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Build 14 Beta 1

Ahoy All,

I have been testing the Beta when I can. playing main quest. I find the game relatively stable a few CTDS and or runtime errors but not much of a problem.

So far I have a few game play issues on one apparent main quest problem.

Game play.

1. When you capture a ship and the log says you gain ____ gold, that ammount is not added to the amount of crew money you have. I have cheked it several times and that is not working.

2. Some ships don't display flags and if you are sailing in one you can't raise any flag.

3. The Land Troops Icon displays in appropriately (I don't have that ability) when leaving beaches in Bonaire and when leaving the pirate settlement in Nevis.

4. If you kill Virgile Boon, you cannot loot his 20,000.

5. My spyglass stopped working about two thirds of the way through the quest. It brings images closer but displays no information. And it appears that all thinks in my inventory have stopped working the spyglass, and any thing that is supposed to add points to your skills.

Quest issue

After taking the frigate at Bidgetown and taking the idol the quest book appears to stop working. You get the write up about getting the idol and you get the idol, When you go to the lighthouse you, talk to Clement, you get the quest book sound and quill graphic, but nothing is added and the find Danielle quest has disappered. Then when you wreck on Bonaire you ger not quest notations. And the pirate ship sinks under you so it looks like the quest may be broken there. Ok the quest book is not broken I found the new entries. And the quest is not borken either since you can get to San Juan with the option of killing the guy if you don't take the pirate ship. That sinks no matter what.

All this aside the game looks and plays great.
1. When you capture a ship and the log says you gain ____ gold, that ammount is not added to the amount of crew money you have. I have cheked it several times and that is not working.
What about the ammount that goes in PERSONAL wealth as well, does that make it add up?

2. Some ships don't display flags and if you are sailing in one you can't raise any flag.
Can you note which ships these are so I can check to see if its the same for me ;)

3. The Land Troops Icon displays in appropriately (I don't have that ability) when leaving beaches in Bonaire and when leaving the pirate settlement in Nevis.
I seem to recall this is the case and Im not sure if it actually works :shrug

4. If you kill Virgile Boon, you cannot loot his 20,000.
What like on his ship? :?

5. My spyglass stopped working about two thirds of the way through the quest. It brings images closer but displays no information. And it appears that all thinks in my inventory have stopped working the spyglass, and any thing that is supposed to add points to your skills.
Realistic mode is on by default and doesnt show anything but making things bigger, however it sounds like you have something different (and bizarre)

Quest issue

After taking the frigate at Bidgetown and taking the idol the quest book appears to stop working. You get the write up about getting the idol and you get the idol, When you go to the lighthouse you, talk to Clement, you get the quest book sound and quill graphic, but nothing is added and the find Danielle quest has disappered. Then when you wreck on Bonaire you ger not quest notations. And the pirate ship sinks under you so it looks like the quest may be broken there. Ok the quest book is not broken I found the new entries. And the quest is not borken either since you can get to San Juan with the option of killing the guy if you don't take the pirate ship. That sinks no matter what.
So can you actually finish the quest?
i've tried the fix and it works.
and i've encounterd a bug. when you capture the last of the english warships at bridge town and are at the screen to manage
the ships a black screen appears where you are supposed to return to shore but instead when you press escape you are at sea without menu's or ship
for anyone who has this problem press f2 it seams to teleport you ( don't know why). though the sea remans black until you teleport to clement.
Thats good that it works :onya

The other parts are quite weird though and it sounds like your keys got messed up as well :facepalm
2. Indeed which ones are those? I'm pretty sure close to all ships DO have flag locators.
So if the flags don't show, something IS wrong somewhere. :shock

3. There's some shores that serve as 'port' for port-less towns, such as the pirate settlements.
It's possible to capture these too, though it's supposed to only be possible to land troops
if there is no ships belonging to that nation left around the island.
Of course the whole Capture Colonies mod needs some more fixing and finishing. :yes

5. No info from the spyglass is normal in Realistic Mode, which is now on by default.
But you seem to have more and weirder issues than just that. :facepalm
What about the ammount that goes in PERSONAL wealth as well, does that make it add up?

I don't know, I will chek that, but shouldn't it go in the crew money since it part of the plunder?

Can you note which ships these are so I can check to see if its the same for me

I will if I see them, but it seems somewhat random, 2 or 3 frigates, corvettes, a couple of galleons. It seems pretty clear now that most if not all ships with out flags are pirates.

I seem to recall this is the case and Im not sure if it actually works

So I am clear, the land troops icon appears when no attack is being made or has been made in the cases I am citing.

What like on his ship

No on Land

On the spyglass, that is in the default setting that I did not change, the other things in inventory not working I don't know. Ok again to be clear changing the defaults in options menu doesn't fix the spyglass probelm. I have the Masterwork glass and it is not working.

So can you actually finish the quest?

I haven;t finished yet, but I have gotten around that problem,I have now played through the taking of Bridgetown fort, which I believe is a work around since you know longer attack the fort from the sea, but start on the dock. It is importatnt to note the during this attack on Bridgetown Danille does no fighting she just stands there, getting hit with blades. I don't think that is quite what was intended.
I don't know, I will chek that, but shouldn't it go in the crew money since it part of the plunder?
I do think so, yes.

