Not-unrelated postscript: if anyone knows & can tell me which changes take effect only on starting a new game (it seems that bar brawls and crew envy are among them), and which can be implemented on the fly (like toggling immortality via the quest files that set or reset it), I'm sure it would be useful to everyone.
It depends whether they are intialized on game start or not. Generally speaking, most changes DO require a new game to be started.
We do have the F11 button to Reinitialize various files, which is mainly effective for changing ship stats from ships_init.c on the fly.
Note that your own ship won't update, until you re-give it to yourself. You can use this line in PROGRAM\console.c for that:
Remove the \\ in front, save the file and press F12 in the game to execute.
You can use this same file for doing basically anything you might want; the challenge is knowing what to type in there.
Remember you can use the Cheatmode for immortality as well. Much easier than changing code files.
I'd also like to know how to install mods that aren't included in the main download, e.g. Armada's Steam Frigate. Does one simply dump the files in what appear to be the appropriate directories? Or append/merge them somehow?
Whatever "Armada's Steam Frigate" is, I'm pretty sure it IS included in the main download. In fact, the whole point of the Build Mod is that pretty much everything already IS included.
Replacing files can always be done, but if you add new stuff, the code files have to be appended to include the code for them.
Lastly, I'm wondering if changing a ship's values (speed, turning radius, max. cannons, number of bow & stern chasers etc.) is as easy as it looks. Or is there a controlling file somewhere that says 'Uh-uh, that doesn't compute?). God, the things I don't know...(*sob*)
Changing the number of cannons is tricky because those cannons must match the number of cannons in the model files.
[ edit/p.p.s.: I'd also like to know why (when I'm in island waters) messages flash up telling me that a certain ship ship type can't be found & the game engine is substituting some default/generic vessel. Um, OK...I guess...but it would be nice to know what's up with that. ]
That is a message for testing purposes. If it happens, please post your compile.log file on the forum staight away so we can check it.
But none of the shipyards has any ships for sale, even though I de-ranked them all (-1) in InternalSettings.h by way of an experiment.
Those values only control whether you are allowed to BUY the ships, but are unrelated to them appearing or not.
I wonder if it's related to the 'Error Loading Ship, Substituting Default' messages I've been getting in coastal waters.
No, it's not. Whenever that message shows up, a ship WILL still be generated. Basically, for gameplay purposes, that message doesn't mean much.
However, it does indicate an issue with the ship appearance chance values and could indicate that you encounter less variety in ships than we would want.
I notice this at the top of InternalSettings.h:
"NOTE! All actual int and float values are overridden in function InitOpenSeaMod() in PROGRAM\NK.c"
Okay, so I peek in NK.c and find the appropriate section, but I'm still not sure who's doing what to whom, or why. Does it mean there's no point in editing that portion of InternalSettings.h? Would I want to fiddle with NK.c instead?
Exactly right. For those values, you have to edit NK.c . Do you really need to though? They're only related to the size of the worldmap for the DirectSail functionality.
Question : has the handy-dandy installer ever been known to drop a digit, or skip a file? Would running it more than once be a kind of insurance, or an invitation to disaster?
There are a couple of things that could mess up the installation:
1. Corrupted/incomplete .7z archive file
2. Windows Security Stupidity not allowing the installer to run properly
However, those are consistent faults that would usually result in your game not starting at all.
Running the installer several times 'just to be sure' should make no difference at all.
Okay, now I see what you mean. Don't know whether I'm sorry or glad I didn't futz that up. It would have been nice--though embarrassing--if I had merely overlooked some essential component, but it seems I haven't. Next time for sure!
The installer is set up so that it won't allow you to install it wrong.
If you, for example, try to install ONLY the Update files on a clean game install, it will give an error message.
Of course that still hasn't prevented things from going wrong (apparently nothing CAN prevent it), but it IS set up to do that.
Anyhow, since this seems to be just one of them things, I should probably call it 'solved' until further notice. Haven't lost an officer in the last couple of voyages, so maybe it's healing itself hoho.
I think someone reported 'disappearing officers' before, but we never could replicate it or figure out how, why and when it happened.