I saw random captains with crew walking around, and they are generated. The idea here is to use a text file for initialize NPC captains based on real play (of other human players). The data could be transferred asynchronously by setting up a folder sharing service (such as onedrive/dropbox). A big assumption here is that the captain generation can be tweaked to use personalized data. A further point could be in ship encountering (by having real player fleet and stats). This way, players allegiance could have a pseudo-multiplayer perspective on a single-player game, affecting national strengths. One even further point is to have national strength and stats in shared folder with certain mechanics in play, this last bit might require a GM to tweak the file. Say, if players in the server of different nations woe to war, this would change the solo games, and the battle outcomes from solo games can then be aggregated to determine shared national strengths, and perhaps town ownership. Another big assumption is that there are still ppl playing this game