Powder Monkey
Here I have some ideas for new quests and I decided to write down an idea for Blackbeard's quest.
Blackbeard quest
-it should start as young Edward Teach commanding 8 guns sloop ''Adventure''. He came to Port royal looking for work in English wars. This will be the quest of his life during English wars, turning to piracy, getting Queen Ann's Revenge, and all the way to finding his lost daughter Angelica. I will write all those quests here. For most of characters you can use existing models, but there should be new models for Blackbeard and Angelica. Example for easier making: old characters with similiar faces (with black beard) only with some new outfits and details.
Queen Anne's War ( first chapter of Blackbeard's Quest)
So, the quest should start in Port Royal, Jamaica. Then, quest book update- I came to Port Royal, I should go to naval base and tell I am looking for work.
Then you go to naval HQ and Alan Williams(head of port royal army) is sitting on the table and you automaticly walk to him and say: ''I am Edward Teach , captain of Adventure and I am looking for work.'' Alan Williams: ''You came to the right place. We are in war with Spain and France, and we could use some privateers. Welcome to armada. You and your ship are now in service of Britain. Your first task is to go to Guadelope island and infiltrate it as Frenchman and tell them the same thing you told me: I am looking for work. When they add you as privateer, you will try to get more informations about their plans as you can. Return to me when you are finished.'' – end of the conversation. QB update – I am an English privateer now. My first task is to infiltrate French units on Guadelope and fing out about their plans against Britain. I should change my flag to France if I want to infiltrate the island.
Now, you go to Guadelope under French flag. You go to Residence and speak to Leone Gillete( who is standing next to the governor. Conversation: Leone Gillete: ''Who are you and what do you want?'' You: ''My name is Edward Teach, captain of Adventure, and I want to join French forces.'' Leone Gillete:''Well then you are welcome. We need help in war against Britain. Go to the port and wait for ''Denis Roseau''. He will tell you what to do.'' – end of the conversation. QB update- I have to wait for Leone Gillete in the port
You go to the port. Leone Gillete walks to you and says: are you Edward Teach? You: yes I am, Why?'' Leone Gillete:''because you are going to follow me to Santiago on Cuba.'' You:''Why?'' Him: because we need to make sure we are going to winn this war, so we will make a deal with Spain against Britain. Togheter, France and Spain are unbreakable. And I need you and your ship in case we be attacked by English ships.'' You: Ok then, let's go. Think: This is good oportunity.'' QB update – Leone Gillete said i must follow him to Santiago to make alliance with Spain. Of course I will sink his ship at sea and go to Port Royal to tell what i have found out.
Go to map, automaticly out of map. You sink or capture his ship. QB update – I did it. Now to return to Port Royal.
Go to Port Royal. Talk to Alan Williams. You:'' I did as you asked. They tried to unite with Spain against you, but I stopped them, for now.'' Alan Williams: ''You did well. But now you have to stop them again. They will find out what you've done and they will try again. We musn't let them that! Go to Saint John on Antigua, and ask for Clint Robert. He will tell you what you need to do.'' You: ''don't forget my payment. Alan Williams:'' of course. Here is your reward''- give you 5000 loot. QB update-I got my reward, now to Saint John on Antigua and find Clint Robert. He will tell me what to do next.
Sail to Saint John on Antigua. In port ask any guy about Clint Robert. He tells you he is Naval Base. Go to naval base. Speak with Clint Robert. Clint Robert: ''Are you Edward Teach?'' You:''Yes I am.Alan Williams sent me. He said you will give me a new mission.'' Clint Robert: ''And I will. You will lead a fleet of four ships – with you as comander to Guadelope. You will attack fort. Send half of men to land in city, and left other half on ships to fight fort with cannons.'' You:''Wait! It is a suicide.'' Clint Robert: ''trust me, I know what I am doing. While you attack the fort and the city in front, the other fleet will go trough jungle to attack city on foot.'' You:''Oh, now I understand. It is a good plan. When do we set sail?'' Clint Robert: ''Right now.Ships will wait for you in port. Your payment if you succeed will be a new ship.'' You: ''Good deal. Good bye.'' QB update- I am going to lead the fleet to fort on Guadelope. The other fleet will go trough jungle. Payment will be a new ship.
Go to Guadelope with those ships. Attack fort. Fort destroys one of your ships. You automaticly go in port with you crew and figh the soldiers, but soldiers kill all of your crew, you talk to self:'' Oh no. I must escape. I will try trough town to jungle. You teleport to shore. You:''THINK: There is no fleed that should have come this way!'' Ship from your fleet come to shore and pick you up. QB update- We attacked the fort but failed. All of the fleet has been destroyed exept one ship. There was no soldiers that should have come trough jungle so we lost. I am going back to Saint John . I have to talk with Clint Robert.