I will if I see them, but it seems somewhat random, 2 or 3 frigates, corvettes, a couple of galleons. It seems pretty clear now that most if not all ships with out flags are pirates.
I have seen flagless pirates before. Which storyline are you playing?
I originally got it in M&C, found I had made an error, fixed the error and then occasionally still gotit (UH? :wacko: )

So I am clear, the land troops icon appears when no attack is being made or has been made in the cases I am citing.
Can you check that when it DOES appear, there is no pirate ships around the island?

Ok again to be clear changing the defaults in options menu doesn't fix the spyglass problem. I have the Masterwork glass and it is not working.
You should need to start a new game for the Arcade Mode to be re-enabled. Can't change it in your current game. :?

I have now played through the taking of Bridgetown fort, which I believe is a work around since you know longer attack the fort from the sea, but start on the dock
It indeed IS a workaround. The actual Colony Capture here is still bugged,
so we skipped that to prevent you from getting stuck. Not a proper fix though.

It is importatnt to note the during this attack on Bridgetown Danille does no fighting she just stands there, getting hit with blades. I don't think that is quite what was intended.
Uhm... not, really no. Bug Tracker time! :facepalm
man, is this thing a pain to download or what? i got to 6% the first time before it aborted, and the second time it just stopped at 18% and said 'that's it, were done! here's the complete file!'. it wasn't, obviously. take 3!
i'll be starting on a logbook once i get it to fire up. should be entertaining, since i have a habit of getting myself into all kinds of stupid situations and the game's changed so much that none of my old tactics will work. how would i change the music to something of my own chosing? i've seen the music packs, but i normally make something myself, and i've heard that the old method doesn't quite work anymore.
allright, i'll give it a go sooner or later. in any case, i tested the game menu for a bit, and it seems to be working. the only problem i've seen is that the graphics are little jittery, as if my screen can't quite keep up. i'll try turning down my computer's and the game's resolution a bit.
I'm playing the Legend of Jack Sparrow, there is a bug on Quest Book, I don't know how explain that...I click on "The Aztec Treasure", and it shows the "Davy Jones" quest-book instead
And when i try to click Davy Jones Quest-Book, this quest-book is empty

I just played Villanueva – Helping Two Pirates, i'm disappointed to not see the...so special vocabulary of François (not spoiling lol), it would be very funny
At Island Turk, where is the barman?

But I enjoyed playing this game^^


  • BarmanTurk1.jpg
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Have you tried downloading from a different spot yet?
If you tried downloading from PA!, try the ModDB mirrors instead.
If you tried the ModDB, try the PA! mirror.
Also, a download resume program might help.

The music system was indeed rewritten, but you should be able to figure it out quite quickly.
It works close to the same as before, but the files are now in PROGRAM\sound\ALIAS instead of RESOURCE\INI .
Here's a sample of what it looks like now:
void InitMusic()
int n = 0;
ref tmpref;

//============ MAIN MENU ========================
// added by NK so it can be done in code.
makeref(tmpref, Music_Alias[n]);
tmpref.id = "music_main_menu";
tmpref.files.l1.name = "MUSIC\CutthroatIsland_Main_Theme.ogg";
//============ MAIN THEME ========================

makeref(tmpref, Music_Alias[n]);
tmpref.id = "music_main_theme";
tmpref.files.l1.name = "MUSIC\Main_Theme.ogg";
//============ FINAL THEME  ======================

makeref(tmpref, Music_Alias[n]);
tmpref.id = "music_final_theme";
tmpref.files.l1.name = "MUSIC\March.ogg";
//============ GOROD, PORT, ======================
Pretty straightforward, right?

"Jittery" graphics? That sounds REALLY weird. :wacko:
You didn't install any of the additional renderers (SwiftShader/ENB), right?
Little fix for Build 14 Beta 1. Find all three instances of "port.wmv" in RESOURCE and replace with "common\port.wmv".
That'll re-enable the animated background as intended in the TradeBook interface

I'm playing the Legend of Jack Sparrow, there is a bug on Quest Book, I don't know how explain that...I click on "The Aztec Treasure", and it shows the "Davy Jones" quest-book instead
And when i try to click Davy Jones Quest-Book, this quest-book is empty
That is probably because I failed to include the three new questbook files.
This is fixed with Captain Maggee's file that's now included in the installation instructions (see first page of this thread)

I just played Villanueva – Helping Two Pirates, i'm disappointed to not see the...so special vocabulary of François (not spoiling lol), it would be very funny
French accent? Yes, that WOULD be funny. You'd be welcome to rewrite his dialog yourself to add that. :yes

At Island Turk, where is the barman?
What point in the story is this? At first, a woman in black dress and an eye patch should be barwoman there.
Then if you progress far enough, a bunch of very famous characters will decide to reside in Turks.
At that point, Fred Bob is supposed to become barman.
Yep me being Australian, Im not much of a French accent type of guy Im afraid :(

If you want to rewrite the dialog feel free to do it :yes

I wonder where old Fred Bob has gone to :facepalm
i'll be starting on a logbook once i get it to fire up. should be entertaining, since i have a habit of getting myself into all kinds of stupid situations and the game's changed so much that none of my old tactics will work.

That would make a fantastic blog Morgan! :wp
During the quest that involves Davy Jones if you take to long he get mad and sends it after you ;) (JACK SPARROW)
the jittery graphics only apply to the glowing sections in the main menu, apparently. no issues anywhere else so far. and no, no graphical mods.

music modification looks pretty straightforward then.

i'm currently doing the first section of gameplay for the logbook. a little more of that and i'll get myself a TGA converter and start writing. helluva bunch of work though, i know that.