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Build 14 Alpha 9

What's the fix? :cheeky
Here !
I also take advantage of it to add some little code to reset relations of the encounters (map and directencounters) with the coastraiders when we are around an island, just to avoid the weird bug we had in the past with coastraiders when they were of same nation and fired each others ! This time that's to avoid having encounters and coastraiders of same nation fire each others ;)


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I have a problem with the Jack Sparrow Quest Brotherhood

I've got to find Pedro's Plantation. I go to Anse Casse-Bois, then i go to the "outskirt", then i turn left to the jungle, then i turn left and BADABOUM! There is just a Black Screen with the date... :urgh
Ok I just installed a COMPLETLY FRESH Build Alpha 9.5 Patch 3
- Loaded your save game
- Ran to the outskirts of fort
- Ran to the jungle using left locator
- Ran through the jungle to the next left locator
- Loaded in the Plantation no problem :shrug

I then even went further and also went to the house and that worked as well :?

So I don't know what is wrong with your game :no


I'll try to reinstall my game... But i will replay all the story :urgh

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

I've reinstall my game and now I can go in the Plantation... :shrug
But when I go into the house there is any Petro -_-'

I'll try to find outside like write there... But first i saw anybody outside o_O

Are you already up to the quest where you meet Petros?
Did Peter Willemoes and Mr. Gibbs talk to you when landing on the shore?
Are you already up to the quest where you meet Petros?
Did Peter Willemoes and Mr. Gibbs talk to you when landing on the shore?

Mr Gibbs did. I told him to stay with the boat.
Peter Willesmoes didn't talk to me.

And then they aren't near the boat... They disappeared :modding
Mr Gibbs did. I told him to stay with the boat.
Peter Willesmoes didn't talk to me.

And then they aren't near the boat... They disappeared :modding

On Anse Casse-Bois beach if you tell Mr Gibbs to stay with boat.
Don't go to Plantation - Strange person is there (dead end) ;)

You should go to the house in the jungle before you get to the plantation. :yes

On Anse Casse-Bois beach if you tell Mr Gibbs to come with you.
You should go to the Plantation - Petros should be in the house there.

You might have to go back to a save before you landed at Anse Casse-Bois beach and take it from there.

If you are not sure what happens from here - there is now a walkthrough in the Wiki. :mm
Mr Gibbs did. I told him to stay with the boat.
Peter Willesmoes didn't talk to me.

And then they aren't near the boat... They disappeared :modding

On Anse Casse-Bois beach if you tell Mr Gibbs to stay with boat.
Don't go to Plantation - Strange person is there (dead end) ;)

You should go to the house in the jungle before you get to the plantation. :yes

On Anse Casse-Bois beach if you tell Mr Gibbs to come with you.
You should go to the Plantation - Petros should be in the house there.

You might have to go back to a save before you landed at Anse Casse-Bois beach and take it from there.

If you are not sure what happens from here - there is now a walkthrough in the Wiki. :mm

It sucks! I've got a walktrought and there isn't write this -_-'.
I have to restart one more time. Bad... -_-

I told Gibbs to stay with the ship just because i didn't want him to die (they are very bad at fight -_-')...
It sucks! I've got a walktrought and there isn't write this -_-'.
I have to restart one more time. Bad... -_-

I told Gibbs to stay with the ship just because i didn't want him to die (they are very bad at fight -_-')...

If you mean the walkthrough that is attached to a posting in the New Horizons Wiki thread. That walkthrough is 'out of date'. It was done with patch 1. And I had not played these options at the time.

I have updated it and put the new version in the Wiki. ( the Wiki tab at the top of the screen below the Pirates Ahoy title contains the most recent version of the walk through)

Don't worry to much about Gibbs dying - he is a good fighter - :ixi
you can also keep him alive longer using the exchange button on the character screen to give him medications & potions. ;)
Oh... and there's no scripted fights anyway, so there's a good chance you won't run into anything.
Isn't Mr. Gibbs immortal even to prevent quest mess-ups?
It sucks! I've got a walktrought and there isn't write this -_-'.
I have to restart one more time. Bad... -_-

I told Gibbs to stay with the ship just because i didn't want him to die (they are very bad at fight -_-')...

If you mean the walkthrough that is attached to a posting in the New Horizons Wiki thread. That walkthrough is 'out of date'. It was done with patch 1. And I had not played these options at the time.

I have updated it and put the new version in the Wiki. ( the Wiki tab at the top of the screen below the Pirates Ahoy title contains the most recent version of the walk through)

Don't worry to much about Gibbs dying - he is a good fighter - :ixi
you can also keep him alive longer using the exchange button on the character screen to give him medications & potions. ;)

I have restart and i have finish the story...
Now i'm waiting for Dead Man's Chest and At World's End story.

Let's go... Pool this Horizon... :keith
The Quest "Lucas the Admirals Son & Eliz Shaw" is not finish. Will the end be available in the next patch?
I have Lucas with me... And he can die easy... It's annoying. :eek:
It is finished (just not edited) you havn't done what you need to to keep going in it xD:

The next one will be edited but will be the same basic story...

Oh and I am going to change the going to the jungle house slightly to you getting attacked by the French soldiers at the gates and being arrested so you don't go "who is this random guy" :rofl
In the walktrought it's write: "Go to store to talk to Fisherman (no fisherman in store PATCH 2 + 3 ENDS HERE)" :shrug

And anyway i refused to take Captain Chevalle for Officer (I had already Lucas for officer and when I load the game to try to accept, Lucas left the scene). So I can't do the "Villanueva" quest...
Oh that bug with fisherman is confirmed and fixed in patch 4 ;)

I ran into it testing and found what was wrong :yes

Now as for Chevalle not being an officer he NEEDS to be to do Villaneuva if you know how to use the console just add this line of code and execute
AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Captaine Chevalle"), 0);
now go to Tortuga and it should work ;)
I don't know how to use the console. I've never used this. I don't know where is it :shrug
But if i do this Lucas will goes away, no?

PS: It seems to be a "Captain Magee" in the Quest... It is a mere coincidence isn't it? :rolleyes:
You can have more than one officer ;)

Ah well seeing as I'm the quest editor for Jack Sparrow what do you think? :rofl