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45-minute interview with: Wait, WHO now?!?

PiratesAhoy! Community

Staff member
Public Relations
As part of his promotions to, both literally and figuratively, Save the Pirate,
@Volodymyr is interviewing everyone he can find in the pirate gaming community.
As per today, this includes a certain "pirate" you might have heard about...

The intention is, of course, to generate as much interest as possible also for his own recently-announced Corsairs Legacy,
which will take what we love from our favourite Sea Dogs/Pirates of the Caribbean/Age of Pirates game series
and bring it to a new game engine (Unity) for a new generation of gamers.

He is very open to collaboration and community input, so this has every promise of becoming a very interesting project.
For ALL of us.

In other words: we are very much on-board with supporting this!
And if you (who is reading this) also wants to see a bright future for his efforts as well as our own,
please SPREAD THE WORD wherever you can!
We've got quite the niche interest here, so we can all use every help that we can get. :cheers


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Cool interview, you presented yourself well!
Hard to believe how young we once were, and Hard to believe it's actually been "15 years" since i first introduced CannonFX into the mod, and 8 year since the last iteration of it. :shock:pirate41:
Hey, @Mercilesss Mark, always good to see ye around again!
Sorry for not mentioning your work.
Your improved cannon particles really DO help the mod A LOT!
:bow :bow :bow
All good, i mean it does sort of hide in plain sight. ;)

Now if only I can get a hold of an external optical drive so i actually can install things once more. xD
I love this community. Love to see it still has continued support from passionate people. I didn't contribute directly, but I am thankful the people who do are so willing to take suggestions. A suggestion I made that was included was the ability to direct sail to a port/beach without having previously visited it if you were in possession of the map for that island.
I love this community. Love to see it still has continued support from passionate people. I didn't contribute directly, but I am thankful the people who do are so willing to take suggestions.
Voicing your feedback is a direct contribution too!
Cheers, matey. :cheers

A suggestion I made that was included was the ability to direct sail to a port/beach without having previously visited it if you were in possession of the map for that island.
Ah, I remember that one.
Was a good suggestion, that!
And thankfully not too difficult to implement either.

If ever you have other ideas, you're always welcome to post 'em. :doff