• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. Takeda-One

    Restoring the Dutchman?

    Was she even released? Or at least these parts, ehich were already fitted?:?
  2. Takeda-One

    Caribbean Sea

    Can you tell us how exactly? The current sea colour in mean remindes me of the gulf of biscaya! :empty
  3. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    The movie Stern galley is slightly curved, I think. To copy this feature would have a big improving effect :ohh
  4. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    Seems 1 to 1 like the movie latern :onya2 Could you 2 chasing guns at the bow? :will
  5. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    Why not putting them (or new ones) on the bow, for good old merchant hunting :whee Have you ever thought about adding a visible cabin, like in one of the seaward shippacks? I think they used the Cabin_Huge for the vanilla frigate. Once I tried to add the Cabin_Huge model to my Arabellafrigate...
  6. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    Brilliant Work!! That ship is going to be a real treasure! The "old new Surprise" could be used as Lydia (movie version) than :keith BTW: Do you thing of adding Bow chaser?
  7. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    If you want to hear my thoughts about the hold-gap on the middle upper deck, do it like in your new version of the old surprise! That would come closest to the movie version...
  8. Takeda-One

    Game Crash

    Hi mates, I have tried to add some new ships, but the game crashes at start up due to a runtime error! the systemlog says: ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain Techniques: 22 shaders compiled. Techniques: 230 techniques compiled. Techniques: compiled by 1515081647 ticks...
  9. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    I have uploaded some detailed Pics, which may come in handy for, to my COAS-FTP-Folder... God work mate :onya2
  10. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    Looks nice so far, do you need some pics from the original in San Diego (as reference)?
  11. Takeda-One

    Ship color

    Where is can I get it from, I could give it a try... But I am not a godd coder, my attemp to add a new nation failed completly
  12. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    I couldn't find it, neither on PotC-Server, nor on the COAS one :?
  13. Takeda-One

    HMS Surprise

    Do you have an FTP folder?
  14. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    But how can i make a new nation selectable?? I have trieded to add all entries which I supposed te be needed in the interface-files (.ini/.c) but it seems not enough. A file named selectnation.c is somewhere mentioned, but its missing in my folder...:?
  15. Takeda-One

    Ships at habour

    Has anyone an idea how influence the ships spawned at the ports? My goal is that every port has one AI ship which is always spawned, like at Havanna > a Spanish Flagship, or piratesships at Bermuda!
  16. Takeda-One


    But made it, thats what the code files say! But you have no idea what could be done with this little problem?
  17. Takeda-One


    Hi Mates, I've tested the Reinit from JA, one big issue so far: When pruceding the function, your ships cabin cest-inventury disappears to nowhere in every case! I tried to get another cabintype for my ship, but this did not work for that one I used, but for any new one of that type, when i...
  18. Takeda-One

    La Couronne 1636

    I could imagine using that ship as the Moghal Ganj-i-Sawai, taken by Henry Every :whee
  19. Takeda-One

    Five Word Story

    landloper with old filthy pants :g1
  20. Takeda-One

    Henry Morgan

    No one else noticed that problem so far?