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Fixed Bugs with leather cuirras and perk


Storm Modder
Just a couple of things to mention here:
  • If you unlock an ability by book or other ways, it works well to you, but the officers do not get the perk unlocked as well. In order to unlock their abilities, you have to select the officers that follow you on land and read the books again. Then the abilities are unlocked for them. Is this suppose to happen? Because if it is, then I wouldn't like this feature on the Beta 3.4 release.
  • I started TSH campaign with the latest fixes, and here is something interesting... see the screenshot below. I equipped a Leather Cuirass that I found.
Leather Cuirass.jpg
If you unlock an ability by book or other ways, it works well to you, but the officers do not get the perk unlocked as well. In order to unlock their abilities, you have to select the officers that follow you on land and read the books again. Then the abilities are unlocked for them. Is this suppose to happen? Because if it is, then I wouldn't like this feature on the Beta 3.4 release.
Uhm.... @Levis? That indeed sounds less than ideal....

I started TSH campaign with the latest fixes, and here is something interesting... see the screenshot below. I equipped a Leather Cuirass that I found.
Ah, good catch! Looks like they're all set to use the lowest level armour model, which obviously makes no sense.
Extract attached on your game and see if that helps. F11 required to reinitialize.
You may have the de-equip and equip the armour again. See if that returns you to plain old Nathaniel with the item equipped. :facepalm


  • b14_b3-4_fix.zip
    83.4 KB · Views: 150
Ah, good catch! Looks like they're all set to use the lowest level armour model, which obviously makes no sense.
Extract attached on your game and see if that helps. F11 required to reinitialize.
You may have the de-equip and equip the armour again. See if that returns you to plain old Nathaniel with the item equipped. :facepalm

Excellent! Now it works as it should be. :yes
It worked? Wonderful! Nice last-minute fix. Of course now I get to recompile Beta 3.4 again tomorrow.
Oh well.... Sort-of expected something would crop up to necessitate that. :wp
Hmm...think i know what the problem is with the unlocked perks. I only check if a characters is officer instead of in the party, wil fix it in an hour or so.
Hmm...think i know what the problem is with the unlocked perks. I only check if a characters is officer instead of in the party, wil fix it in an hour or so.
Any chance of a fix for that before this evening? That way I can include it when I get back home and recompile the installer. :doff
Any chance of a fix for that before this evening? That way I can include it when I get back home and recompile the installer. :doff
Yeah fell asleep but its Done Before 6