Basically, I'd like to have a bunch of random characters added to the lower decks as some of them really shouldn't be empty at all times. For example, the cannon deck could do with some people walking around it during the day, looking as if they are working.
I figured that would be easy enough to do, but if also possible, it would be good to make it so that these characters also ran around on the cannon deck during a battle.
So, if someone could point me towards a tutorial that would help me do this, that would be great, as I've searched around the forums and haven't found anything useful. Or, if someone could explain to me how to do it, that would also be very helpful. Better yet, if someone actually did do this for me, that would be fantastic. ^_^
Also, it would be nice to see the old option to take a landing party next time you moor by talking to one of the crew members in the crew quarters, like in the POTC Build mod. =]
Dunno if that's been added yet in the COAS mod, but it was one of my favourite features.
I figured that would be easy enough to do, but if also possible, it would be good to make it so that these characters also ran around on the cannon deck during a battle.
So, if someone could point me towards a tutorial that would help me do this, that would be great, as I've searched around the forums and haven't found anything useful. Or, if someone could explain to me how to do it, that would also be very helpful. Better yet, if someone actually did do this for me, that would be fantastic. ^_^
Also, it would be nice to see the old option to take a landing party next time you moor by talking to one of the crew members in the crew quarters, like in the POTC Build mod. =]
Dunno if that's been added yet in the COAS mod, but it was one of my favourite features.