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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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An ambitious project

Never did it before. I could probably find out, but it's not overly easy. :facepalm
In the past, you already did it adding isla Mona for a quest of the Assassin Main quest. :shrug

So why now it would be harder to do that?

Otherwise, here's my new update.

Two points:

This update must be included into your next patch after installing the update for the Assassin Main quest I gave you many months ago when you were at home (December, I think...)
Why? Because, my new file contains many updates of resources already used in the assassin main quest (like the locator files). Without forgetting, I also fixed something in the quests_reaction of the assassin main quest yesterday.

Seeing you made the loading screens for Vera Cruz and El Morro fort, don't forget to include the changes in PROGRAM/Storyline/Bartolomeu/Locations/init/QuestLocations
For the Cartagena quest, I 'd like a Spanish ship with 40-50 cannons (but with a modern design compared to a galleon) and I found a solution. A modified Sirius1 could be the right model. Seeing Yo ho ho made the ship, I'll send a PM to know if he can do the work.

Btw: This ship will be moored in the Cartagena port and will be stolen by Bartolomeu at the end of the quest.
I've got no news of Yo ho ho... Is there anyone interested in this project? (screenshot here)
You're right. If for you, it's easier doing the isla mona system, you can choose that :yes But, use the isla Muelle model for the island..
AGH! What am I doing wrong??? I'm trying to add the island Colombia with the IslaMuelle model to the game with the Isla de Muerte method:
void CreateColombia()
if(FindIsland("Colombia")!=-1) { ColombiaWorldMapInit(); return; }
object	locator;

Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload_enable = true;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].visible = true;

Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].id = "Colombia";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].model = "IslaMuelle";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].filespath.models = "islands\IslaMuelle";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].refl_model = "IslaMuelle_refl";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].locators = "IslaMuelle_locators";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].visible = true;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].Enc_enable = false;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].skipCR = true; // KK
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].smuggling_nation = SPAIN;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].towns.quantity = 10;//Cities - way for adding new model into the WorldMap

Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.old.label = "Deserted shore";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.label = TranslateString("","Deserted shore");
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.name = "reload_1";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.go = "IslaDeMuerte_shore_01";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.emerge = "reload1";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.radius = 200.0;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.pic = 2;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.tex = "t1";
if(!bArcadeMode) Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].reload.l1.goto_enable = false; // Screwface: Disable Sail-To

Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].InterfaceTextures.t1 = "battle_interface\moor_7.tga";
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].InterfaceTextures.t1.h = 4;
Islands[ISLANDS_QUANTITY].InterfaceTextures.t1.v = 1;



void ColombiaWorldMapInit()
if(CheckAttribute(worldMap.islands,"Colombia")) return;

Islands[FindIsland("Colombia")].reload_enable = true; // CTM
Islands[FindIsland("Colombia")].visible = true; // CTM

worldMap.islands.Colombia.name = "Colombia";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x = 785.0;  // East  = +, West  = -
worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.y = 30.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z = 390.0;   // North = -, South = +
worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.rx = -570,6; // What's this???
worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.rz = -24,5;  // What's this???
worldMap.islands.Colombia.radius = 40.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.kradius = 0.75;

//Island label
worldMap.islands.Colombia.old.label.text = "Colombia";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.label.text = TranslateString("","Colombia");
worldMap.islands.Colombia.label.icon = -1;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.label.visible = "true";

//Cities - way for adding new fake island-model into the WorldMap
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 15.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.position.ay = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city0.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 3.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 12.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.position.ay = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city1.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 3.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z - 1.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.position.ay = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city2.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 5.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.position.ay = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city3.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.position.ay = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city4.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 2.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 15.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.position.ay = 2.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city5.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 5.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 12.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.position.ay = 2.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city6.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 6.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 9.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.position.ay = 3.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city7.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z + 5.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.position.ay = 1.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city8.move = "false";
//Geometry parameters
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.position.x = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.x + 2.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.position.y = 0.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.position.z = worldMap.islands.Colombia.position.z;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.position.ay = 2.0;
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.modelName = "leaf";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.visible = "true";
worldMap.islands.Colombia.locations.city9.move = "false";

void DeleteColombia()
Islands[FindIsland("Colombia")].reload_enable = false;
Islands[FindIsland("Colombia")].visible = false;
aref ourMap; makearef(ourMap,worldMap.islands);
if(wdmCurrentIsland=="Colombia") wdmCurrentIsland = WDM_NONE_ISLAND;
When executing the CreateColombia() function, the new island shows on the worldmap properly.
But when reloading there, the island model doesn't show up, even though the Sail To item DOES show in the menu. UH??? :modding
Any updates on the Cartagena quest? Also, are there any more POTC movie characters in the storyline. I have a suggestion; can you maybe add Nathaniel Hawk back in the game again? It seemed that his quest ended ubruptly. There was never even anything that shared his fate.
Nathaniel Hawk becomes captain of a cursed caravel you can fight off Conceicao. I have no intention to use him again in the Cartagena Quest.

About this quest, I'm working on new locations. I finished or almost finished the following locations:

Cartagena Cloister (inside)
Cartagena Cloister (outside)
Cartagena Townhall
Cartagena Port and Fort

The main problem at the moment is the town location I try to do. I have many graphic bugs I can't fix... :facepalm
Oh, I never realized that the guy you fight there is Nathaniel Hawk. Are you planning on adding any romance in the storyline at all?
Yes, I want to add a romance in the Cartagena quest between Bartolomeu and the Governor's daughter of Cartagena.
What are you trying to do with Cartagena and what bugs are you having?
Graphic bugs I've got but fortunately only for the town location. When I convert into a gm file and use it in the game some graphic bugs appear. I'll try to find a solution :shrug
Yes, I thought about it in the past but I prefer (at least for now) a friendly relationship between them.
New update for the main quest.

It includes new values for the Santiago, the Arturo Campos dialog.h (and not the one with a wrong name in Patch 6 :twisted: ) and some small changes in the questsreaction.c

About the Portuguese Navy officer on the jetty try not to save between the fight with Arturo Campos and when you reach the Grenada town jetty. But If you save, reload the save before landing on the jetty. Now, everything is ok in this quest...


  • Update 27th June 2011.zip
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