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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Build 14 Beta 1


New install...b13_full > b14_beta1_full > build14_beta1_patch2

Any ideas why I have loading screens in Russian?

New install...b13_full > b14_beta1_full > build14_beta1_patch2
Any ideas why I have loading screens in Russian?
I'm not at all sure. What I CAN tell you though is that you don't need to install Build 13 as part of the process anymore. :no

Even so,going on top of build 13 can't realy cause this...can it?
It's not a problem for me...I'm just curious as to why ?
I have noticed a couple of wierd things with Patch 2.

At the begining of the main quest the Dutch are hositle to Hawk, not to Britain but to my personal flag. Have I angered you in some way Pieter? ;)

Also in the early going with a British laeeter of mark and rank of Matey, and having attacked no innocnets the merchants in Jamca won't deeal with me.
The second one is a confirmed bug and the fix is somewhere on the forum already :yes

Its the LoM that is causing the problem ;)
Aye matey. The fix be here. Post # 177. http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/15430-build-14-beta-1-feedback/page__st__160
Even so,going on top of build 13 can't realy cause this...can it?
It's not a problem for me...I'm just curious as to why ?
I don't think so, no. But try without installing Build 13 first and see what happens.
B13 DOES include Russian loading screen files and such, which I removed from Build 14 Beta 1 Full for the sake of decreasing the filesize.
So anything that isn't there also can't mess you about, right?

At the begining of the main quest the Dutch are hositle to Hawk, not to Britain but to my personal flag. Have I angered you in some way Pieter? ;)
That's not supposed to happen. I just started a new Standard storyline game with Patch 2 on default settings,
but the Dutch were as neutral as they should be. Did you select a different nation by any chance?

Also in the early going with a British laeeter of mark and rank of Matey, and having attacked no innocnets the merchants in Jamca won't deeal with me.
Can anyone confirm that fix works?
Me me me! :will The fix is only needed until you get your first promotion. But it works for me! :shoot:

There are lots of little changes throughout the islands and interfaces. Someone has been busy. :2up The one I notice the most is the interface when looting chests and corpses. It seems to go much faster than before. :2up
Some ships handle the storms better than others. The carrack can have problems.
It's not important but i take a look to the "NK" file and it's always the old french promotion :shrug

i put here the NK file with some change if you want to have the good promotion name ;)


  • NK.c
    48.9 KB · Views: 170
That's not supposed to happen. I just started a new Standard storyline game with Patch 2 on default settings,
but the Dutch were as neutral as they should be. Did you select a different nation by any chance?

I don't think so. Oddly it was to my personal flag they hostile, not my British nationality. And I discovered it when I sailed in the Dutch port two Dutch ships were hostile and four were neutal. Also I have noticed some ships are again to big to moor against the wharfs.
Can anyone confirm that fix works?

Yes, perfectly. Thanks, Pieter. :cheers
Me me me! :will The fix is only needed until you get your first promotion. But it works for me! :shoot:
Very true; that's the only instance when the bug should appear. :yes

There are lots of little changes throughout the islands and interfaces. Someone has been busy. :2up The one I notice the most is the interface when looting chests and corpses. It seems to go much faster than before. :2up
What little changes are those and since when did you notice?
I don't recall any interface work being done for quite some time and my transfer interfaces are still somewhat slow-responding! :shock

Some ships handle the storms better than others. The carrack can have problems.
Thanks for letting me know; I'll try with that ship and see if I can make storms more reasonable for ships like that.
If you can give me any other specific ships that are hard to operate in storms, please let me know. :yes

It's not important but i take a look to the "NK" file and it's always the old french promotion :shrug
i put here the NK file with some change if you want to have the good promotion name ;)
Thanks mate. I did add the new names in nations_init.c (which is where they're read from), but not in the comments in NK.c.
Also, I noticed I forgot to update common.ini, so I did that now too, otherwise they might not be showing up in the game properly. :facepalm
Can you please check attached file? It goes in RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH .

I don't think so. Oddly it was to my personal flag they hostile, not my British nationality. And I discovered it when I sailed in the Dutch port two Dutch ships were hostile and four were neutal.
Two were hostile and four were neutral? WITH your personal flag flying? That's just plain BIZARRE!
Can you please try starting a new Standard storyline game, then check your nation relations in the menu?
The Netherlands should be showing up as neutral; that's what they do when I check... :?

Also I have noticed some ships are again to big to moor against the wharfs.
Can you please tell me which ships those are?
We would need to add an additional line for these ships in ships_init.c to prevent them from showing up alongside.
Thanks, mate. :doff

Some ships handle the storms better than others. The carrack can have problems.
I just took the Carrack into two storms with my just-released Capsizing Ships mod update.
The first time I tried to survive the storm and did. The second time, I tried to capsize and didn't manage.
Both times, there was hardly any danger of her actually capsizing. Please try with the new version and see what happens. :doff
See here: http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/16144-capsizing-ships/page__view__findpost__p__372930
(New game NOT required, by the way!)
I'm not awake yet, but here are some random thoughts. There are new textures here and there. The windmill in the Philipsburg square on the waterfront is gone. In Bridgetown(?) going out the back gate there was a building over it with a girl with bent arms inside. The building is gone. There are more soldiers stationed around. Just lots of little things.

The interface used to have the boxes on top and bottom with a row of up and down arrows in the enter against a plain background. That background is now gone so you can see the screen as it was when you hit the button. Hehe. Some of the people look like they are from a Picasso painting.

The Carrack is an ungainly looking but competent trading vessel that I don't recall seeing before. It seems to turn slowly and in a storm it would not turn to starboard for me, and I had to go all the way around to port to get it pointed into the waves. It didn't capsize but I got many warnings. Will try the storm update.
I'm not awake yet, but here are some random thoughts. There are new textures here and there. The windmill in the Philipsburg square on the waterfront is gone. In Bridgetown(?) going out the back gate there was a building over it with a girl with bent arms inside. The building is gone. There are more soldiers stationed around. Just lots of little things.
Did you run Rename.bat in your main game folder? The buildings should still be there. :facepalm

The interface used to have the boxes on top and bottom with a row of up and down arrows in the enter against a plain background. That background is now gone so you can see the screen as it was when you hit the button. Hehe. Some of the people look like they are from a Picasso painting.
I'm not sure what you mean; can you show a screenshot?
Oops. :eek:ops2 I just looked and there was a rename.bat. Ran it and it disappeared after wards, so I must not have run it. :eek:ops
this is driving me insane :modding

i'm trying to install the build mod on windows vista. when i've downloaded the full version (i did it a few times) it copies the exe file to my documnets folder, only to stop at 0 seconds and then stop reacting. after this the file is 1600439kb (can anybody plz check for me if this is the right size?)then, when i try to run the exe, my windows bar and all open folders stop reacting and i have to restart windows. after this the exe file doesnt do anything.

btw:i installed the game in c:pirates of the caribbean.