• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

The clutter is all the stuff just floating around the islands. You know, the stuff that has you zigzagging back and forth collecting it until your holds are full, then you just ignore it. Suddenly it is all gone.
OH! That's the stuff generated by DirectSail updates. That hasn't been changed either.
For some reason the game is constantly crashing now. I ran all over town and jungle just fine but the world map is crashing.


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Some weird stuff in those log files:
WARNING!!! Item id = -1 not implemented
Quest name error FOUND in CommonQuestComplete
RUNTIME ERROR - file: quests\quests_check.c; line: 426
missed attribute: win_condition
RUNTIME ERROR - file: quests\quests_check.c; line: 426
no rAP data
But why, I do not know. o_O
Before you try to release officially Beta 3.2, there is something i have found which annoys me: smuggling. It sems that in some places, on the map of colonies, where you can find which products in one place are for contraband, some of what they say don't work. For example, medicine on Port au Prince, which it is only available from contraband, it doesn't work when you try to deal with smugglers. Some times i find that "there is nothing i can offer to them" even when i had medicine aboard! Has this problem been fixed recently? I'm playing the Beta 3.2 WIP of 9th May.
I ran into that problem a couple of days ago and it seems it is related to islands with more than one town on them. I believe it has been fixed in the latest WIP version that was just released.

Pieter: This is an old install from last year so it would not surprise me if strange things start happening. It has started crashing a lot more lately and maybe it is time for a new install. Six months might be a new record for me anyway as most installs only last me 2-3 months.

I kept at it and made it to my goal, a treasure on Turks. I am now 0-2 in treasure quests and am out $430,000. Ayup! Two quests at $215,000 each. :rumgone
Before you try to release officially Beta 3.2, there is something i have found which annoys me: smuggling. It sems that in some places, on the map of colonies, where you can find which products in one place are for contraband, some of what they say don't work. For example, medicine on Port au Prince, which it is only available from contraband, it doesn't work when you try to deal with smugglers. Some times i find that "there is nothing i can offer to them" even when i had medicine aboard! Has this problem been fixed recently? I'm playing the Beta 3.2 WIP of 9th May.
Could you post a savegame of that one? So me or @Levis can talk to the smugglers ourselves?
If it is indeed a "multiple towns" problem, then I've got a hunch on what the reason is. Not entirely sure about a fix, but it would be a start at least.

Pieter: This is an old install from last year so it would not surprise me if strange things start happening. It has started crashing a lot more lately and maybe it is time for a new install. Six months might be a new record for me anyway as most installs only last me 2-3 months.
Today I actually tested a Beta 3.2 install based on the cumulative updates from the past year or so
vs. a Beta 3.2 install that I put on top of a clean Beta 3 version. Results: Exactly the same.
Ah yeah I think I know what the problem is already. I have to check it tough. Cant do that now but the smugglers use the closest store. In the town that goes well but on the beach an other store could be closer. So for the smuggler quest a quest variable has to be set for the town and that has to be used for the smugglers on the beach
Today I actually tested a Beta 3.2 install based on the cumulative updates from the past year or so
vs. a Beta 3.2 install that I put on top of a clean Beta 3 version. Results: Exactly the same.

That is unsurprising on all new clean installs. Experience says that over time errors creep in that eventually make the install unplayable because of constant crashing, or a complete failure to even start.
That is unsurprising on all new clean installs. Experience says that over time errors creep in that eventually make the install unplayable because of constant crashing, or a complete failure to even start.
Not sure how any such thing can happen though. The files themselves aren't being modified, are you?
Have you ever considered making a new, clean install next to the "broken" one and doing a WinMerge between the two?
All I change is the internalsettings.h and defaultcontrols.c, and some ship files as I modify ships.

Never did a Winmerge between new and old. I can say that after that bout of crashes earlier today the game has been working fine. I am now 1-3 in treasure quests! :pirates
I think this should fix the smuggler program. But I have been awake for a bit to long already so I might have overlooked something. I wasn't able to test it yet so please do if you are able.
change is made on row 3764.
Place in POTC\PROGRAM\Characters


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Good night for now. I will see if it works when I'm awake again. Hopefull thats not soon!:type1
That is unsurprising on all new clean installs. Experience says that over time errors creep in that eventually make the install unplayable because of constant crashing, or a complete failure to even start.
Yes, I've had that happen sometimes as well. After a clean install, and after modifiying various configuration files, I copy the entire game directory to a backup directory. When the game starts doing silly things and continues doing them after reloading an earlier saved game which had previously reloaded without trouble, I copy the entire backup directory back into the game directory. It does eat some disc space, but it's a lot quicker than a total reinstall. :)

I hadn't heard of Winmerge before. Next time the game starts misbehaving I'll try it.
Can someone test that smuggling fix of Levis', please? I'd quite like to know if that is back to normal. now. :doff
File updated with Levis' two new fixes. Obviously installing those separately does save you the trouble of redownloading the whole thing.
Tought about it now Im more awake and it wont fix it. Let me see if i can get it to work.
It should be something like this.
Please test it to see if it works. I probably wont have time to look at it again untill tomorrow. But in case it doesn't work I made a mistake on the location detection. You need to compare the current location agains the location which is stored in Pchar.quest.contraband.CurrentPlace. If those are equal then this DeleteAttribute(_refCharacter,"FindContrabandGoods") can happen. Else not.
Else you could also change the FindContrabandGoods.StoreIdx to be stored in the quest instead of FindCOntrabandGoods. Then you can just add a delete in Smuggler_onshore.c by adding a delete option there here the other delete options are. but I first wanted to see if I could fix it in the functions itself.


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