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Build 14 Alpha 9


in short, this is what i`ve found:
i was previously mistaken, when i stated that some files didn`t exist at all, true to be said some of them were typos, so i was looking for the wrong ones.
however, here is what i checked.

COPY /Y resource\textures\CityRadmond.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\HOLLAND(SPAIN,FRANCE,PORTUGAL,ENGLAND,NATIVES)\CityRadmond.TGA.tx

typo, it`s city_radmond.tga.tx in \textures.

COPY /Y resource\textures\Isla_Muelle_refl.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE\HOLLAND...etc)\Isla_Muelle_refl.TGA.tx

refers to Islamuelle_refl.tga.tx in \textures

COPY /Y resource\textures\Islands.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE..etc)\Islands.TGA.tx

refers to island.tga.tx in \textures

COPY /Y resource\textures\Island_KhaelRoa_refl.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE..etc)\Island_KhaelRoa_refl.TGA.tx

refers to khaelroa_refl.tga.tx

COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE etc)\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx

redundancy: this file is copied several times, however i`ve found this also:
COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\FRANCE\SandGrass1.TGA.tx
COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\HOLLAND\SandGrass1.TGA.tx
COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\ENGLAND\SandGrass1.TGA.tx

there`s no sandgrass1 in \textures, nonethless i`ve even found COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrass1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\ENGLAND\SandGrass1.TGA.tx for example and it`s repeated for Holland, portugal, france and so on, this let me think that SandgrassR1.tga.tx is copied and even renamed as sandgrass1.tga.tx, because both are to be found in every location subfolders.
in this case, at least 1 of the several line in the first chunk of code related to Locations\Spain folder should be as the above one, but this does not explain how a sandgrass1.tga.tx can be found in \Spain if COPY /Y resource\textures\SandGrassR1.TGA.tx to sandgrass1.tga.tx is missing in the code.
the only answer is the following: the file is renamed and copied in some previous installation (b14 alpha9 full for example), so let it be and let`s go on without changing anything.

COPY /Y resource\textures\LEAFPALMS.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE..etc)\LEAFPALMS.TGA.tx

this file is not renamed in smth else, so the duplicated lines can be deleted, i think.

COPY /Y resource\textures\grassgreen11.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN\grassgreen11.TGA.tx

does not exist, maybe grassgreen1?

COPY /Y resource\textures\rockground1.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN\rockground1.tx

should be rockground1.tga.tx

COPY /Y resource\textures\Grass22.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN\Grass22.TGA.tx

there`s no such file, maybe grass022 copy.tga.tx

COPY /Y resource\textures\SAND_D_256_SVET.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\SPAIN(FRANCE..etc)\SAND_D_256_SVET.TGA.tx

this file has been already copied in a previous patch, it`ll result missing during installation because there`s no such file in \textures, but it can be found in the required folders.

COPY /Y resource\textures\grey.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\FRANCE(SPAIN,HOLLAND..etc)\grey.TGA.tx

i`m confused, it should be a typo, because there`s only a gray.tga.tx in the \textures folder, but there`s indeed a grey.tga.tx in SPAIN\FRANCE\HOLLAND etc folders, other than this line: COPY /Y resource\textures\gray.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\FRANCE\gray.TGA.tx
and the file differs in size too: 1kb gray.tga.tx and 43kb grey.tga.tx.

COPY /Y resource\textures\New_Mountain.TGA.tx resource\textures\locations\HOLLAND\SAND_L_256_SVET.TGA.tx

i do not know what to say about this, this line can be found only in the piece of code related to holland, while in the other subfolders i find it copied as new_mountain.tga.tx
Do you reckon you could upload a fixed version of the batch file?
That'd be easier to work with for me then with your posts alone.
I did catch an error in the batch file before that copied files to the wrong filenames.
That had some ugly effects in the Arawak village on Aruba. :facepalm
Do you reckon you could upload a fixed version of the batch file?
That'd be easier to work with for me then with your posts alone.
I did catch an error in the batch file before that copied files to the wrong filenames.
That had some ugly effects in the Arawak village on Aruba. :facepalm

ok,ok, it`s coming, wait just a bit, it`s still "unpolished" just to say, let me check everything is ok and no mistakes from my side...;)
Thanks very much! Your work should be really helpful for when I compile Alpha 10! :onya

reinstalling from b14 alpha9.5: found small typos and (would be) errors in the runme.bat.....
ok, when running the runme.bat a plethora of files isn`t found because already renamed and\or moved elsewhere previously (i didn`t check B13 final runme.bat), so i didn`t bother with those, however, a small number of files is not moved or copied because mispelled or can be found in different folders.
now, i attach 2 files.
the first is the B14 alpha 9.5 runme.bat, in which i commented on the right side the file i`ve changed (or didn`t, because could not be sure enough of what i was doing).
the second file is B14 alpha 9.5 patch 4 runme.bat, in which i included all that i changed previously without comment and analyzed the final part where the new content is added and found one or two possible bugs.

