• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Build 14 Beta 1

All it does is change the position of a line. It was like this:
                        // Baste -->
float damage = rand(rank)*0.5;
float kDmg = 1.0;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "BasicDefense")) kDmg = 0.9;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "AdvancedDefense")) kDmg = 0.8;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "SwordplayProfessional")) kDmg = 0.7;
damage = damage*kDmg;
float critical = 0.0;
if(rand(100) <= 5) critical = damage*2.0;
if(makeint(damage) <= 0) damage = 1;
bool noExp = false;
With the fix it is like this:
                        // Baste -->
float damage = rand(rank)*0.5;
float kDmg = 1.0;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "BasicDefense")) kDmg = 0.9;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "AdvancedDefense")) kDmg = 0.8;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(enemy, "SwordplayProfessional")) kDmg = 0.7;
damage = damage*kDmg;
if(makeint(damage) <= 0) damage = 1;
float critical = 0.0;
if(rand(100) <= 5) critical = damage*2.0;
bool noExp = false;
"if(makeint(damage) <= 0) damage = 1;" should be below "damage = damage*kDmg;", not "if(rand(100) <= 5) critical = damage*2.0;". The fix makes sure that the code that makes a punch always deal at least 1 point of damage is run before the critical hit check is run. If it isn't, a critical hit by a punch might deal 0 points of damage when it should at least deal 2 points of damage.
oh okay, be sure to include that in beta 2 then. Small fix, but better to have it than not.
It's in my current game version, so it'll be added automatically for sure. :yes
Based on a conversation in the modding category, I want to make the following proposal:

Unless it breaks anything, I propose that the headline text font is changed to the one in the European version of the game since the font in that version seems to be of better quality. If I'm not mistaken, the dialog text and interface text in the build is from Age of Pirates, so another font change shouldn't be a problem. I'm uploading the necessary files. The texture file goes in "RESOURCE\Textures\FONTS" and the INI files go in "RESOURCE\INI". Don't forget to do a backup of your current files if you want to change it back.


  • Menu font.zip
    16.3 KB · Views: 225
  • fonts_euro.ini
    55.9 KB · Views: 184
  • fonts_new.ini
    53.2 KB · Views: 193
okay, but make sure all the font stays in English, don't want a problem like we had a few months ago with the russian loading screens, lol
I'm sure that won't happen. The Russian loading screens were because of a weird installation order anyway and do not happen when the modpack is installed correctly. :no
I installed it correctly and got the error back then, so I think it's just the weird order thing.
It will stay in English. The current headline font is from the American version of the game, and it and the stock dialog font from that version does in fact have Russian characters in it. This is not the case with the fonts from the European version.
Until Jason comes by again I will say that I'm up to level 13 now and have never had to repair a worn blade yet in a clean p7 install.

Rant on!

I'm getting upset with these storms. I have capsized twice in a European Barque and nearly capsized with cargo and crew going overboard in the Neptunus. :ko The Neptunus is a fast maneuverable heavy brig. :keith

Typically, once the ship decides to turn there is no stopping it until it stops sideways to the waves. Then it just sits there until it goes over. :j3 It seems the best thing to do is to steer with the turn and hope you can stop it before it goes 270 degrees so it is sideways to the waves facing the other direction. But that doesn't always work either.

Rant off! :rumgone
Sounds like I have to check if bladedamage still does anything then; cheers, mate. :doff