Sail to Saint John, Antigua. In port guards surround you and say: you are under arrest, in the name of King George I. Teleport to prison cell. Clint Roberts comes to you. You: ''Get me out of here!'' Clint Roberts: ''Not so fast you scoundrel. You can't do anything to me. As you see, France will win this war with my help. And you can't do nothing about it.'' You:''Son of a…'' and he leaves. Transported to residence to your trial. Judge say: ''Edward Teach! You are accused of treatury against the Crown and the King. You sunk the fleet that should have helped you in an attack. With these evidences and Clint Robert as witness I pronounce you guilty and condemn you to death. Hanging will be performed tommorow at noon.'' You: ''But this is not true! You are wrong. Clint Robert set me up!'' Transported to jail again. Guard comes and releases you. Soldier: ''You are released''. Transported to port. You: who released me? Soldier: Alan Williams from Port Royal. He vouches for you. There is your ship. You must set sail to Port Royal and never return here in Saint John.'' QB update – I am released by Alan Williams. I am going to Port Royal to thank him and of course tell him about set up made by that traitorous Frenchman Clint Robert.
Sail to Port Royal. Go to Naval HQ speak to Alan Williams. Him: Good to see you again Edward. You: you too Alan. Thanks for getting me out from jail. But I want to speak to you about Clint Robert. Him: What about him? You: well, I think he is a traitor he sent me to death, and to jail after he failed to send me to death. Trust me he is working with France! Him: Trust me Edward he is an honorable man. But we will speak about this later. You must hurry to Cayman. It is being attacked by French and Spaniards. We need all help we can get. Go there as fast as you can! You: but… Him: Nothing! Go! QB update- Alan didn't trust me about Clint Robert. I must go to Cayman and protect it from Spaniards and French. I am afraid Clint Robert will help them. If he does, I will try to catch him and bring him to justice!
Go to Cayman. Transported to Town. Fight Spaniards and French. Brittish soldier tells you: We cannot defend ourselves for much longer. We are doomed. They are coming again! Another wave-fight again. Talk to self: Of course! They will attack from jungle on foot just like we should have on guadelope! I must hurry to stop them! Transported to shore with brittish soldiers – Enemies come – fight - transported to their ship – fight them on ship. Transported to Town – Soldiers are coming with Clint Roberts. Soldier: ''we have this traitor captain!'' You: ''Thank you, soldier. Cayman is saved. Give me that traitorous bastard. I am going to take him to Port Royal to justice.'' QB update – good i thought about Clint's plans. We saved Cayman. Clint is a prisoner on my ship. I am taking him to Port Royal.
I will make a continuation, just wait!
Blackbeard quest
-it should start as young Edward Teach commanding 8 guns sloop ''Adventure''. He came to Port royal looking for work in English wars. This will be the quest of his life during English wars, turning to piracy, getting Queen Ann's Revenge, and all the way to finding his lost daughter Angelica. I will write all those quests here. For most of characters you can use existing models, but there should be new models for Blackbeard and Angelica. Example for easier making: old characters with similiar faces (with black beard) only with some new outfits and details.
Queen Anne's War ( first chapter of Blackbeard's Quest)
So, the quest should start in Port Royal, Jamaica. Then, quest book update- I came to Port Royal, I should go to naval base and tell I am looking for work.
Then you go to naval HQ and Alan Williams(head of port royal army) is sitting on the table and you automaticly walk to him and say: ''I am Edward Teach , captain of Adventure and I am looking for work.'' Alan Williams: ''You came to the right place. We are in war with Spain and France, and we could use some privateers. Welcome to armada. You and your ship are now in service of Britain. Your first task is to go to Guadelope island and infiltrate it as Frenchman and tell them the same thing you told me: I am looking for work. When they add you as privateer, you will try to get more informations about their plans as you can. Return to me when you are finished.'' – end of the conversation. QB update – I am an English privateer now. My first task is to infiltrate French units on Guadelope and fing out about their plans against Britain. I should change my flag to France if I want to infiltrate the island.
Now, you go to Guadelope under French flag. You go to Residence and speak to Leone Gillete( who is standing next to the governor. Conversation: Leone Gillete: ''Who are you and what do you want?'' You: ''My name is Edward Teach, captain of Adventure, and I want to join French forces.'' Leone Gillete:''Well then you are welcome. We need help in war against Britain. Go to the port and wait for ''Denis Roseau''. He will tell you what to do.'' – end of the conversation. QB update- I have to wait for Leone Gillete in the port
You go to the port. Leone Gillete walks to you and says: are you Edward Teach? You: yes I am, Why?'' Leone Gillete:''because you are going to follow me to Santiago on Cuba.'' You:''Why?'' Him: because we need to make sure we are going to winn this war, so we will make a deal with Spain against Britain. Togheter, France and Spain are unbreakable. And I need you and your ship in case we be attacked by English ships.'' You: Ok then, let's go. Think: This is good oportunity.'' QB update – Leone Gillete said i must follow him to Santiago to make alliance with Spain. Of course I will sink his ship at sea and go to Port Royal to tell what i have found out.