moreover: in my folder, while looking for typos, i bumped in to some files, which, imo, are obvious mistakes.
i list them here, can someone tell me if they were intended to be so, or not?

bortoutbatlleship4.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe should be bortoutbattleship4......
bortoutbattleshp46.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe should be bortoutbattleship46...
bortoutbattleshp44.tga.tx in Textures\SHIPS maybe should be as above, with i............
bortoutbarqem1.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe was intended to overwrite bortoutbarque1.tga.tx, because both are in the same folder and barqem1 seems to me a mispelled one, however bortoutbarque1 is old, 2002, bortoutbarqem1 is recent, 2007.
if someone can shed light on this........


  • B14alpha9.5patch4Runme.txt
    124.6 KB · Views: 194
  • B14alpha9.5RunMe.txt
    123.5 KB · Views: 212
Do you reckon you can have a look at attached file?
It is the one that will accompany the Build 14 Alpha 10 installer.
I included your previous fixes and also redid and reordered the file to be less of a mess.

bortoutbatlleship4.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe should be bortoutbattleship4......
I'm not sure if this file is used anymore. It looks to be the same as bortoutsuprwarship.tga.tx
bortoutbattleship4 actually also exists and is the texture used by Battleship 4 (HMS Bellona).

bortoutbattleshp46.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe should be bortoutbattleship46...
bortoutbattleshp44.tga.tx in Textures\SHIPS maybe should be as above, with i............
These two are correct; they're used by Battleship3_44 and Battleship3_46, if I recall.
It would be nice if the files would have correct accompanying names like you propose,
but the texture names for retextures ships MUST have the exact same number of characters as the originals did.

bortoutbarqem1.tga.tx in TEXTURES\SHIPS maybe was intended to overwrite bortoutbarque1.tga.tx, because both are in the same folder and barqem1 seems to me a mispelled one, however bortoutbarque1 is old, 2002, bortoutbarqem1 is recent, 2007.
They're both required as unique files.
bortoutbarque1.tga.tx is used by Barque1, while bortoutbarqem1.tga.tx is used by ship Barqem1, which is the AoP barque.

i`ve found some other file that seems to be mispelled in B14 alpha 10 runme.bat, see the attachment, i left my comments in it, without changing absolutely nothing.
me eager to play da alpha 10 too


  • RunMe.zip
    8.9 KB · Views: 180
Thanks very much! The explanation for your found issues is that those files DO exist in Build 13 Final,
but are not supposed to be there. So I have the batch file remove them. That's also why you don't have them.
The batch file already properly removed them. :yes
Can anyone please give me "dumbed down" instructions to install the game. As when i try to follow the instructions on page one, the RunMeBat cannot find some files and the game keeps crashing every time i want to start a new game.

Thanks in advance!
Build 13 final (runme.bat)
Build 14 Alpha 10 Full (runme.bat)

This will give you the most up to date version
When i install the builds and load the game, it crashes, saying that there is an error with engine.exe. Can you help me solve this?
This is what i did to install Build 13:

1. I put the disc in, follow its instructions and install the game (along with DirectX 9.0)
2. After thats done, i downloaded build 13 and installed it.
3. I let the installer run the RunMe.bat file and it said it couldn't find the common.ini file and build settings.h
4. I opened PROGRAM\Worldmap\worldmap.c and set MAPSPEED to 1.0 at the top of the file
5. Installed the Midnight Full Cargo Hold CTD Fix
6. I played the game, loaded to the main menu fine, but when i try to start a new game it crashes at the loading screen, citing a problem with engine.exe
Did the game work before installing the modpack?
If not, what kind of graphics card do you have?
Note that the game tends not to work if:
- You have an Intel Onboard Graphics Card [workaround with Swiftshader Software Rendering - more info]
- You use ffdshow and don't have the game added to your "exception list"

If neither of this applies to you, please enable error logging.
Then load the game and wait for it to crash. Then post the contents of compile.log, system.log and possible error.log here.
Hopefully that gives us a clue as to what's wrong.
I found out what the problem was. Even without the mods, the game still crashes (citing an error in engine.exe) whenever i try to start a new game. Is there a problem with the CD or is it bugs/glitches that are causing havoc?

Thanks again for your help.

EDIT: I solved the issue via Swiftshader. Do you know how to get rid off that annoying logo?
Get rid of the logo? Try the file I linked to above: http://www.pyratesahoy.com/potc/Commodore_John_Paul_Jones/SwiftShader%20V2.0%20Demo(No%20Logo)/
Hey everyone :) I'm new to this game and I'm really looking forward to this build!

Just wanted a little info on the installation.

Do I only need to download build 14 9.5 and patch 4? Or do I need to download 9.0 to install 9.5?

Any help would be great :) Just don't want to mess up the files >.> Thanks!