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Need Help Berthed ships


Powder Monkey
Hi everyone, I have a problem with the parking of ships in Santo Domingo. I anchored, in ready-to-use mode, the sloop "cheri", by Claire Larrouse, inherited from the mission "The French Pirate in the Tavern". When I go to get it back, she just disappears. The officer who was in command returns to the crew of my ship but the "cheri" is not in the fleet. I have not scrapped the ship, I'm sure, I learned the difference between the 2 parking options and with other ships there were no problems. The only difference between "cheri" and other ships is the improvements made to all sectors of the ship before parking it. Could this be the reason for the problem?
Thanks for your attention.
with the help of google translate.:D
Interesting. Can you post your .log files and a save file before taking your ship back? Also what storyline are you playing?
Interesting. Can you post your .log files and a save file before taking your ship back? Also what storyline are you playing?
Hi DavyJack,
I am playing freestyle in the early exploration period.
Thanks for your interest


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When I go to get it back, she just disappears. The officer who was in command returns to the crew of my ship but the "cheri" is not in the fleet.
If you berth a ship, the officer should not return to your crew because he is still on the ship.

Can you upload "compile.log"? It can be from any time during the game. It will tell me exactly which version of the game you are playing.
If you berth a ship, the officer should not return to your crew because he is still on the ship.

Can you upload "compile.log"? It can be from any time during the game. It will tell me exactly which version of the game you are playing.
Hi Gray Roger,
sure, this is correct. But the problem arises when I take my ship back, not when I park it. I mean that only the officer is returned to me but the ship under his command is not added to the fleet.:sail
Thanks for your interest


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The game is struggling with the ship name but it it is there (sort of in the background).

1)unberth the ship
2) go to your ship
3) go to sea - you will see an update of the captain skills and see the ship beside yours
4) moor - the ship has now returned in the ship interface
5) choose the ship in that interface
6) where it says error instead of the name replace the name

It looks like it is then good to go.
Hi pedrwyth,
thank you for your suggestion. I have tried, several times, it works halfway. Each time a different ship is assigned but not Claire Larrouse's sloop of war. This is already a good solution, sometimes I find ships even better than mine, but it would seem to me to cheat.:wp:dance
Hi pedrwyth,
thank you for your suggestion. I have tried, several times, it works halfway. Each time a different ship is assigned but not Claire Larrouse's sloop of war. This is already a good solution, sometimes I find ships even better than mine, but it would seem to me to cheat.:wp:dance
OK I didn't know the ship stats or your upgrades and saw it got the right captain, getting different ship stats shows it's more than just the name that's lost - indeed if I open ship transfer after launching it I can see missing Maxhp, hull crew etc.. Looks like it's screwed.

I could figure a console command to give you (or the captain) Claire's original ship but not with the correct upgrades,crew etc and not worth it for a one off glitch . :shrug
There is something very wrong with this game, specifically with the officers in charge of berthed ships. I added a couple of 'trace' commands and a 'DumpAttributes' to case "Berthed Ship Details" in "kam_shipberthing_windows.c", and I routinely have 'DumpAttributes(PChar)' in "console.c" so I used that as well. The results make for interesting reading.

Berthed ships are recorded both in the player's attributes and in the attributes of the officers commanding them. From the 'DumpAttributes(PChar)', specifically the section which starts with "shipberthing =":
  port4 = 
    slot1 = 
      status = 0
      shipname = Cygnet
      shiptype = 218
      captainindex = 1598
      daysinberth = 12
      dailycost = 6
      nowdue = 72
      crewnowdue = 763
      stats = 
        nation = 0
        maxcaliber = 32
        weight = 30660
        capacity = 4184
        maxcrew = 406
        mincrew = 48
        speedrate = 10.3384485
        turnrate = 61.6637726
        price = 203720
        hp = 5791
        orighp = 5590
    slot2 = 
      status = 0
    slot3 = 
      status = 0
    slot4 = 
      status = 0
  port5 = 
    slot1 = 
      status = 2
      shipname = Sylph
      shiptype = 218
      captainindex = 1598
      daysinberth = 174
      dailycost = 6
      nowdue = 1044
      crewnowdue = 794
      stats = 
        nation = 0
        maxcaliber = 32
        weight = 30538
        capacity = 4139
        maxcrew = 416
        mincrew = 48
        speedrate = 10.3845139
        turnrate = 61.7901154
        price = 213706
        hp = 6197
        orighp = 5904
    slot2 = 
      status = 0
    slot3 = 
      status = 0
    slot4 = 
      status = 0
  port15 = 
    slot1 = 
      status = 2
      shipname = Cheri
      shiptype = 36
      guns = 4
      hull = 5816.0000000
      daysinberth = 431
      dailycost = 4
      nowdue = 1724
      stats = 
        nation = 3
        maxcaliber = 12
        weight = 6310
        capacity = 1172
        maxcrew = 155
        mincrew = 28
        speedrate = 19.2075768
        turnrate = 119.0827942
        price = 75247
        hp = 1516
        origturn = 101.6939087
        orighp = 1585
        origspeed = 14.4148855
        origcapacity = 987
      cannons = 
        borts = 
          cannonf = 
            qty = 0
            curqty = 0
          cannonb = 
            qty = 2
            curqty = 1
            maxfiredistance = 400.783
            chargeratio = 1
          cannonl = 
            qty = 14
            curqty = 10
            maxfiredistance = 450.14
            chargeratio = 1
          cannonr = 
            qty = 19
            curqty = 15
            maxfiredistance = 377.128
            chargeratio = 1
        qty = 35
      captainindex = 1597
      crewnowdue = 2169
    slot2 = 
      status = 0
      shipname = Merciless
      shiptype = 50
      guns = 9
      hull = 505
      daysinberth = 115
      dailycost = 1
      nowdue = 115
      stats = 
        nation = 3
        maxcaliber = 6
        weight = 3091
        capacity = 702
        maxcrew = 50
        mincrew = 13
        speedrate = 12.4402332
        turnrate = 105.2283859
        price = 25573
        hp = 793
        orighp = 793
        origspeed = 12.4402332
        origturn = 105.2283859
        origcapacity = 702
      cannons = 
        borts = 
          cannonf = 
            qty = 2
            curqty = 2
            maxfiredistance = 262.85
            chargeratio = 0
          cannonb = 
            qty = 2
            curqty = 2
            maxfiredistance = 216.216
            chargeratio = 0
          cannonl = 
            qty = 6
            curqty = 6
            maxfiredistance = 292.541
            chargeratio = 0
          cannonr = 
            qty = 6
            curqty = 6
            maxfiredistance = 172.769
            chargeratio = 0
        qty = 16
    slot3 = 
      status = 0
    slot4 = 
      status = 0
There's a ship in port 4 (Speightstown, or San Luis in "Early Explorers"), whose "status" line is 0 - I'm not sure what that means, possibly scrapped or sold, but it doesn't show up in game when I go through the berthed ships interface. Another ship named Sylph in Bridgetown, alias Santa Ines, has "status" 2, and does show up. Along with the Cheri in Santo Domingo (port 15) is another ship with "status" 0 which does not show up in the game.