Go to map, automaticly out of map. You sink or capture his ship. QB update – I did it. Now to return to Port Royal.
Go to Port Royal. Talk to Alan Williams. You:'' I did as you asked. They tried to unite with Spain against you, but I stopped them, for now.'' Alan Williams: ''You did well. But now you have to stop them again. They will find out what you've done and they will try again. We musn't let them that! Go to Saint John on Antigua, and ask for Clint Robert. He will tell you what you need to do.'' You: ''don't forget my payment. Alan Williams:'' of course. Here is your reward''- give you 5000 loot. QB update-I got my reward, now to Saint John on Antigua and find Clint Robert. He will tell me what to do next.
Sail to Saint John on Antigua. In port ask any guy about Clint Robert. He tells you he is Naval Base. Go to naval base. Speak with Clint Robert. Clint Robert: ''Are you Edward Teach?'' You:''Yes I am.Alan Williams sent me. He said you will give me a new mission.'' Clint Robert: ''And I will. You will lead a fleet of four ships – with you as comander to Guadelope. You will attack fort. Send half of men to land in city, and left other half on ships to fight fort with cannons.'' You:''Wait! It is a suicide.'' Clint Robert: ''trust me, I know what I am doing. While you attack the fort and the city in front, the other fleet will go trough jungle to attack city on foot.'' You:''Oh, now I understand. It is a good plan. When do we set sail?'' Clint Robert: ''Right now.Ships will wait for you in port. Your payment if you succeed will be a new ship.'' You: ''Good deal. Good bye.'' QB update- I am going to lead the fleet to fort on Guadelope. The other fleet will go trough jungle. Payment will be a new ship.
Go to Guadelope with those ships. Attack fort. Fort destroys one of your ships. You automaticly go in port with you crew and figh the soldiers, but soldiers kill all of your crew, you talk to self:'' Oh no. I must escape. I will try trough town to jungle. You teleport to shore. You:''THINK: There is no fleed that should have come this way!'' Ship from your fleet come to shore and pick you up. QB update- We attacked the fort but failed. All of the fleet has been destroyed exept one ship. There was no soldiers that should have come trough jungle so we lost. I am going back to Saint John . I have to talk with Clint Robert.
Sail to Saint John, Antigua. In port guards surround you and say: you are under arrest, in the name of King George I. Teleport to prison cell. Clint Roberts comes to you. You: ''Get me out of here!'' Clint Roberts: ''Not so fast you scoundrel. You can't do anything to me. As you see, France will win this war with my help. And you can't do nothing about it.'' You:''Son of a…'' and he leaves. Transported to residence to your trial. Judge say: ''Edward Teach! You are accused of treatury against the Crown and the King. You sunk the fleet that should have helped you in an attack. With these evidences and Clint Robert as witness I pronounce you guilty and condemn you to death. Hanging will be performed tommorow at noon.'' You: ''But this is not true! You are wrong. Clint Robert set me up!'' Transported to jail again. Guard comes and releases you. Soldier: ''You are released''. Transported to port. You: who released me? Soldier: Alan Williams from Port Royal. He vouches for you. There is your ship. You must set sail to Port Royal and never return here in Saint John.'' QB update – I am released by Alan Williams. I am going to Port Royal to thank him and of course tell him about set up made by that traitorous Frenchman Clint Robert.
Sail to Port Royal. Go to Naval HQ speak to Alan Williams. Him: Good to see you again Edward. You: you too Alan. Thanks for getting me out from jail. But I want to speak to you about Clint Robert. Him: What about him? You: well, I think he is a traitor he sent me to death, and to jail after he failed to send me to death. Trust me he is working with France! Him: Trust me Edward he is an honorable man. But we will speak about this later. You must hurry to Cayman. It is being attacked by French and Spaniards. We need all help we can get. Go there as fast as you can! You: but… Him: Nothing! Go! QB update- Alan didn't trust me about Clint Robert. I must go to Cayman and protect it from Spaniards and French. I am afraid Clint Robert will help them. If he does, I will try to catch him and bring him to justice!
Go to Cayman. Transported to Town. Fight Spaniards and French. Brittish soldier tells you: We cannot defend ourselves for much longer. We are doomed. They are coming again! Another wave-fight again. Talk to self: Of course! They will attack from jungle on foot just like we should have on guadelope! I must hurry to stop them! Transported to shore with brittish soldiers – Enemies come – fight - transported to their ship – fight them on ship. Transported to Town – Soldiers are coming with Clint Roberts. Soldier: ''we have this traitor captain!'' You: ''Thank you, soldier. Cayman is saved. Give me that traitorous bastard. I am going to take him to Port Royal to justice.'' QB update – good i thought about Clint's plans. We saved Cayman. Clint is a prisoner on my ship. I am taking him to Port Royal.
I will make a continuation, just wait!