iDisOrder at your service!
I couldn't find a place on the forums to introduce myself,
so I hope by combining my introduction and offer my help here is acceptable.
I am a 46 year old recently retired Teamster, now full time gamer.
(that's right, I get paid to stay home and play all day!)
My wife doesn't mind either.
Matter o' fact, she prefers I stay home and play rather than get ahem, "lost" for the weekend.
I enjoy playing several genres including sci-fi, RPGs & strategy games.
I am usually the guy that starts his own guild when I enter a new game, because I like to ensure certain things within that guild.
First off, everyone needs to follow these simple rules:
#1: RESPECT fellow members
#2 Have Fun dammit!
Although now on a limited income, I try to do as many contests within these guilds that include giveaways of some sort.
Everyone loves being part of an active, respectful & fun community.
Why am I telling you all this?
Well, once upon a time I was a computer programmer.
However, I have been away from it for so long,
people laugh when I mention I learned BASIC on a Tandy TRS-80 (wth is that??)
Hey!...easy with the old man jokes or I'll hit you with my cane!
Anywho, I wanted to tell you guys that I stumbled upon your site(s) while doing an image search for a Baron's Galleon for Shroud of the Avatar.
My first question is:
why on earth have I not heard of this wonderful game sooner?
I belong to all kinds of Alpha/Beta testing sites, I have Kickstarted games too numerous to mention
(at least to my wife anyway)
and have a large group of friends yearning for a game just like this!
(we were all burned by SONY's nerfing of our beloved Pirates of the Burning Sea)
I did indeed help fund Naval Action but honestly played it roughly 30 minutes or so before finally logging off.
I did not want my only hope for a sailing ship game to be influenced by the bugs associated with it's current alpha state.
I was looking through some of your entries here on the forums to get a feel for how the community is,
and how the game is coming along.
I noticed you guys were looking for help in a variety of positions.
I did read a comment that experience in mod design was not required and I am no stranger to modding and learn rather quickly as well.
I can do story/quest writing (I have quite the imagination)
I can do PR work - yes, I have quite the gift of gab as well.
Development/R&D; I actually had a large part in several ship design changes in Star Citizen
I also read on several posts that for some reason you guys were against posting on Kickstarter.
I'm sure you have your reasons, but I'd like to assure you there is a rather large player base for this genre just waiting to throw money at a game of this quality.
(myself being one of them)
and I would do my best to help with that and get the word out as far and wide as I could!
I offer my services free of charge, unlike the post I read where someone was actually looking to get paid to work on such a wonderful project...sheesh
So, in conclusion, I want to say thank you for developing this wonderful game and giving us hope.
I am available to do anything you see fit, just say the word.
You owe it to gamers worldwide to get this game released!
I thank you for your time,

I couldn't find a place on the forums to introduce myself,
so I hope by combining my introduction and offer my help here is acceptable.
I am a 46 year old recently retired Teamster, now full time gamer.
(that's right, I get paid to stay home and play all day!)
My wife doesn't mind either.
Matter o' fact, she prefers I stay home and play rather than get ahem, "lost" for the weekend.
I enjoy playing several genres including sci-fi, RPGs & strategy games.
I am usually the guy that starts his own guild when I enter a new game, because I like to ensure certain things within that guild.
First off, everyone needs to follow these simple rules:
#1: RESPECT fellow members
#2 Have Fun dammit!
Although now on a limited income, I try to do as many contests within these guilds that include giveaways of some sort.
Everyone loves being part of an active, respectful & fun community.
Why am I telling you all this?
Well, once upon a time I was a computer programmer.
However, I have been away from it for so long,
people laugh when I mention I learned BASIC on a Tandy TRS-80 (wth is that??)
Hey!...easy with the old man jokes or I'll hit you with my cane!
Anywho, I wanted to tell you guys that I stumbled upon your site(s) while doing an image search for a Baron's Galleon for Shroud of the Avatar.
My first question is:
why on earth have I not heard of this wonderful game sooner?
I belong to all kinds of Alpha/Beta testing sites, I have Kickstarted games too numerous to mention
(at least to my wife anyway)
and have a large group of friends yearning for a game just like this!
(we were all burned by SONY's nerfing of our beloved Pirates of the Burning Sea)
I did indeed help fund Naval Action but honestly played it roughly 30 minutes or so before finally logging off.
I did not want my only hope for a sailing ship game to be influenced by the bugs associated with it's current alpha state.
I was looking through some of your entries here on the forums to get a feel for how the community is,
and how the game is coming along.
I noticed you guys were looking for help in a variety of positions.
I did read a comment that experience in mod design was not required and I am no stranger to modding and learn rather quickly as well.
I can do story/quest writing (I have quite the imagination)
I can do PR work - yes, I have quite the gift of gab as well.
Development/R&D; I actually had a large part in several ship design changes in Star Citizen
I also read on several posts that for some reason you guys were against posting on Kickstarter.
I'm sure you have your reasons, but I'd like to assure you there is a rather large player base for this genre just waiting to throw money at a game of this quality.
(myself being one of them)
and I would do my best to help with that and get the word out as far and wide as I could!
I offer my services free of charge, unlike the post I read where someone was actually looking to get paid to work on such a wonderful project...sheesh
So, in conclusion, I want to say thank you for developing this wonderful game and giving us hope.
I am available to do anything you see fit, just say the word.
You owe it to gamers worldwide to get this game released!
I thank you for your time,