Yep make the save game file a ZIP by archieving it (right click add to...) and then upload that 

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My options to add to are:Yep make the save game file a ZIP by archieving it (right click add to...) and then upload that![]()
As found by miklkit, there is one situation here that isn't covered:If your reputation is Hero, you can talk to store/shipyard owners if you are Hostile to their nation
If your reputation is Neutral or above, you can talk to store/shipyard owners if their nation is Wary or better
If your reputation is Swindler or above, you can talk to store/shipyard owners if their nation is Neutral
If your reputation is below Swindler, you can talk to store/shipyard owners if you've got enough crew to intimidate them (= 3x more crew than the town has troops)
If you've got a rank with their nation, you can always talk to store/shipyard owners
Pirate shipyard owners will not talk to you if your reputation is above Neutral
//find if merch will allow char to trade, based on char's RMRel with merch's
//nation, and char's rep.
bool TradeCheck(ref char, ref merch, bool first)
if (LAi_IsCapturedLocation) return true; // KK
int mNation = sti(merch.nation);
int rep = sti(char.reputation);
float rel = 0.0;
// KK -->
if (ENABLE_FLAGS == 0)
rel = GetRMRelation(char, mNation);
rel = GetActualRMRelation(mNation); // PB: was GetFlagRMRelation
// <-- KK
//find loc
bool strengthcomp;
int locIdx = FindLoadedLocation();
if(locIdx<0) return true;
if( !CheckAttribute(&Locations[locIdx],"townsack") ) return true;
// PB: Recoded Checks -->
// -- Town fight strength vs. squadron fight strength --
// Store/shipyard owner can be intimidated if player has three times more crew than the town has troops
int ttroops = GetTownNumTroops(Locations[locIdx].townsack);
int ptroops = GetSquadronCrewQuantity(char);
if(ptroops > ttroops * 3) strengthcomp = true;
// -- Actual Checks --
// If you are Hostile with their nation, but you are a Hero
if(rel <= REL_WAR && rep > TRADEREP_ALL ) return true ;
// If their nation is Wary of you, but you are Neutral or better
if(rel <= REL_AFTERATTACK && rep > TRADEREP_NEUTRAL ) return true ;
// If their nation is better than Wary and you are a Swindler or better
if(rel > REL_AFTERATTACK && rep >= TRADEREP_STRENGTH ) return true ;
// If their nation is better than Wary, you are worse than a Swindler, but you can intimidate them
if(rel > REL_AFTERATTACK && rep < TRADEREP_STRENGTH && strengthcomp) return true ;
// You have a Letter of Marque with the nation and have been promoted at least once
if(GetRank(GetMainCharacter(), mNation) > 0 ) return true ;
// Pirates will not talk to you if you are too much of a nice guy
if(mNation == PIRATE && rep > TRADEREP_NEUTRAL ) return false;
// PB: Recoded Checks <--
//MAXIMUS -[we are here already, why we can't complete our mission?]->
if(first && CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "begin") || CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "failed"))
if(CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest.iTradeNation", GetCurrentLocationNation()) && == GetCurrentTownID()) return true;
//MAXIMUS <-[we are here already, why we can't complete our mission?]-
return false;
// Pirates will not talk to you if you are too much of a nice guy (above Matey)
if(mNation == PIRATE)
if(rep <= TRADEREP_WAR) return true ;
else return false;
// If you are Hostile with their nation, but you are a Hero
if(rel <= REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_ALL ) return true;
// If their nation is less than Hostile to you and you are Matey or better
if(rel > REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_WAR ) return true;
// If their nation is better than Wary and you are Neutral or better
if(rel >= REL_AFTERATTACK && rep >= TRADEREP_NEUTRAL ) return true;
// If their nation is better than Neutral, you are Swindler or better and can intimidate them
if(rel >= REL_AMNESTY && rep >= TRADEREP_STRENGTH && strengthcomp) return true;
// You have a Letter of Marque with the nation and have been promoted at least once
if(GetRank(GetMainCharacter(), mNation) > 0 ) return true;
// PB: Recoded Checks <--
case "continue1":
NPC_Meeting = "1";
d.Text = DLG_TEXT[32];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[33];
Link.l1.go = "continue3";
Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[34];
Link.l2.go = "exit1";
if(makeint(PChar.skill.leadership) > 200)
d.Text = DLG_TEXT[35];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[36];
Link.l1.go = "exit2";
HA! Indeed, it has been a while. Though I don't think that was your last post. Actually, I don't know what was.Holy crap, post before yours was mine back in 2010... it really was a long time I was out of it hey!
That's what we thought last time. And that didn't work. As I only now found out, two years later.Sounds good
Not so bizarre; there was more than a little bit of unfinished quest code in the original game. There was even supposed to be a Danielle main quest, traces of which are still around here and there.that second part is bizarre, I might have a look to see how where that quests go to if you want Pieter
case "Pirates_fight2":
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("offended_pirate1"), "bandits");
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("offended_pirate2"), "bandits");
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("offended_pirate3"), "bandits");
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("offended_pirate5"), "bandits");
LAi_group_FightGroups("bandits", LAI_GROUP_PLAYER, true);
LAi_group_SetCheck("bandits", "Come_to_papa");
Looks like those "Recoded Checks" of mine for being able to trade or not based on nation relations and your reputation weren't doing what they were intended to do.
I was able to trade with the Hostile Americans just fine while being a mere "Bloke". It should be much harder to do business with nations that don't like you!
Here is some new code for PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c:Hopefully that behaves better.Code:// Pirates will not talk to you if you are too much of a nice guy (above Matey) if(mNation == PIRATE) { if(rep <= TRADEREP_WAR) return true ; else return false; } // If you are Hostile with their nation, but you are a Hero if(rel <= REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_ALL ) return true; // If their nation is less than Hostile to you and you are Matey or better if(rel > REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_WAR ) return true; // If their nation is better than Wary and you are Neutral or better if(rel >= REL_AFTERATTACK && rep >= TRADEREP_NEUTRAL ) return true; // If their nation is better than Neutral, you are Swindler or better and can intimidate them if(rel >= REL_AMNESTY && rep >= TRADEREP_STRENGTH && strengthcomp) return true; // You have a Letter of Marque with the nation and have been promoted at least once if(GetRank(GetMainCharacter(), mNation) > 0 ) return true; // PB: Recoded Checks <--
If you do NOT fit in any of the above mentioned categories, you should be told to "Get out, otherwise I call the guards!"
However, IF you have Commerce > 5, you can do business at double the price.
SetActualRMRelation(ENGLAND, -119);
Alright, working now! I've copied the code, but it's very much possible that I've done something wrong. With your file it's working! And no idea, to be quite honest, but I've noticed some things need reinitializing to work, so I thought I'd try, couldn't hurt...F11? Why are you Reinitializing the game?
I'm beginning to wonder if you do have my rewritten code in your game. Please extract attached to PROGRAM\Characters , then try again.