#define BOARDERMODEL2 "blackman" // STRING - additional modeloptions, take effect only if BOARDERMODEL is not "" or one of the groupnames
#define BOARDERMODEL3 "killer" // STRING - ditto
#define BOARDERMODEL4 "will" // STRING - ditto
// KK -->
// Models for Nathaniel's boarders.
// These are filenames from resource\models\characters but with extra character at the end describing whether they are
// men ("M"), ladies ("W") or skeletons ("S"). Empty string ("") gets stock default.
#define BOARDERMODEL "standard" // Outfit for your boarders, insert one of these groups (Don't change spelling or the "" !):
// "marine", "corsair", "masked", "skeleton", "girl", "soldier" (soldiers of current flag),
// "boarder" (Nathaniel's soldiers); default: "standard"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1 "33_Piratess10W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_2 "Skel3S"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_3 "towngirl1W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_4 "Will_2M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6 "towngirl7W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_7 "Corsair1_4M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_8 "50_IndiaW"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_9 "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10 "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_11 "black_corsairM"
#define BOARDER_INDEX -1 // INT - range= -1,100 , Select model for Nathaniel boarders.
// -1: random (generates different sets for every deck; works also for remaining groups),
// 0: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_5; works also for remaining groups),
// 1-99: one selected model for all boarders (works also for remaining groups in range from 1 to 99),
// 100: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10; for remaining groups identical to 0).
// <-- KK