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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.5 Internal WIP For Testing

We asked the modeler about the size of the Diligente and he said it is accurate according to the blueprints, so it is your assumptions that are wrong. The other tartanes in the game are quite a bit smaller as they should be. The Diligente was a real French Navy ship used as an escort ship in the Mediterranean. That particular schooner had a capacity of almost 1500 cwt so it was off too.

I liked what JNorrington was doing as he was measuring the hull sizes and calculating capacities from there. That is really the only way to standardize capacities with all the changes made over the years to suit different modders and players.
Ah, so it's "La Dilligente". That is quite a bit larger than a regular tartane, with a weight of 110 tons and a capacity of 1200. The schooner should still be larger, being 200 tons. If "La Dilligente" is accurate then the schooner is too small. Or is it some other schooner? Looking through "Ships_init.c", there's the Colonial Fast Schooner of 115 tons, still larger than "La Dilligente" but only slightly, and presumably not the schooner seen in your screenshots as it's only supposed to show up in "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" periods, so should not exist in "Tales of a Sea Hawk".

How does "La Dilligente" look if you park it next to a corvette?
La Dilligente is quite a bit smaller than a corvette at 21 meters VS 34 meters.

The ships most likely to be wrong are the original game ships as they were only loosely based on real ships and their stats were changed for fun game play, not reality. Armada did a great job of upgrading the Aurora and Kreyser class frigates to be like the actual ships they were originally modeled after, but many of the others are just fantasy ships.
Quick Question for Pieter,

I just started playing the May 10 version BFF and I think I noticed that relations at the beginning seem to be set so character has British relations is that right?
On the latest Brave Black Flag your starting nation relations depend on the nation shown in the Select Storyline interface.
By default that is indeed England, but you can pick whichever nation you want that will end up hostile to you.

If I recall, I did make a code change specifically for you on that.
So if you play on Arcade Game Mode, then only England would be hostile to you but you don't get England's former relations.

I didn't recently test that, but I'm pretty sure that's what I did.
And I won't have access to my game files for an unknown amount of time so I won't be able to check.

You did make that change, thank you. It looked like it might have gone back, but I will double check.
If it indeed doesn't work the way we wanted anymore, make a bug tracker entry and I'll look at it when things are back to normal on my side.
You did make that change, thank you. It looked like it might have gone back, but I will double check.
I did a very quick double-check and the line of code for it is still there.
Don't have the opportunity to check if it actually works though.
What do you mean? The relations between nations in my storylines?
Grey Roger changed Holland and England to be hostile to each other in the time period your storylines are set in; they were friendly before.
Does that have any impact on the logic behind your story? For example, does Johan Elting have any dealings with the English that don't make sense if Holland is hostile with England?
I can't remember anymore....
I can't also remember.... I'll check that this week-end. Anyway, we can change the relations in the StartStoryline.c if necessary.
From what I recall when playing "Assassin", and from what I've seen playing "Bartolomeu" so far, relations between England and Holland should have no effect (except that as things were before, in "Bartolomeu" England was friendly to everyone except Spain, making the English flag effectively a "friends with everyone" flag). In "Assassin" you work for Spain, with a few jobs for England as a run-up to the "Cannons of Mona" mission, but those are aimed at France, not Holland. In "Bartolomeu" you're Portuguese by default, which is hostile to Holland already, and you fight a Dutch ship during the "Strange Statuette" quest. Anyway, I'm currently trying to play through "Bartolomeu" and might even get to complete it if there's a break in the daily updates requiring new games. ;) So I should find out first hand if war between England and Holland does anything silly to the story.
I can't also remember.... I'll check that this week-end. Anyway, we can change the relations in the StartStoryline.c if necessary.
Yes, we can. I just wanted to know if we indeed need to do that.

Anyway, I'm currently trying to play through "Bartolomeu" and might even get to complete it if there's a break in the daily updates requiring new games. ;)
I can guarantee you that there IS right now a break in daily updates. I won't be near my computer until Sunday evening again and even then I need to reinstall a lot of programs.
So it'll be a while before I can be active on PotC modding again. Enjoy the peace and quiet for now! :razz
I am playing the May 13 version of 3.5 and have a couple of things when you go to the tavern to hire a specific officer type, about 20-30% of the time when you try to talk with then you get the dialogue of one of you hired officers not the dialogue to someone you are considering hiring. To me this a new problem with this version.

Secondly, I took the quest to stop the Volstujis (sp). I got to the house on Karjnedlik found the letter and killed the guards. However the letter said the ammo was to be delivered "to." and ends there is that deliberate or an error?
I am playing the May 13 version of 3.5 and have a couple of things when you go to the tavern to hire a specific officer type, about 20-30% of the time when you try to talk with then you get the dialogue of one of you hired officers not the dialogue to someone you are considering hiring. To me this a new problem with this version.
They talk like they have already been hired? Perhaps I need to add an extra CurrentNode line for that.
Perhaps that can happen after a while because unused characters are recycled.

Secondly, I took the quest to stop the Volstujis (sp). I got to the house on Karjnedlik found the letter and killed the guards. However the letter said the ammo was to be delivered "to." and ends there is that deliberate or an error?
Do you have a screenshot of that? There's probably a typo in the item description.
I have never tried either of those two things, so am no help at all.

I do not know what has caused this but suddenly the crews of my companion ships have starting mutinying as soon as we leave port. I have never signed articles and have unlimited loot set to "1" in internalsettings.h. I had just hit the $8 million mark at level 21 after one successful treasure quest and a lot of smuggling, as I am trying to money up so I can buy some battleships for the Battle for Bridgetown and Cozumel.
When the mutiny's first started I put most of the money in the ship chest so I had less than $1million on hand, but the mutiny'd anyway.

What is causing this? Did the game just glitch?

EDIT: Went back to a n earlier save and tried again with the same results. This game is now broken.
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I do not know what has caused this but suddenly the crews of my companion ships have starting mutinying as soon as we leave port. I have never signed articles and have unlimited loot set to "1" in internalsettings.h.
I announced two weeks ago that I made some changes to the related coding, because if at all possible I would want to do away with the UNLIMITED_LOOT check altogether.
That is also why I mentioned you in the relevant thread several times. See here for details: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/...ifferent-playstyles.24511/page-11#post-506620

As before, I would still welcome suggestions on how to make use of this function in such a way that it doesn't actually need to be bypassed.
While "Divide the Plunder" does indeed limit the amount of money you make, it adds to the challenge and has the potential to make the game more interesting.

It counters the "too easy to make money"/game becomes boring after a while issues.
Surely after playing the game as long as you have, some new challenges would be a welcome change?
And I think it is a realistic concept for privateers, pirates and smugglers as well.

Anyway, to return this to its "former glory", open PROGRAM\NK.c and remove the // in front of this line:
// if (UNLIMITEDLOOT) return true; // Global override
I had hoped the special exception for merchant ships might have undone the need for the toggle, but it appears that this experiment has failed as well. :(
Whatever. Do what you want.

It appears the problem showed up when I captured a pirate light fluyt of war. It was all ok for a while and then it became impossible to leave port after I made it my ship.


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