in your cargo hold, are free to reload to the worldmap and have HP or SP less than 90%.
So I can find nothing wrong there. Except perhaps the ability descriptions and what they actually do don't actually match up properly.
What do people reckon both abilities should do? Then I can change it so it does just that and change the descriptions accordingly.
As for ransoming, do you mean you have trouble putting the captains in the hold at all or is the problem once they are IN the hold to ransom them then?
I remember putting them in the hold was impossible for Coast Raiders before, but I fixed that weeks ago.
And I managed to successfully ransom a captain from the cargo hold I think last week, but didn't look into it very far.
I think some of that doesn't work entirely right and sometimes you should get the ransom option, but you don't.
Anyway, what I did was to tell the captain in the hold to "stand up" first. You also have to be moored in port for it to work.
You mentioned the unlootable captains before and I'm pretty sure some odd stuff is going on with looting in the first place.
But I'll run into those when I finally get around to some play-testing of my own. That'll have to wait until after the Beta 3 release though.
Thanks for clarifying on the repairs I guess it has been so long since I had a vessel that shot up I forgot that you had to be in such bad shape to trigger it.
On ransom, I always get them into the hold. It is the dialogue and the randomness of ransom that I object to. I like having to have to get them to the right island and I would much prefer to have this work the way it used to. Where you went to talk with them, got 4 or five dialogue choices one of which was ransom followed by negotiations over price. If people want an initial dialogue before you get to ransom you could keep what we have but key the ransom of the "stand up when I am talking with you". My larger point ransoming from the hold is a good addition. The way it is working now, it virtually impossible to use and is therefore pointless.