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Solved Annamaria does not talk to me?


I'm doing this quest 'curse of the Black Pearl' and came to the point where I spoke to Mr. Gibbs but Annamaria does not appear. In addition, crew members are all together at the same point. Try loading the rescue to see if someone can figure out the problem.
Also, after I got to Tortuga, I should talk to Will Turner and then go find Mr Gibbs near the Shipyard. But it does not appear. But I have to go into the tavern and then go out to find Mr Gibbs.


  • noname.jpg
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  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Tortuga port.rar
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If you have a lot of crew, you might want to send them back to the ship and try again.
It is possible characters fail to appear if the location is already too full.
It's the usual problem with Tortuga. Too many characters already walking around means there is no slot free for someone else to spawn.

There's a line at case "directionislademuerta":
DeleteAttribute(pchar,"vcskip"); // PB
That's supposed to remove the 'vcskip' attribute. I can't find any corresponding line to set it. And so, when I played someone else's savegame from near this point in the story, Annamaria did not show up for me either.

Edit "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c". At case "Goto Tortuga Tavern", add:
Locations[FindLocation("Tortuga_Port")].vcskip = true;
At case "directionislademuerta", add:
That should wipe out random walker characters who would otherwise spawn and possibly prevent Annamaria from appearing. With those in place, she seems to show up reliably, at least when I reloaded the same savegame a few times.
I've met Anamaria at Barbados lighthouse, where she told me I need to sink the Volcano to make Barbossa happy, then she joined me as an officer. After going to Martinique and capturing, rather than sinking, the Volcano, I docked at St. Pierre, where Anamaria failed to show up and say her piece, which broke the game.

This was expected. As Anamaria was an officer, I'd put her in command of the Volcano specifically to see if the storyline already had a way to ensure that she appears anyway. Apparently not. It's easily enough fixed, though. And so, after reloading a savegame from before arrival at the lighthouse...

I meet Anamaria at Barbados lighthouse, where she says the stuff about Barbossa and the Volcano, then becomes an officer. After going to Martinique and capturing, rather than sinking, the Volcano, I can't put Anamaria in command of the ship because she's now unremovable. She stays that way until I return to the lighthouse, where Cutler Beckett is waiting for me, and Anamaria has to leave. Also, I noticed that after Anamaria has said we should sail to Oyster Beach, she stays still and does not follow me around. When I move to another part of St. Pierre, she appears in that area but again stands still. She's still in Actor mode after the dialog. Adding a 'LAi_SetOfficerType' for her takes care of that.

As for Cutler Beckett:
Trying to burn the Wicked Wench, are you? I've been abusing the berthing system again and the Wench is safe. All you get to burn is a small, expendable ship which I pirated specifically for use as firewood. :razz
Also, I noticed that after Anamaria has said we should sail to Oyster Beach, she stays still and does not follow me around. When I move to another part of St. Pierre, she appears in that area but again stands still. She's still in Actor mode after the dialog. Adding a 'LAi_SetOfficerType' for her takes care of that.
Good one! :onya

Trying to burn the Wicked Wench, are you? I've been abusing the berthing system again and the Wench is safe. All you get to burn is a small, expendable ship which I pirated specifically for use as firewood. :razz
You really WILL abuse any and all loopholes left by the quest writers, won't you? :rofl
You really WILL abuse any and all loopholes left by the quest writers, won't you? :rofl
The ones which are liable to break the story, I'll try to patch. The ones where you need to know what's going to happen, then need to put in some effort, and the result is hilarity rather than complete derailment of plot, I'll definitely exploit, which is why Barbossa won't be stealing the ship he was hoping to get. :D

By the way, after Barbossa steals his ship, Jack is supposed to be stuck on Tortuga for 10 years. Adding 'AddDataToCurrent(10,0,0, false);' to case "Tortuga_Meet_Annamaria_for_ship" means it really is 10 years later.
The ones which are liable to break the story, I'll try to patch. The ones where you need to know what's going to happen, then need to put in some effort, and the result is hilarity rather than complete derailment of plot, I'll definitely exploit, which is why Barbossa won't be stealing the ship he was hoping to get. :D
Sounds like a plan! :onya

By the way, after Barbossa steals his ship, Jack is supposed to be stuck on Tortuga for 10 years. Adding 'AddDataToCurrent(10,0,0, false);' to case "Tortuga_Meet_Annamaria_for_ship" means it really is 10 years later.
Would that have any impact on the gameplay? For example, won't your crew die from running out of supplies, for example? :shock

I recall at some point during the story, you revert back to Mr. Gibbs the Storyteller. But I can't remember if it was at that point or not.

