They talk about Historical accuracy in the complete game.
Just cause they fuck up some ships that most ppl who play the game won't even see.
It's not just the ships. They made mistakes on the land part as well.
You guys are telling it's not historically accurate. Believe me on this part. Maybe naval isn't historical accurate the rest of the game is.
There are no signs of reloading, there are no scabbards, there are no carrying straps for the rifles, there are no axe frogs, and there are no bayonet sheaths. In addition, the fact that EVERY solider has ALWAYS socket bayonet ALREADY mounted on their firearms. These were the visual parts, which could be seen from the trailers already.
Also if I see you guys your comments you haven't ever played it.
Not playing a game takes you the right to criticize and point out obvious mistakes? Good to know.
Like that you might not even judge a game serie you never played.
Oh, I have played Assassin’s Creed and I am proud to own the first part and Bloodlines. Regardless of the mistakes, the developers at least tried to invest some time in the game’s presentation. Moreover, they didn’t claimed historical authenticity on the first part or at least not in the extent of part 3.
If you would have played before you knew they do the most they can to make it historically accurate.
Yes and if they want to make a historical fiction it’s fine with me. But to heavily propagate historical accuracy and not delivering it is a completely different scenario.
Also in what movie do you see that they sail against the wind? I haven't saw it yet.
Please take a closer look at the waves.
But like i said before it's not an rpg or a simulation. If you can't sail against the wind the missions would become quite long. too long for most gamers especially because most of the AC gamers have followed the storyline and don't give much about ships.
There are plenty of ways to cope with tedious sequences like cutscenes, which show a chase in a cinematic style with a faster time progression.
If they would have loved ships they wouldn't have be playing AC. If they want a good game with a good storyline. With not much big mistakes.
It’s not just the naval part. There are also mistakes on the land part as well.
You guys are telling stuff from that's not historically accurate what I haven't heard about ever.
Please use google/books and try to gather some information if you don’t believe the said things.
But maybe it's added as a small addition so they wouldn't have asked for a specialist.
There are many good resources about ships and the mistakes on the land part are TYPICAL mistakes nearly every developer makes.
I could allready see it in the E3 presentation that it was realistic sailing but mentioned before that's not what the game is about. It's just about killing your enemies not about sailing.
Being an action-adventure with a historical accuracy claim does not justify to make visible and obvious mistakes in the presentation of the land/naval part of the game.
That's why they don't gonna make it perfect. the ships look nice like Hammie said. Most ppl would even know if the ships are historically completely accurate.
By claiming to be historical accurate, the aforementioned people will believe what they see and thus the developers are creating a false picture. And this is not good!! That's the way clichés are born.
And also I wonder when it's historically accurate? When a ship has a not completely correct rope ladder to climb in. Who sees that with not studying old ships for half a century?
There are many good books out there, so there shouldn't be any problem to get some information what are the main parts of the ship and the ship's rigging in a few hours/days. If you want to go deeper, it will take more time. However, you don't need to invest half a century in order to get the knowledge.
Nobody is asking to present the texture of the wood of the ship in that age. However, logical and obvious things HAVE TO be there, yet they aren't. And what's funny they concentrated on actually meaningless aspects like the correct weather on a certain day and intentionally ignored the obvious aspects. My assumption is, that they were simply lazy nothing more and nothing less. Please look at this video and you will hopefully understand.
I know you are crazy about ships but most ppl aren't why do you think pirate games start running worse and worse? just because ppl only wanna play nice games with or a very good multiplayer (COD,BF,GOW,ME,WOW) or a good singleplayer (Sleeping Dogs,AC) stuff like that.
I agree with you on this point. And I think this is a pity. Oh and I personally also love the aspects of historical land warfare as well.
Everyone who plays the game, everyone, will see the ships. They've made that very clear. It's absurd to assume otherwise; a false statistic conjured up to support a weak argument.
The rest of the game is not accurate. There are many other mistakes.
You've never played the game either, and you already seem to be billing it as the greatest AC game ever made.
They haven't done much at all to make the Naval aspect accurate. Nothing looks close to being right. Even the guns.
The yards remain squared, and the ships turn at least 180 degrees in at least one trailer. That's enough to make any square rigger move backwards.
It's not just the rigging that's wrong. Frankly, that was a stupid comment. (There is not a single rope ladder in a proper ship's rigging, by the way.) The hulls are wrong, the guns are wrong, the clothing is wrong, the hatches are wrong, the sails are wrong, the steering is wrong, the weapon handling is wrong, the boarding is wrong... I've made my point, I think.
Perfectly summarized. And we shouldn't forget the mistakes on the land parts as well