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errm ... aye, I think it is the Postillonen. Think that is the only 6th rate in that era, and that's what she is named.

To be sure, I'll give you a picture ...

24 - next.jpg

Are there other 6th rates in that era?
What era are you playing now? Depending on when you play there are possibly 2 to 5 6th rates you can encounter.

I just did a quick search and found the Postillionen, Neptunus, schooner of war, schooner xebec, and corvette 47. I could be wrong about the schooners but am pretty sure about the others.

just had three crashes in a row when trying to use the shipyard.

Captured a Royal Manila Galleon, and because she dismasted me, I swapped ships. Then tried to repair at the shipyard, and got a game crash. Reloeded,m next game crash.
Next time, I swapped ships before talking to the shipyard - no crash. But after repairing my main ship, I selected the Royal Manila Galleon - crash.

This is in La Croix storyline.

The problem seems to be sxclusively with the shipyard. No problem selecting that ship at the merchant.

And even more strange ... when sailed from Paot au prince (where this problem happened) to Tortuga, and trioed it there, there was no problem at all. I was able to select and sell the ship.


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since I am actually for the first time exploring the effects of a curse on my character and ship, some questions:
- the ship is now cursed because sailed by a cursed captain I guess?
- the crew will become cursed when putting this coin into the weaponslocker?
- and the cursed ships cursed sails will overwrite any oter sail setting in F2-Ships-Sails?
- I guess the sails are the first step and the ship will start emitting this undead fog soon as well?
I can't see anything ship or shipyard related. I do not know why that ship would crash the shipyard when you are its Captain. I have been avoiding them for a long time because their collision detection is so bad it is dangerous to get anywhere near them.

Ah, the cursed coin. You will know all about it soon enough.
The crew only gets the positive effects of the curse if you put the coins in the Weaponslocker.
So that means higher HP and less crew losses at nighttime.

The cursed sails overwrite your set sails, but they do depend on your original sails.
If you have white sails, the cursed sails will be white. Etc.
The fog will indeed start after another 10 days if I recall.
Aye thanks.

That is indeed well done. I expirienced a lot of funny moments while being cursed.
Too bad one can't change sails after being cursed ... I think black cuesed sails would have looked much better than white.
The curse itself is really well done I think. Especially in terms of game balance ... I found out, it only works at night, and only on the upper decks. So when boarding, you benefit from the curse on deck, but not when you go down on guns deck and cargo. Also, nice thing that alle soldiers ind civilians in towns attack you once cursed at night.

One real setback is that my eyes can't bear the foggy ship for long. In my usual 10* compression, I nearly got a headache from watching. But it looks really cool in normal time and 3* compression.

Arghs, now I stand at the chest at Isla de Muerta and can't decide ... do I drop my one coin into the chest ... or do I take 'em all and curse my whole crew?
You CAN change sails while being cursed. If you change to black whole sails, your cursed sails will change into black torn sails.
I'm pretty sure that I tried that, and it didn't seem to have any effect.
But anyway ... I am no longer cursed now ... :bird:
I'm pretty sure that I tried that, and it didn't seem to have any effect.
Strange. I just checked the code and it definitely should be doing that. Note that you do need to reload the scene for the change to take effect.
That would be it then ... I just changed and did nothing else. I did not found the change sails option before, so this wa smy first try at all.
I do have another question ... I did not realize this because usually, I'm playing smugglers and pirates. Trying an honest merchant now ... and find this:
I'm at Hismapiola and want to do honest trade. Means buy something and sell it elsewhere. Thought about sandal.
Can buy this - marked as "export" for 276 in Santa Maria del Puerto and 221 gold Santo Domingo.
Wanted to trade it to Villa de Vega at Santiago ... they'd buy it for 176 gold. Errm?

There's not any bad event that happened to Santiago ... fairly new game ... though my informatzion about prices there may be a bit outdated.

If export-buy-price is lower than import-sell-price, how is this system supposed to work at all?
From the prices I look at, the only goods with a reasonable margin are silver, gold and well ... anything that can be smuggled. But I wanted to remain honest this time ... :rumgone
Is this tied to difficulty level? I'm at adventurer actually.

And one other matter ... just got this error:
4 - error.jpg
The ships mentioned are placed ... no idea what the error wants to tell me.
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Heh he he. That is the beauty of the POTC economy. Not only does it matter where you buy and where you sell, but it also changes over time and with different circumstances. In other words, if you buy in Cuba you want to sell in Martinique. Or possibly Aruba. With experience comes profit. :treasure:
Then the "import" and "export" declaration means nothing?
I vaguely remember in stock game it meant to buy where export is and sell where import is - and make profit.
I admit that at the moment, I don't have an idea how it works.
The "import" and "export" lists means a lot. It is just that one needs to look at the export list where you are, and then find a colony that has an import list that has items at a price that will give you a profit.

For instance buying silk at Martinique and selling it in Puerto Rico will give a profit. And buying woods in Puerto Rico and selling it in Martinique will give a profit. Gold and silver works well too.

It is hard to make a profit when trading between Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico as they all carry the same products at similar prices but the Dutch colonies carry different products and are profitable.

I generally start off smuggling until I have visited enough colonies to get a good list of products and prices to work from.