Personally I find it difficult to believe Jack would have actually been stuck for 10 years, doing nothing.
So my own reasoning was always that the player can fill in the blanks of those years him/herself.
And if the player ends up continuing the story quicker than 10 years, that was fair enough in my book.
What I always liked about the Jack Sparrow storyline is that the player has the freedom to explore "what if" scenario's that diverge from the official film canon.
Would that have any impact on the gameplay? For example, won't your crew die from running out of supplies, for example? :shock
No, because that "false" is a boolean parameter to 'AddDataToCurrent' which determines whether updates will happen.
I recall at some point during the story, you revert back to Mr. Gibbs the Storyteller. But I can't remember if it was at that point or not.
You revert to Guy Verbinski, and the Storyteller appears again, looking like Mr. Gibbs. He says "Now 10 years later Jack was finally approached by Anamaria in the tavern." Then you become Jack again and Anamaria approaches you.

There is some alternative dialog for Storyteller if you're doing the "Captain Chevalle" side quest. Looking at the walkthrough, this seems to be after you've rescued Chevalle's crew and are part way through the "Villanueva" side quest - you're supposed to sail to Tortuga, but if you have not completed the main story then sailing to Tortuga triggers the transformation to Guy Verbinski. In that case this alternative dialog is supposed to give you a second chance to do more side quest stuff, so you have the option "Hang on! Captain Jack Sparrow just got a new ship, what are the tales of this ship?". You teleport to Turks Island and can do some freeplay, but next time you return to Tortuga, your ship is stolen anyway.

If I understand the scene in "Dead Man's Chest", in which Davy Jones encounters Jack Sparrow, correctly, Jack was stuck for 10 years. Davy Jones has little sympathy for him, pointing out "Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?" So, if you aren't part way through the "Villaneuva" quest, or if you chose the normal dialog route anyway, you skip automatically to 10 years later. If you're doing the quest and take the option to continue play with the new ship, it's unlikely you'll be playing long enough to make much of a dent in that 10 year gap, and you're still stuck on Tortuga after your ship is stolen.
No, because that "false" is a boolean parameter to 'AddDataToCurrent' which determines whether updates will happen.
Ah, clever! :onya

You revert to Guy Verbinski, and the Storyteller appears again, looking like Mr. Gibbs. He says "Now 10 years later Jack was finally approached by Anamaria in the tavern." Then you become Jack again and Anamaria approaches you.
Thanks for confirming it indeed IS at that spot.

If I understand the scene in "Dead Man's Chest", in which Davy Jones encounters Jack Sparrow, correctly, Jack was stuck for 10 years. Davy Jones has little sympathy for him, pointing out "Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?"
Have to rewatch that movie. My memory isn't very clear anymore.

So, if you aren't part way through the "Villaneuva" quest, or if you chose the normal dialog route anyway, you skip automatically to 10 years later. If you're doing the quest and take the option to continue play with the new ship, it's unlikely you'll be playing long enough to make much of a dent in that 10 year gap, and you're still stuck on Tortuga after your ship is stolen.
Makes sense. :yes
I've pretty well finished overhauling the storyline. Just one more modification remains. At the end, Joshamee Gibbs joins you as an officer. How about having Anamaria do the same? She shows up in the end-game video after Jack escapes from Port Royale - in fact, the photo which I used for the interface screenshot comes from that scene in the film - and is one of the three characters with speaking parts in the video. Besides, given the work done on the new character model, we may as well get some extra value out of it!
I've pretty well finished overhauling the storyline. Just one more modification remains. At the end, Joshamee Gibbs joins you as an officer. How about having Anamaria do the same? She shows up in the end-game video after Jack escapes from Port Royale - in fact, the photo which I used for the interface screenshot comes from that scene in the film - and is one of the three characters with speaking parts in the video. Besides, given the work done on the new character model, we may as well get some extra value out of it!
This sounds good, @Grey Roger :onya

At the end, Joshamee Gibbs joins you as an officer
But Gibbs had not joined as an officer a bit earlier? I don't remember good:shrug
Various characters join and leave at different points in the story. Gibbs is one of them. In that part of "quests_reaction.c" which handles the escape from Port Royale and return to the Black Pearl, there are certainly a couple of lines to make sure Gibbs is an officer.
At the end, Joshamee Gibbs joins you as an officer. How about having Anamaria do the same?
Only reason I can think of to NOT do that is that she isn't there in Dead Man's Chest.
But her disappearance can be added later when there is a DMC extension. For now, I don't think it is quite relevant. :doff

Besides, given the work done on the new character model, we may as well get some extra value out of it!
I am in support! :onya