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Solved Advanced Interface and Flags Code (and much more)

No, just WIP 17 it is. I'm still working on the Select Storyline Interface fix. The one I posted yesterday wasn't good enough.
Storyline Filters Fixed
Well mates, I seem to have managed to get both the Character model and Ship type filters working correctly with and without Cheatmode enabled.
I think I've got it working for REAL now*. Get it here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686
Please do some thorough testing on this and actively try to break it! So anything that seems wrong or that annoys you, let me know!

Remember, this is the FIRST thing new players will get to see and work with, so it had better NOT needlessly annoy them. :whipa
I want this to be DONE, dammit!


* = Well, the previous version WAS written properly. But the model initialization code didn't allow for the character group filters to work right at the start.
The whole system had to be changed and in the process we lost the ability to use F11 on it. But other than that, it should work.

While I was at it, I added the filters on the filters (yes, I know it sounds weird) that I previously added to the ship selection too.
This ensures you cannot select anything that doesn't agree with your criteria. Now ALSO for the "search box" text.

Also I tried to make the "Custom" Player Type behave itself a bit better. It is not ideal, but at least doesn't behave completely bizarre.
Plus if it messes up, you can just close and re-open the screen. Shouldn't be so bad as before now.
The fix I did today is the one attached to this post: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686/
It should be installed after the large WIP 17 file I uploaded a few days ago.

I also just replaced that file a minute ago with one more fix that stops your custom ship name from being overridden.
Bit annoying otherwise.

Edit: And one more small change. The game was text-searching in the CODE version of "SName" and not in the REAL one.
That resulted in searching for "dutch" returning "La_Marianna" because her SName is "FlyingDutchman".
However, that displays as "Ghost Galleon" and therefore shouldn't be shown in the results.
Fixed now.
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So I encountered something fun yesterday while trying PotC Build 14 2.5 wip17 (no additional fixes you hosted). I went in, edited the character's name, model (for Nathaniel, I prefer playing a custom character :p), starting ship/name, etc etc etc. 1st time it worked, went in game, did the tutorial for sh*ts and giggles, blah blah blah. But next time I loaded it up for some odd reason I couldn't click the "SELECT" button on the bottom for anything.... not flags, not character, ship, nothing? That was weird... aaaand I should've taken some screenshots, dang it!
The Select button usually greys out because:
- On Character/Ship selection: Your current selection is already what you are using
- CUSTOM Player Type: You don't have all skill points and tick marks assigned

Other than that, I haven't seen what you describe.
If it happens with the file I just posted, try to figure out what steps make it happen and let me know! :doff
What I'm meaning is I can't select it at all. Even with the character selected. I go in to edit some stats: Gender, faction, type, skills, flags, anything. I can't even edit those. I deselect a flag and chose another, still grey'd out. Here, I'm going to re-install it (I might have rage quitted :p) and see if it does it again. If it does I'll be sure to get a screenshot (or even video tape it) and show ya. If it doesn't.... then just pretend I never said anything ^_^
It just occurred to me that we moved the ship type name and tier number since we added the Interface Screenshots Mod!
So I now swapped them around like in the other game interfaces. It's better to see the HULL, is it not? :cheeky

What I'm meaning is I can't select it at all. Even with the character selected. I go in to edit some stats: Gender, faction, type, skills, flags, anything. I can't even edit those. I deselect a flag and chose another, still grey'd out. Here, I'm going to re-install it (I might have rage quitted :p) and see if it does it again. If it does I'll be sure to get a screenshot (or even video tape it) and show ya. If it doesn't.... then just pretend I never said anything ^_^
That interface did ALL sorts of weird things before my fixes from today. Shouldn't do so anymore though; it seems to behave itself now.
Anyway, I do believe you. But if it happens again, I need to know also how to replicate the problem. Otherwise I can't hunt it down. :facepalm
So am I correct in saying that as per the Beta 3 WIP 17 Fix, the Select Storyline interface is working good enough for a proper release?
Or is there still anything really annoying/wrong left with it?
I captured a pirate ship and it is flying my flag! We will see if this continues.

There is a problem with the flags showing in the lower left hand corner of the screen. When I looked at the sail to menu most of them were white.
Idk if this was noticed/reported before, but it seems Hylie is right with these GA.. I just made screenshot with the submerged dutchman after I destroyed some ships..seadogs2_0283.jpgThe marked little things are the flags from the ships.. I break the masts of the ship as you can see, but I did this a LONG distance before I sunk it..
There is a problem with the flags showing in the lower left hand corner of the screen. When I looked at the sail to menu most of them were white.
Do you mean the flags IN the Sail-To menu? Can you show a screenshot of what you mean? :shock

Idk if this was noticed/reported before, but it seems Hylie is right with these GA.. I just made screenshot with the submerged dutchman after I destroyed some ships..
The marked little things are the flags from the ships.. I break the masts of the ship as you can see, but I did this a LONG distance before I sunk it..
Flags do weird stuff underwater, eh? Do you see that ABOVE the surface too?
The game engine wasn't really made to allow you to be down there. :shrug
Unfortunately I don't think I have even the faintest clue on how to really fix that.
The Different Flags code is crazy complicated. :modding
I think the fix is working fine.

I think that whoever has been working on the character models has done a really great job. They are very much improved. However I think that the Nathanial promotion model might need a little a work. I have attached 2 images on of Nathanial as he starts and one promoted I think he looks like he has gained a little weight and is paler. I have no idea how to change it but I prefer the darker slimmer face. View attachment 11891 View attachment 11892


  • Nathanial.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 148
  • Nathanial Promoted.png
    Nathanial Promoted.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 131
Those flags are easy to see underwater if you just look down after a ship loses a mast or is sunk. The flag persists long after the mast and/or ship is removed. Those flags also float around in midair too.

I did get a screenie last nite of the goto flag problem.
flag problem.jpg
I did get a screenie last nite of the goto flag problem.
That, along with those general ship icons, is an intentional new feature of Realistic Game Mode.
You only see the details on ships close to you, because how would you know the type and nation of a ship on the other side of the island?
I don't think that feature works 100% right, but give it a try on ships closer to you and you should see the details then.