Avast ye scoundrels, some shiny new pirate music has been spotted on the horizon! 
The original soundtrack from Buccaneers!, Skyward Digital’s pirate action RPG, has now been released on all major music streaming platforms for your listening pleasure.
Composed and recorded by long-time PiratesAhoy! member Christian Tornholm-Lehn (AKA @Flannery), the soundtrack features 20 tracks for a whole hour of classic piratey tunes. If you’re a fan of jaunty folk songs, epic cinematic scores or good ol’ sea shanties, this album has something for you!
If you fancy a preview to whet your appetite, you can listen to a selection of tracks for free right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLimWF7OKH-c8ylvjO2fZ8H8JsN-QC_kF9
You can stream or download the full album on many music platforms, including (but not limited to):
- Spotify:
- iTunes/Apple Music: Buccaneers! (Original Soundtrack) by Christian Tornholm-Lehn
- Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0BL6DSCT2
- Tidal: Try the TIDAL Web Player
- Deezer: Buccaneers! (Original Soundtrack)
- YouTube Music: আপনার এলাকায় YouTube Music উপলভ্য নেই
Not only is this an exciting addition to the pirate music genre, but for some of us here at PA! it is also a chance to remember a dear friend who is no longer with us.
Jehremie Woods (AKA @Captain Murphy) was a much-loved and active member of the PA! community for many years, playing a lead role in the development of Hearts of Oak and later co-founding Salty Sea Dogs with Christian. He sadly passed away in March this year.
Two tracks in this album are dedicated to him, immortalising his memory in song. Both tracks - “Hail Captain Murphy” and “Final Salute” - are now available for free in separate tribute videos (see links in the replies below).

The original soundtrack from Buccaneers!, Skyward Digital’s pirate action RPG, has now been released on all major music streaming platforms for your listening pleasure.
Composed and recorded by long-time PiratesAhoy! member Christian Tornholm-Lehn (AKA @Flannery), the soundtrack features 20 tracks for a whole hour of classic piratey tunes. If you’re a fan of jaunty folk songs, epic cinematic scores or good ol’ sea shanties, this album has something for you!
If you fancy a preview to whet your appetite, you can listen to a selection of tracks for free right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLimWF7OKH-c8ylvjO2fZ8H8JsN-QC_kF9
You can stream or download the full album on many music platforms, including (but not limited to):
- Spotify:
- iTunes/Apple Music: Buccaneers! (Original Soundtrack) by Christian Tornholm-Lehn
- Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0BL6DSCT2
- Tidal: Try the TIDAL Web Player
- Deezer: Buccaneers! (Original Soundtrack)
- YouTube Music: আপনার এলাকায় YouTube Music উপলভ্য নেই
Not only is this an exciting addition to the pirate music genre, but for some of us here at PA! it is also a chance to remember a dear friend who is no longer with us.
Jehremie Woods (AKA @Captain Murphy) was a much-loved and active member of the PA! community for many years, playing a lead role in the development of Hearts of Oak and later co-founding Salty Sea Dogs with Christian. He sadly passed away in March this year.
Two tracks in this album are dedicated to him, immortalising his memory in song. Both tracks - “Hail Captain Murphy” and “Final Salute” - are now available for free in separate tribute videos (see links in the replies below).
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