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Blackwake Update!


Pining for the Fjords!
Creative Support
Storm Modder
Public Relations
Hearts of Oak Donator
Pirate Legend
Multipirate FPS about destructible ships, shanties and attacking giant sea monsters

Blackwake is a multiplayer team-based shooter centered around naval battles. Whether the options are to capture the merchant vessel and set the entire crew on fire, sink the ship from a distance with a powerful broadside, or simply sit down for some tea and crumpets with the enemy, is entirely up to the players.

Pre-Alpha Trailer:


-Team oriented sailing
-Melee and weapon combat
-Sea monster PVE
-Realistic and fictional game modes
-Random weather & Environments
-Grand multiplayer battles
-Goal of Land/Sea simultaneous battles

Release date: Early 2016
Platform: PC/Mac/Linux

We have been working on Blackwake part time since 2013. We are at a stage now where we want to commit to working on it full time and host servers, but that can't be possible without funding which is why we have launched a Kickstarter campaign. You can find that here: http://kck.st/10TfXgq


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How did you find this email so fast? One news site mistakenly posted our private press-only build publicly, and others fed off of it and posted their own versions.

We've broken the build link deliberately, but we're still curious how easy it was for you to find.
Check your PM mate.