The captains of the Sylph and Cheri seem to have been wiped. For Cheri, the captain is 'Claeyskijn Hunsberger', alias 'Enc_Officer_6':
ship = 
  type = Not Used
  idx = 1000
  speed = 
    x = 0
    y = 0
    z = 0
  pos = 
    x = 193.168
    y = 0.612738
    z = 343.468
  ang = 
    x = 0.000380444
    y = -0.645772
    z = -0.00608166
  boxsize = 
    x = 13.2932
    y = 29.8282
    z = 48.863
  cannons = 
    speedv0 = 120.6836472
    fireangmax = 1.0000000
    fireangmin = 1.0000000
  cargo = 
    load = 0
  crew = 
    minratio = -1.#IND000
  maxspeedz = 3.3384309
  speedmult = 11.3000002
  maxspeedy = 0.0219375
  correctimmersion = 0.0000000
  immersion = 0.0000000
Ship index 1000 is SHIP_NOTUSED, confirmed by the line " type = Not Used". Likewise for the captain of the Sylph, which is 'Milon SaintUrbain', alias 'Enc_Officer_7':
ship = 
  type = Not Used
  idx = 1000
Which means, @erissimaco, you have another ship berthed in Santa Ines which will do the same. That one, an English War Galleon, does not seem to have been upgraded, so the upgrades on the Cheri are not the cause of the problem.

For comparison, I ran the same tests on one of my own savegames, and the stats of officers commanding berthed ships correctly showed the name and type of their respective ships. Therefore I'm certain that these officers who show their ship type as "Not Used" are the reason that berthed ships can't be relaunched.


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pedrwyth: thanks for the reply.
If there was a way to get the cheri back I would be happy because she is a beautiful ship. My ideal of a sailboat. But if that's not possible, nothing serious. There are other beautiful ships in the game.
Thanks again.:ahoy
Gray Roger: That's right, the Sylph is docked, ready for use, in Santa Ines. Cygnet was in Santo Domingo. It was picked up and sold. Like the Merciless, but I don't remember where she was moored. All updates had been made to the Merciless and parked "dry". I didn't know yet that in this mode I would lose all updates. At the moment I only have 2 ships docked ready for use: Cheri in Santo Domingo and Sylph in Santa Ines. Now I'm going to Santa Ines to get the Sylph back. Let's see if there will be the same problem as the Cheri.
So, if I have translated correctly, you believe that the problem is the officers and not the ships. If I remember correctly, these officers are captured and enlisted captains.
Thank you:pirates
Yes, I believe the problem is with the officers. They do indeed appear to have surrendered (and you treated them with honour). One of my captains of berthed ships had also surrendered and he shows up correctly. So the problem is not caused by using captured officers.

The only way you can now get the Cheri, or anything like it, is by console command. You won't find another ship of that type for sale or in battle. It's not supposed to exist in "Early Explorers". Some time I'll need to arrange for Claire Larrouse to get something different in this period.

You could start a whole new game in a different period. In that case you may find similar ships being commanded by pirates who attack you at sea.
Gray Roger: You were right, but I didn't doubt it, I just hoped that the "Sylph", a ship suitable for the period of the first explorations, did not have the same problem as the "Cheri". I took the ship again but I encountered the same problem as the "Cheri". But it's strange, now that I think about it, I think I remember that I had assigned officers recruited in the tavern to the first parked ships, and when I shot them I hadn't had this problem. Oh well, I lost 2 ships, never mind, the sea gives, the sea takes away. The next ship captured is moored with a recruited officer in the tavern. If the problem goes away, perhaps the cause is the captured officers. Avoid using them for mooring ships. I'm going to try this.