"globals.c" contains the entry for AMERICA. It's 6, the same as GUEST1_NATION.
In "PROGRAM\Periods.c", both "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" have this:
period.Nations.Guest1 = "America";
That's checked by function 'CheckNationsQuantity(int iPeriod)' in "PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations.c" - it returns 6 by default, plus 1 for each of the two "guest nations" which exists in that period. So, you might get away with defining SWEDEN as 7 and adding 'period.Nations.Guest2 = "Sweden";' to each period in which you want Sweden to exist. Or you might define SWEDEN as 6 and put 'period.Nations.Guest1 = "Sweden";' in all periods
except "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" . We already know guest nation 1 works because it's America in those two periods, so I'd imagine that setting it to be Sweden in other periods ought to work.
And then there's the matter of flags. The only Swedish flag currently in the game is one of the Personal ones, which is fine if you want to pretend to be Swedish but which won't work if you want Swedish ships sailing around the high seas. For "Early Explorers", "merflg1.tga.tx" and "merpnt1.tga.tx" contain all merchant ship flags and pennants; "shpflg1.tga.tx" and "shppnt1.tga.tx" contain all naval ship flags; and "frtflg1.tga.tx" contains all fort flags. For other periods, change the number in all those names. Use TX Convertor to change ".tga.tx" files to ".tga", which can be read by Photoshop and other picture editing software. You'll see that there are a couple of black areas at the end of each merchant and naval flag texture file - three black areas in those periods which don't have America. The end area has to be black. If you're going to have Sweden as guest nation 1 in those periods without America, you can put the Swedish flag into the same place as where the American flags appear in the later period files. Presumably the next blank slot is for guest nation 2. Fort flags are a bit different - looking at some of the files, I can see the usual nation flags, including America in late periods and a black patch in earlier periods; then the pirate flag; and then a white flag. So I don't know what guest nation 2 will do - but then, if Sweden isn't going to get any colonies, and provided you don't capture any colonies on behalf of Sweden, it might not matter. Or, if you're going to use guest nation 1 for Sweden in earlier periods, just put the Swedish flag into the black area.