On the storms, find:{CODE]// PB: Rewritten Storm Rotate Impulse -->
float fRotate = stf(arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y); // Read the rotate impulse the ship already has
if(!CheckAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp")) arCharShip.stormimp = fRotate; // If not being pushed, store the rotate impulse before the push
// Else the ship is already being pushed
switch(rand(9)) // 2-in-10 chance the any of the first two actions happens
case 0: fRotate -= 0.02; break; // Take the original rotate impulse and push a bit either way
case 1: fRotate += 0.02; break; // Not just to port
fRotate = arCharShip.stormimp; // Else set the impulse to what it was before the storm push
DeleteAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp"); // Remove it because the ship is not being pushed either way by the storm anymore
arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y = fRotate; // Apply the new rotate impulse to the ship, which may include a storm push
else // If the storm has ended
if(CheckAttribute(arCharShip, "stormimp")) // And if the ship is still having a storm push, eg. there is a stored rotate impulse
arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y = arCharShip.stormimp; // Set the impulse to what it was before the storm push, eg. stop her turning
DeleteAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp"); // Remove it because the ship is no longer in the storm
// PB: Rewritten Storm Rotate Impulse <--[/CODE]Replace with:
// PB: Rewritten Storm Rotate Impulse -->
float fRotate = stf(arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y);							// Read the rotate impulse the ship already has
if(!CheckAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp"))	arCharShip.stormimp = fRotate;	// If not being pushed, store the rotate impulse before the push
// Else the ship is already being pushed
switch(rand(9))																// 2-in-10 chance the any of the first two actions happens
case 0: fRotate -= 0.01; break;											// Take the original rotate impulse and push a bit either way
case 1: fRotate += 0.01; break;											// Not just to port
fRotate = arCharShip.stormimp;											// Else set the impulse to what it was before the storm push
DeleteAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp");									// Remove it because the ship is not being pushed either way by the storm anymore
arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y = fRotate;										// Apply the new rotate impulse to the ship, which may include a storm push
else																			// If the storm has ended
if(CheckAttribute(arCharShip, "stormimp"))									// And if the ship is still having a storm push, eg. there is a stored rotate impulse
arCharShip.Impulse.Rotate.y = arCharShip.stormimp;						// Set the impulse to what it was before the storm push, eg. stop her turning
DeleteAttribute(arCharShip,"stormimp");									// Remove it because the ship is no longer in the storm
// PB: Rewritten Storm Rotate Impulse <--
Eg. change the 0.02 to 0.01 and see if that helps.
Blade damage doesn't seem to be working.
Not? CRAP! That probably is my "Weapons without quality no longer break" working a bit too well.
Just to be sure, what blade are you using? I'd like to do some tests with that myself.
Jason, I'd just like to check with you on the above. :doff

Hi Pieter,

I am currently using an exellent Knights Templar blade, have also used excellent Russian Shaska, and US cavalry sabre. No deteriorate nor do my officers blades.

On other matters:

1. Ship capture money. I was wrong earlier. Capture money is gone from the on screen log, and is listed after each battle in the ship's log. However the gold listed in the ship's log is not added to crew money or personal money. The problem of this money not being added to totals go back a long time. It was in the original game and worked then, but I can't remeber the last time the addition worked.

Also, I am using both the gunpower barrll and ammuniton pack (24 rounds each) I don't think they are working quite right. Sometimes I have thrity six rounds of powder and 13 rounds of bullets. I never fire for more than two or three rounds per engagement.
the incorrect ammo can happen when the game adds the ammo already in your guns to your total ammo. it should do that by default, but sometimes adds it twice when you've tried to fire an empty gun or ran out of ammo, and later restocked. or maybe when you've only fired one of your guns out of two and went to a different location afterwards, where the automatic full reload on all guns bugs it up. i'm not sure of the cause, but it's not caused by the new ammo containers.
I have run into this ammo problem also, and believe I know the source of the problem. :nerbz

The new ammo containers work fine. If you also have the old ones then you get more ball and powder yet! :shoot: But if you at one point had grapeshot, then from then on you will only get half of your normal load of balls.

When wandering about on land you can buy and loot balls until you reach your normal limit. When you board your ship your gunner will supply you with balls. But when you leave your ship and go ashore you will only have a dozen balls. :p2 I don't know why.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been doing much ever since I got titled to modder, but that's due to thanksgiving and what not, I plan to help and do my best on here, I have a working patch 7 and a working patch 6 version of the game, what can I help with?
At the moment, I'm working at this: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/16769-potc-build-mod-ship-cleanup/
You'd be welcome to provide any input you might have. :doff
If you want you could also try the melee combat changes and see if you experience any "instant death" even if you block. Hopefully that won't happen. :)

By the way, what did you think of the font, Pieter?