• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.4 Release

So far, my relations have remained correct in terms of who is hostile and who is friendly, though actual values haven't been reset. Spain and Portugal are high enough that they've gone green, meaning the governors would love to give me a LoM and a promotion or two except that commissioned officers aren't allowed LoM's. Holland has become hostile after Britain and Holland went to war, but that's because their declaration of war opened up Dutch ships as a new source of targets, so the reason Holland doesn't like me is I've been attacking them. I've yet to try breaking the relations system seriously by attacking something Spanish or Portuguese... The main problem now is that relations are only supposed to reset when international relations change, which they don't do very often, so even if I do make an enemy of Spain, it will likely be some time before my relations with Spain are reset to the same as Britain's.

As for what changes I'd like to see regarding naval officers, I agree with @Red Back Dude - have escort, cargo and ship-hunting missions from naval HQ, or failing that, from governors of your nation. Such missions should not be available from other governors (possibly have allied governors give them, not neutrals and definitely not hostiles!) and they should be compulsory - they're not an offer of a job from someone wanting to hire you, they're orders. That's the big difference between a commissioned officer and a privateer, the officer has to do what he's told whereas the privateer is his own master.

Beyond that, and fixing the remaining few bugs, I'm actually quite happy with the game as it is and am more worried about future changes harming the way I play rather than looking forward to anything! I wouldn't mind fetch quests being made less frequent and put further down the dialog lists of their respective givers so that they're not the first thing you select by default, and I'd quite like the restriction on which perks you can give to which officers being removed.
To hold you over, I just completed the Change Log for the Beta 3.5 WIP I'll be posting:
Build 14 Beta 3.5:
- New Features:
  . Possibility to change starting date in Select Storyline Interface by Levis
  > Jean Lafitte and Jack Aubrey storylines removed
  . Hire specific officer types by talking to Tavern Owners by Pieter Boelen
  . Improved Commissioned Player Type by Pieter Boelen:
  > Gain ships, officers and uniforms as you are promoted [WIP: Set up for England only]
  > Paying crew and officers restored
  > Only gain land after rank 6 (Commodore)
  > Can only give Captured Towns to your Served Nation
  > Free Crew Hire in towns of your Served Nation
  > Cannot Swap Ships until rank 7 (Commodore)
  > Cannot Buy ships and cannot Sell player ship
  > Cannot Sign Articles
  . Improved Privateer Gameplay by Pieter Boelen:
  > Soldier crew, ship rewards and navy officers removed
  . Improved Pirate Gameplay by Pieter Boelen:
  > Can join the pirates if you have no LoM and are not hostile to them
  > Pirates sell their design ships if you have no LoM and you are not hostile to them
  > Can gain ranks with pirates after joining them
  > Improved Nevis blacksmith functionality after joining them
- Code Updates:
  . Full shared dialogs for Governor Functionality by Pieter Boelen [WIP: To be tested]
  . Shared dialogs added for Tavern Owners by Pieter Boelen
  . Improved performance at sea by Levis
  . Beach and Smuggler added to Cartagena by Pillat
  . Devil's Throat disabled as smuggling shore by Pillat and Levis
  . Pistol sound volume toggle added by Jack Rackham
  . More randomized level for officers by Levis
  . Unrandomized "guard resident from burglar" reputation increase by Grey Roger
  . Removed random female Captains and Mates from taverns by Pieter Boelen
  . Shotgun removed in Realistic and Iron Man Mode by Pieter Boelen
- Bug Fixes:
  . Officer skill and ability contribution fixed by Levis
  . Random Relation Change code rewritten and fixed for Commissioned player type by Pieter Boelen
  . Ship sale price fixed by Levis
  . Tortuga brothel fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Armor display on character model disabled for new armor types by Pieter Boelen
  . Reduced anchoring time by Pieter Boelen
  . Fixed Holland royal name by Pieter Boelen
  . Missing quest added to La Croix storyline by Pieter Boelen
  . Portuguese promotion reward officer fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Storyline Updates:
  . Arabelle Silehard last name changed to match with period-correct governor by Pieter Boelen [WIP: To be tested]
  . Lots of sidequest code moved to general folder by Pieter Boelen [WIP: To be tested]
  . Bartolomeu storyline Cartagena Firecracker Quest fixed by Bartolomeu o Portugues
- For Future Development:
  . Whip added for quest purposes by Jack Rackham
Feel free to comment on it in advance. This contains some huge changes and I'm not even done with them yet.
Eventually this should make for much less double code and easier modding in the future/more sidequests available in ALL storylines.
But since this IS a pretty huge project, it is both time-consuming and requires VERY careful testing by you guys!
> Cannot Swap Ships until rank 7 (Commodore)
> Cannot Buy ships and cannot Sell player ship * will these conflict with each other ?

> Soldier crew, ship rewards and navy officers removed * even if its enabled in internal settings h ?
VERY careful testing ? better get out my best hammer for this one.
Sounds like a good idea. ;)

> Cannot Swap Ships until rank 7 (Commodore)
> Cannot Buy ships and cannot Sell player ship * will these conflict with each other ?
Why would they? You get a new ship at each promotion. This forces you to stick to your navy-given ship.
Starting at Commodore, you get companion ships too. And since you then have passed the rank required, you can choose to use your companion's ship instead.
You can still capture ships, give them to companions and sell companion ships.
You could even sell the companion ships the navy provide you with. You just cannot sell your OWN ship.

> Soldier crew, ship rewards and navy officers removed * even if its enabled in internal settings h ?
There is no InternalSettings.h toggle for that?
Basically, the ship rewards and navy officer promotions are now removed from Privateer and moved to Commissioned instead.
I didn't yet touch the boardermodel code, so if you give yourself soldiers through that, it'll work as well as it always did.
Sounds like a good idea. ;)

Why would they? You get a new ship at each promotion. This forces you to stick to your navy-given ship.
Starting at Commodore, you get companion ships too. And since you then have passed the rank required, you can choose to use your companion's ship instead.
You can still capture ships, give them to companions and sell companion ships.
You could even sell the companion ships the navy provide you with. You just cannot sell your OWN ship.

There is no InternalSettings.h toggle for that?
Basically, the ship rewards and navy officer promotions are now removed from Privateer and moved to Commissioned instead.
I didn't yet touch the boardermodel code, so if you give yourself soldiers through that, it'll work as well as it always did.

I will test the ships and make sure everything's working as intended it is probably fine|

For the internal settings h i mean for the "Soldiers" toggle for boarding crew in there.
Following the advice of Pieter I downloaded this modification, I spent several minutes with it and so far the experience has been positive. A lot of interesting changes. The only thing that I would like to point out is not entirely clear interface.
It's just my opinion and... I'm not quite sure. It's just my weird sense of aesthetics. I played only a few minutes and I need to spend more time with it.
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Well, without any specifics, I can guarantee you that nobody can do anything about it.... :wp
POTC's default interface has always been a bit strange, especially when being played on a PC, it was designed for Xbox after all. :shrug
I came up with something else. What do you think about little refresh of this image that initializes the game? Something like that:

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I came up with something else. What do you think about little refresh of this image that initializes the game? Something like that:
Not sure if that is even possible. Anyway, that would just be a small graphical change that doesn't impact on much of anything.
Still would take time and effort to figure out how to change the fonts and even then it might not work.
That time is better spent fixing bugs and improving the game functionality. It's not like we don't have enough other things we want to do. :confused:
I know this is small change. I believed that you know how to do such a things and I just wanted to share my thoughts. :)
