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About Flying Dutchman (Ship of Souls) Quest

Todor Todorov

Hello Pirates. I'm new in this lovely forum. There are many useful topics about the game.
I play the game for several months and I have the following situation. After my first fight with the Flying Dutchman, find myself on a random island. So far so good. But why the hell all my P.I.R.A.T.E.S stats, skills and everything are in red (with penalty), just everything. I am Lvl. 29, Peter Blood, my ship is Arabella, game difficulty lieutenant, and evererything is just fine with all of my stats, until after fight with Flying Dutchman. When I "wake up" after the battle on the random island, my stats are in red, all of them.
Few months ago I was playing with Peter Blood, another game I finished my quest Ship of Souls and I have not had a penalty or bad stats after Flying Dutchman. Can anyone tell me what's going on?
I forgot to tell you I play version 1.3.0.
JPEG Before and after first fight with Flying Dutchman


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Maybe you carry some things in your inventory that give you that minus points, now where you lost all your officers or a bug and you should repeat everything.
I already tried everything. I removed all the items of my character before the battle, I tried and after the battle as well. I fired all officers before and after the battle. Also've played the game from old saves where I have not yet received the qest. I tried with another (diferent) ship (few times). Tried to raise some level up of my character and try to get quest again. Everything is worthless so far. Maybe is a bug. I dunno.
Yeah this really sounds like a bug. Absolutely not normal for version 1.3.0, never had that kind of situation. If you decide to start a new game, i would recommend you to make a fresh install of the game to C:/ than to C:/Programs. Prinziply performs better and to be more or less shure not to run into that again. Good luck!
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Hello again. I have another question about the Flying Dutchman. I decided to ask here , not to start a new one.
I started many times new game. Diferent characters. At least 3-4 times I've done a quest ship of souls. I notice that when I play with the flying Dutchman and I in battle, the masts of the ship break and fall very quickly. Sometimes even a distant shot tear down two of the masts of the ship. Somehow the ship masts is quite fragile. I mainly play with Frigate Arabella (Cinco Llagas) Bermuded, 52guns/32, 19.60 speed, 6700 hull, 3200 cargo hold, 695crew. My favorite ship ever! :) . I am done very heavy battles playing only frigate Arabella, I successfully eliminated and captured the fleet of 5 heavy warships with more than 80 guns each, without any problems. When I change my Arabella with Flying Dutchman, even a one battleship is enough to crush my masts in first five minutes of battle. Can anybody tell me why this is happening with the Dutchman? maybe I'm missing something?
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The Flying Dutchman is a rotten Ghost Ship. What did you expect? xD It is light and fast but if the others shoot faster you come off second best.
Yes, the Dutchman`s masts are notoriuosly weak, you have to live with it. ;)

As for your stats its most likely that you got injured during the fight. Look on your stat screen for your health if its not excellent(I think) then you`ll have reduced stats. To get back health you have to sleep in taverns and give it time. :doff

EDIT: Just saw your screenshots, your health is indeed BAD causing the negative effect on your stats. :(
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Hello. Unfortunately, I tried everything. I installed the game again on another computer in another directory C: Everything is fresh. I started everything from the beginning. From the very beginning I took the quest and everything is as before bad Stats after the battle with the flying Dutchman. Before the battle everything is ok, after...well everything goes to hell. Мy character is level 2, difficulty lieutenant, no any items in my inventory.
Greyfoot, my health is very good before battle with flying Dutchman, after like you say, verry bad.
Yes, It is hard to believe a lot of people missed this aspect.
Your HEALTH was "BAD" hence ALL your stats are PENALIZED.
By sleeping in the tavern and resting, your health improved.
Alternatively, you could have seen a priest in a church, it would be faster.
I never had that kind of situation after i got sunk by the Flying Dutchman. My health was always very bad afterwards but my stats didn´t change at all. Only if i tried to sail a ship for which my stats were not high enough that time. My health always recovered automaticly by sailing all over the caribbean sea after some weeks without fighting to much.
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Hi Folks,
I finally meet the ghost ship 'Flying Dutchman' with my ship name 'Flying Dutchman' too but smaller, I got upgrade her at Bermuda. During the sea combat, I found out that I could not get on it and take it while the shell balls & powder almost finish!
So I sail to my pal ship and get more shell balls & powders which I order her sail away when her hull become too weak during sea combat with the ghost ship. Then I sail toward again the ghost ship and try to get on it but fail.
I'm not able to sink it but no way because of my ship hull is getting weakness (down to 25%, and the ghost ship at 10% with almost no crews, mine still have 200 crews around) while fighting with the ghost ship. I decided to sink it finally! But there are words appear that meaning the ghost shall return again.
So, can any buddy here tell me the ghost ship could get it as our flag ship? The look and power is amazing, it too bad be sink by me when first meet.

Many thanks
How did you update your game to version 1.3.0? Or is that how it came?
And what about all officers in your ship after meeting with Flying Dutchman. They all dead, or I could meet them again in taverns?
I know I can save 3 of them by putting them on ships in port control, but what about rest of them?
And if i send them away, they never again join to me. Am i right?