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Armor Project

OK... had to make a little brake here because of new work... I guess I'll manage some time to work here on this pack further...

Bart-o-Port... have you manage to test those few armors of Nathaniel Hawk I've posted earlier?
That's the Idea...I'll finish Blaze models with few more armors (as you can see in the code) and then I'm working with GipsyCptn model (Witch is the same model as Pirate10 and few more).
Definitely wasn't used. In fact, I didn't remember it at all. Shame on me!

To what extent is this finished/usable?
Hehe.. it was 3 years back :D ..

As I looked at the opening post, it looks like blaze armors are ready and modeled :)

and looking to a code I've posted at the opening post, I did many brainstorming. I see even did new interface icons for all armors, lol... :)
I found these images near the patch. Cant really remember what exactly was finished, I know that I compiled pack thinkink that "it was ready" and I can't remember what was included...

Anyone willing to test?

07_Royal Guard Armor.jpg A0_Cheap Cuirass.jpg A1_Guard Cuirass.jpg A6_Gold-Plated Cuirass.jpg Blaze_A0.jpg Blaze_A2.jpg Blaze_A5.jpg
Found them...
Edit: I see I even fixed BlazeN face texture :)


  • MODELS.7z
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  • RunMeBliat.7z
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  • Textures.7z
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I've tested those in-game. They are working pretty well. I especially like my new armor interface Icons... Animation attachments could be smoother, but they are better than I expected...

Anyone else tryed?